1. 程式人生 > >10053 事件淺析

10053 事件淺析

1 session 級別設定event
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS='10053 trace name context forever, level 1';

Session altered.
2 執行語句
SQL> select /*+10053 test*/* 
  2  from dao_objects1 t1 ,dao_objects2 t2,emp t3
  3  where t1.object_id=t2.object_id
  4  and t2.object_id=t3.empno  ;

3 關閉事件
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10053 trace name context off';

Session altered.
SQL> !

[email protected]
~]$ cd /u01/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/ [[email protected] udump]$ ll -t total 156 -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 77084 Dec  6 20:04 orcl_ora_9177.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  2279 Dec  6 17:48 orcl_ora_5067.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   687 Dec  6 17:47 orcl_ora_5019.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  2221 Sep 11 19:46 orcl_ora_4856.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   659 Sep 11 19:46 orcl_ora_4810.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   691 Jun 10 09:08 orcl_ora_6014.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   903 Jun 10 09:00 orcl_ora_5529.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   994 Jun 10 09:00 orcl_ora_5478.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   659 Jun 10 09:00 orcl_ora_5498.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   903 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5422.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   659 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5394.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   994 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5390.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  1281 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5388.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   762 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5364.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   722 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5346.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   953 Jun 10 08:59 orcl_ora_5334.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  2923 Jun 10 08:58 orcl_ora_5286.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   659 Jun 10 08:58 orcl_ora_5260.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  1066 Jun 10 08:58 orcl_ora_5258.trc -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall   659 Jun 10 08:58 orcl_ora_5205.trc [
[email protected]
udump]$ cat orcl_ora_9177.trc  --一些環境資訊 /u01/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl_ora_9177.trc Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORACLE_HOME = /u01/oracle/product/OraHome System name:    Linux Node name:      server Release:        2.6.18-274.el5 Version:        #1 SMP Fri Jul 8 17:36:59 EDT 2011 Machine:        x86_64 Instance name: orcl Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 15 Unix process pid: 9177, image:
[email protected]
(TNS V1-V3) *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.796 *** ACTION NAME:() 2015-12-06 20:04:48.796 *** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2015-12-06 20:04:48.796 *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2015-12-06 20:04:48.796 *** SESSION ID:(159.5) 2015-12-06 20:04:48.796 Registered qb: SEL$1 0x77a8eae0 (PARSER)   signature (): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=3 flg=0     fro(0): flg=4 objn=52978 hint_alias="T1"@"SEL$1"     fro(1): flg=4 objn=52983 hint_alias="T2"@"SEL$1"     fro(2): flg=4 objn=52984 hint_alias="T3"@"SEL$1" **************************  --開始各種嘗試改寫 Predicate Move-Around (PM) ************************** PM: Considering predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0). PM:   Checking validity of predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0). CBQT: Validity checks failed for 5p2ahbv0mbgm8. Query block (0x2ac377a8eae0) before join elimination: SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS ******* SELECT "T1"."OWNER" "OWNER","T1"."OBJECT_NAME" "OBJECT_NAME","T1"."SUBOBJECT_NAME" "SUBOBJECT_NAME","T1"."OBJECT_ID" "OBJECT_ID","T1"."DATA_OBJECT_ID" "DATA_OBJECT_ID","T1"."OBJECT_TYPE" "OBJECT_TYPE","T1"."CREATED" "CREATED","T1"."LAST_DDL_TIME" "LAST_DDL_TIME","T1"."TIMESTAMP" "TIMESTAMP","T1"."STATUS" "STATUS","T1"."TEMPORARY" "TEMPORARY","T1"."GENERATED" "GENERATED","T1"."SECONDARY" "SECONDARY","T2"."OWNER" "OWNER","T2"."OBJECT_NAME" "OBJECT_NAME","T2"."SUBOBJECT_NAME" "SUBOBJECT_NAME","T2"."OBJECT_ID" "OBJECT_ID","T2"."DATA_OBJECT_ID" "DATA_OBJECT_ID","T2"."OBJECT_TYPE" "OBJECT_TYPE","T2"."CREATED" "CREATED","T2"."LAST_DDL_TIME" "LAST_DDL_TIME","T2"."TIMESTAMP" "TIMESTAMP","T2"."STATUS" "STATUS","T2"."TEMPORARY" "TEMPORARY","T2"."GENERATED" "GENERATED","T2"."SECONDARY" "SECONDARY","T3"."EMPNO" "EMPNO","T3"."ENAME" "ENAME","T3"."JOB" "JOB","T3"."MGR" "MGR","T3"."HIREDATE" "HIREDATE","T3"."SAL" "SAL","T3"."COMM" "COMM","T3"."DEPTNO" "DEPTNO" FROM "DAO"."DAO_OBJECTS1" "T1","DAO"."DAO_OBJECTS2" "T2","DAO"."EMP" "T3" WHERE "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."EMPNO" Query block (0x2ac377a8eae0) unchanged CVM: Considering view merge in query block SEL$1 (#0) Query block (0x2ac377a8eae0) before join elimination: SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS ******* SELECT "T1"."OWNER" "OWNER","T1"."OBJECT_NAME" "OBJECT_NAME","T1"."SUBOBJECT_NAME" "SUBOBJECT_NAME","T1"."OBJECT_ID" "OBJECT_ID","T1"."DATA_OBJECT_ID" "DATA_OBJECT_ID","T1"."OBJECT_TYPE" "OBJECT_TYPE","T1"."CREATED" "CREATED","T1"."LAST_DDL_TIME" "LAST_DDL_TIME","T1"."TIMESTAMP" "TIMESTAMP","T1"."STATUS" "STATUS","T1"."TEMPORARY" "TEMPORARY","T1"."GENERATED" "GENERATED","T1"."SECONDARY" "SECONDARY","T2"."OWNER" "OWNER","T2"."OBJECT_NAME" "OBJECT_NAME","T2"."SUBOBJECT_NAME" "SUBOBJECT_NAME","T2"."OBJECT_ID" "OBJECT_ID","T2"."DATA_OBJECT_ID" "DATA_OBJECT_ID","T2"."OBJECT_TYPE" "OBJECT_TYPE","T2"."CREATED" "CREATED","T2"."LAST_DDL_TIME" "LAST_DDL_TIME","T2"."TIMESTAMP" "TIMESTAMP","T2"."STATUS" "STATUS","T2"."TEMPORARY" "TEMPORARY","T2"."GENERATED" "GENERATED","T2"."SECONDARY" "SECONDARY","T3"."EMPNO" "EMPNO","T3"."ENAME" "ENAME","T3"."JOB" "JOB","T3"."MGR" "MGR","T3"."HIREDATE" "HIREDATE","T3"."SAL" "SAL","T3"."COMM" "COMM","T3"."DEPTNO" "DEPTNO" FROM "DAO"."DAO_OBJECTS1" "T1","DAO"."DAO_OBJECTS2" "T2","DAO"."EMP" "T3" WHERE "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."EMPNO" Query block (0x2ac377a8eae0) unchanged CBQT: Validity checks failed for 5p2ahbv0mbgm8. *************** Subquery Unnest *************** SU: Considering subquery unnesting in query block SEL$1 (#0) ************************* Set-Join Conversion (SJC) ************************* SJC: Considering set-join conversion in SEL$1 (#0). ************************** Predicate Move-Around (PM) ************************** PM: Considering predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0). PM:   Checking validity of predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0). PM:     PM bypassed: Outer query contains no views. FPD: Considering simple filter push in SEL$1 (#0) FPD:   Current where clause predicates in SEL$1 (#0) :          "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."EMPNO" kkogcp: try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for SEL$1 (#0) predicates with check contraints: "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."EMPNO" after transitive predicate generation: "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."EMPNO" finally: "T1"."OBJECT_ID"="T2"."OBJECT_ID" AND "T2"."OBJECT_ID"="T3"."EMPNO" apadrv-start: call(in-use=6160, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=56144, alloc=58808) kkoqbc-start             : call(in-use=6168, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=57640, alloc=58808) kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x2ac377a8c2c0) ******************************************  Current SQL statement for this session:    --當前SQL select /*+10053 test*/* from dao_objects1 t1 ,dao_objects2 t2,emp t3 where t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t2.object_id=t3.empno   ******************************************* --關於改寫的各種名詞簡稱 Legend The following abbreviations are used by optimizer trace. CBQT - cost-based query transformation JPPD - join predicate push-down FPD - filter push-down PM - predicate move-around CVM - complex view merging SPJ - select-project-join SJC - set join conversion SU - subquery unnesting OBYE - order by elimination ST - star transformation qb - query block LB - leaf blocks DK - distinct keys LB/K - average number of leaf blocks per key DB/K - average number of data blocks per key CLUF - clustering factor NDV - number of distinct values Resp - response cost Card - cardinality Resc - resource cost NL - nested loops (join) SM - sort merge (join) HA - hash (join) CPUCSPEED - CPU Speed  IOTFRSPEED - I/O transfer speed IOSEEKTIM - I/O seek time SREADTIM - average single block read time MREADTIM - average multiblock read time MBRC - average multiblock read count MAXTHR - maximum I/O system throughput SLAVETHR - average slave I/O throughput dmeth - distribution method   1: no partitioning required   2: value partitioned   4: right is random (round-robin)   512: left is random (round-robin)   8: broadcast right and partition left   16: broadcast left and partition right   32: partition left using partitioning of right   64: partition right using partitioning of left   128: use hash partitioning dimension   256: use range partitioning dimension   2048: use list partitioning dimension   1024: run the join in serial   0: invalid distribution method sel - selectivity ptn - partition ******************************************* Peeked values of the binds in SQL statement ******************************************* *************************************** PARAMETERS USED BY THE OPTIMIZER ********************************   *************************************   PARAMETERS WITH ALTERED VALUES   ******************************   *********************************   Bug Fix Control Environment  --各種以修復未修復的bug   ***************************   fix  4611850 = enabled   fix  4663804 = enabled   fix  4663698 = enabled   fix  4545833 = enabled   fix  3499674 = disabled   fix  4584065 = enabled   fix  4602374 = enabled   fix  4569940 = enabled   fix  4631959 = enabled   fix  4519340 = enabled   fix  4550003 = enabled   fix  4488689 = enabled   fix  3118776 = enabled   fix  4519016 = enabled   fix  4487253 = enabled   fix  4556762 = 15         fix  4728348 = enabled   fix  4723244 = enabled   fix  4554846 = enabled   fix  4175830 = enabled   fix  4722900 = enabled   fix  5094217 = enabled   fix  4904890 = enabled   fix  4483286 = disabled   fix  4969880 = disabled   fix  4711525 = enabled   fix  4717546 = enabled   fix  4904838 = enabled   fix  5005866 = enabled   fix  4600710 = enabled   fix  5129233 = enabled   fix  5195882 = enabled   fix  5084239 = enabled   fix  4595987 = enabled   fix  4134994 = enabled   fix  5104624 = enabled   fix  4908162 = enabled   fix  5015557 = enabled   fix  5263572 = enabled   fix  4483240 = enabled   fix  5099909 = enabled   fix  5650477 = enabled   fix  4273361 = enabled   fix  5694984 = enabled   fix  5449488 = enabled   fix  5236908 = enabled   fix  5618040 = enabled   fix  5634346 = enabled   fix  5220356 = enabled   fix  5611962 = enabled   fix  5741121 = enabled   fix  5547058 = enabled   fix  5762598 = enabled   fix  5509293 = enabled   fix  5396162 = enabled   fix  5891471 = enabled   fix  4872602 = disabled   fix  5882954 = enabled   fix  5884780 = enabled   fix  5680702 = enabled   fix  5240607 = enabled   fix  4924149 = enabled   fix  4752814 = enabled   fix  4583239 = enabled   fix  5949981 = enabled   fix  5096560 = enabled   fix  5838613 = enabled   fix  5482831 = enabled   fix  5624216 = enabled   fix  5976822 = enabled   fix  5741044 = enabled   fix  5385629 = enabled   fix  5705630 = disabled   fix  5483301 = enabled   fix  6122894 = enabled   fix  5842686 = disabled   fix  6006300 = disabled   fix  6070954 = enabled   fix  2492766 = enabled   fix  6042205 = enabled   fix  5302124 = enabled   fix  6051211 = enabled   fix  5620485 = enabled   fix  4545802 = enabled   fix  4716096 = enabled   fix  5259048 = enabled   fix  6163564 = enabled   fix  6082745 = enabled   fix  5944076 = enabled   fix  4878299 = enabled   fix  5288623 = enabled   fix  5570494 = enabled   fix  5387148 = enabled   fix  4605810 = enabled   fix  4704779 = enabled   fix  5547895 = enabled   fix  6188881 = enabled   fix  5872956 = enabled   fix  4708389 = enabled   fix  3151991 = enabled   fix  3426050 = enabled   fix   599680 = enabled   fix  5505157 = enabled   fix  5996801 = enabled   fix  5765456 = 0          fix  6494943 = enabled   fix  6251917 = enabled   fix  6087237 = enabled   fix  6239971 = enabled   fix  6062266 = enabled   fix  5520732 = 0          fix  6151963 = enabled   fix  4567767 = enabled   fix  6007259 = enabled   fix  6694548 = enabled   fix  6923730 = 0          fix  6468287 = enabled   fix  6714199 = enabled   fix  3801750 = enabled   fix  5902962 = enabled   fix  3056297 = enabled   fix  6440977 = disabled   fix  6904146 = enabled   fix  6221403 = enabled   fix  5466973 = enabled   fix  6138746 = enabled   fix  6399597 = disabled   fix  6029469 = enabled   fix  6073325 = enabled   fix  5648287 = 3          fix  6670551 = disabled   fix  5416118 = 1          fix  5714944 = enabled   fix  6617866 = enabled   fix  6329318 = enabled   fix  6972291 = disabled   fix  6434668 = enabled   fix  5893768 = enabled   fix  7345484 = enabled   fix  6688831 = disabled   fix  5284200 = enabled   fix  6146906 = enabled   fix  5868560 = disabled   fix  6610822 = enabled   fix  6514189 = enabled   fix  5406763 = enabled   fix  6778642 = enabled   fix  7208131 = enabled   fix  7430474 = enabled   fix  6282093 = enabled   fix  6845871 = enabled   fix  7249095 = enabled   fix  6430500 = disabled   fix  4663702 = enabled   fix  6282944 = enabled   fix  7170213 = enabled   fix  5844495 = enabled   fix  6429113 = enabled   fix  6530596 = enabled   fix  6120483 = enabled   fix  7325597 = enabled   fix  7298570 = enabled   fix  7236148 = enabled   fix  6528872 = enabled   fix  6119382 = enabled   fix  7237571 = enabled   fix  6626018 = disabled   fix  5199213 = enabled   fix  7138405 = enabled   fix  6365442 = enabled   fix  7555510 = enabled   fix  6487603 = enabled   fix  6469667 = enabled   fix  7576476 = enabled   fix  7295298 = enabled   fix  6326934 = enabled   fix  6771838 = enabled   fix  7521266 = enabled   fix  6669103 = enabled   fix  7259468 = enabled   fix  7597059 = enabled   fix  6773613 = enabled   fix  6782437 = enabled   fix  6897034 = enabled   fix  6994194 = enabled   fix  5936366 = enabled   fix  3320140 = enabled   fix  5578791 = enabled   fix  6990305 = enabled   fix  4619997 = enabled   fix  7263214 = enabled   fix  7576516 = enabled   fix  5922070 = enabled   fix  7165898 = enabled   fix  7519687 = enabled   fix  6987082 = disabled   fix  7132036 = enabled   fix  6418771 = enabled   fix  6267621 = enabled   fix  6520717 = disabled   fix  6838105 = enabled   fix  7679490 = disabled   fix  7272039 = enabled   fix  7676897 = disabled   fix  3628118 = enabled   fix  7281191 = enabled   fix  7692248 = disabled   fix  7116357 = enabled   fix  6012093 = 1          fix  7512227 = enabled   fix  7891471 = disabled   fix  5394888 = enabled   fix  7539815 = enabled   fix  7534257 = enabled   fix  8355120 = enabled   fix  7657126 = enabled   fix  7176746 = enabled   fix  7375077 = enabled   fix  8247017 = enabled   fix  8544722 = disabled   fix  7831070 = enabled   fix  7675944 = enabled   fix  8619631 = disabled   fix  8213977 = enabled   fix  4444536 = disabled   fix  8602185 = enabled   fix  8323407 = enabled   fix  8287870 = enabled   fix  8467123 = enabled   fix  8560951 = disabled   fix  8725296 = disabled   fix  8371884 = enabled   fix  5099019 = disabled   fix  7289023 = enabled   fix  7148689 = enabled   fix  6766962 = enabled   fix  6688200 = enabled   fix  6671155 = enabled   fix  6656356 = enabled   fix  5554865 = enabled   fix  6503543 = disabled   fix  7032684 = enabled   fix  8855396 = enabled   *************************************  --各種隱含引數   PARAMETERS WITH DEFAULT VALUES   ******************************   optimizer_mode_hinted               = false   optimizer_features_hinted           = 0.0.0   parallel_execution_enabled          = true   parallel_query_forced_dop           = 0   parallel_dml_forced_dop             = 0   parallel_ddl_forced_degree          = 0   parallel_ddl_forced_instances       = 0   _query_rewrite_fudge                = 90   optimizer_features_enable           =   _optimizer_search_limit             = 5   cpu_count                           = 1   active_instance_count               = 1   parallel_threads_per_cpu            = 2   hash_area_size                      = 131072   bitmap_merge_area_size              = 1048576   sort_area_size                      = 65536   sort_area_retained_size             = 0   _sort_elimination_cost_ratio        = 0   _optimizer_block_size               = 8192   _sort_multiblock_read_count         = 2   _hash_multiblock_io_count           = 0   _db_file_optimizer_read_count       = 16   _optimizer_max_permutations         = 2000   pga_aggregate_target                = 194560 KB   _pga_max_size                       = 204800 KB   _query_rewrite_maxdisjunct          = 257   _smm_auto_min_io_size               = 56 KB   _smm_auto_max_io_size               = 248 KB   _smm_min_size                       = 194 KB   _smm_max_size                       = 38912 KB   _smm_px_max_size                    = 97280 KB   _cpu_to_io                          = 0   _optimizer_undo_cost_change         =   parallel_query_mode                 = enabled   parallel_dml_mode                   = disabled   parallel_ddl_mode                   = enabled   optimizer_mode                      = all_rows   sqlstat_enabled                     = false   _optimizer_percent_parallel         = 101   _always_anti_join                   = choose   _always_semi_join                   = choose   _optimizer_mode_force               = true   _partition_view_enabled             = true   _always_star_transformation         = false   _query_rewrite_or_error             = false   _hash_join_enabled                  = true   cursor_sharing                      = exact   _b_tree_bitmap_plans                = true   star_transformation_enabled         = false   _optimizer_cost_model               = choose   _new_sort_cost_estimate             = true   _complex_view_merging               = true   _unnest_subquery                    = true   _eliminate_common_subexpr           = true   _pred_move_around                   = true   _convert_set_to_join                = false   _push_join_predicate                = true   _push_join_union_view               = true   _fast_full_scan_enabled             = true   _optim_enhance_nnull_detection      = true   _parallel_broadcast_enabled         = true   _px_broadcast_fudge_factor          = 100   _ordered_nested_loop                = true   _no_or_expansion                    = false   optimizer_index_cost_adj            = 100   optimizer_index_caching             = 0   _system_index_caching               = 0   _disable_datalayer_sampling         = false   query_rewrite_enabled               = true   query_rewrite_integrity             = enforced   _query_cost_rewrite                 = true   _query_rewrite_2                    = true   _query_rewrite_1                    = true   _query_rewrite_expression           = true   _query_rewrite_jgmigrate            = true   _query_rewrite_fpc                  = true   _query_rewrite_drj                  = true   _full_pwise_join_enabled            = true   _partial_pwise_join_enabled         = true   _left_nested_loops_random           = true   _improved_row_length_enabled        = true   _index_join_enabled                 = true   _enable_type_dep_selectivity        = true   _improved_outerjoin_card            = true   _optimizer_adjust_for_nulls         = true   _optimizer_degree                   = 0   _use_column_stats_for_function      = true   _subquery_pruning_enabled           = true   _subquery_pruning_mv_enabled        = false   _or_expand_nvl_predicate            = true   _like_with_bind_as_equality         = false   _table_scan_cost_plus_one           = true   _cost_equality_semi_join            = true   _default_non_equality_sel_check     = true   _new_initial_join_orders            = true   _oneside_colstat_for_equijoins      = true   _optim_peek_user_binds              = true   _minimal_stats_aggregation          = true   _force_temptables_for_gsets         = false   workarea_size_policy                = auto   _smm_auto_cost_enabled              = true   _gs_anti_semi_join_allowed          = true   _optim_new_default_join_sel         = true   optimizer_dynamic_sampling          = 2   _pre_rewrite_push_pred              = true   _optimizer_new_join_card_computation = true   _union_rewrite_for_gs               = yes_gset_mvs   _generalized_pruning_enabled        = true   _optim_adjust_for_part_skews        = true   _force_datefold_trunc               = false   statistics_level                    = typical   _optimizer_system_stats_usage       = true   skip_unusable_indexes               = true   _remove_aggr_subquery               = true   _optimizer_push_down_distinct       = 0   _dml_monitoring_enabled             = true   _optimizer_undo_changes             = false   _predicate_elimination_enabled      = true   _nested_loop_fudge                  = 100   _project_view_columns               = true   _local_communication_costing_enabled = true   _local_communication_ratio          = 50   _query_rewrite_vop_cleanup          = true   _slave_mapping_enabled              = true   _optimizer_cost_based_transformation = linear   _optimizer_mjc_enabled              = true   _right_outer_hash_enable            = true   _spr_push_pred_refspr               = true   _optimizer_cache_stats              = false   _optimizer_cbqt_factor              = 50   _optimizer_squ_bottomup             = true   _fic_area_size                      = 131072   _optimizer_skip_scan_enabled        = true   _optimizer_cost_filter_pred         = false   _optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled   = true   _optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check    = true   _mmv_query_rewrite_enabled          = true   _bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled       = true   _add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list    = true   _distinct_view_unnesting            = false   _optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel        = true   _optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks = 0   _optimizer_compute_index_stats      = true   _push_join_union_view2              = true   _optimizer_ignore_hints             = false   _optimizer_random_plan              = 0   _query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable      = true   _optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity   = true   _disable_function_based_index       = false   _optimizer_join_order_control       = 3   _optimizer_cartesian_enabled        = true   _optimizer_starplan_enabled         = true   _extended_pruning_enabled           = true   _optimizer_push_pred_cost_based     = true   _sql_model_unfold_forloops          = run_time   _enable_dml_lock_escalation         = false   _bloom_filter_enabled               = true   _update_bji_ipdml_enabled           = 0   _optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing  = udo   _dm_max_shared_pool_pct             = 1   _optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch    = true   _optimizer_transitivity_retain      = true   _px_pwg_enabled                     = true   optimizer_secure_view_merging       = true   _optimizer_join_elimination_enabled = true   flashback_table_rpi                 = non_fbt   _optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction = true   _optimizer_enhanced_filter_push     = true   _optimizer_filter_pred_pullup       = true   _rowsrc_trace_level                 = 0   _simple_view_merging                = true   _optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr    = true   _optimizer_better_inlist_costing    = all   _optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost  = false   _optimizer_min_cache_blocks         = 10   _optimizer_or_expansion             = depth   _optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled = true   _optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled    = true   _selfjoin_mv_duplicates             = true   _dimension_skip_null                = true   _force_rewrite_enable               = false   _optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause = true   _optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity = true   _optimizer_connect_by_cost_based    = true   _gby_hash_aggregation_enabled       = true   _globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled    = true   _fix_control_key                    = 0   _optimizer_skip_scan_guess          = false   _enable_row_shipping                = false   _row_shipping_threshold             = 80   _row_shipping_explain               = false   _optimizer_rownum_bind_default      = 10   _first_k_rows_dynamic_proration     = true   _px_ual_serial_input                = true   _with_subquery                      = OPTIMIZER   _optimizer_native_full_outer_join   = off   _optimizer_star_trans_min_cost      = 0   _optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio     = 0   _optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias      = 10   _optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw    = true   _optimizer_use_subheap              = true   _optimizer_or_expansion_subheap     = true   _optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality = true   _optimizer_use_histograms           = true   _optimizer_enable_density_improvements = false   _mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt      = true   _optimizer_connect_by_cb_whr_only   = false   *********************************   Bug Fix Control Environment             --各種以修復未修復的bug   ***************************   fix  4611850 = enabled   fix  4663804 = enabled   fix  4663698 = enabled   fix  4545833 = enabled   fix  3499674 = disabled   fix  4584065 = enabled   fix  4602374 = enabled   fix  4569940 = enabled   fix  4631959 = enabled   fix  4519340 = enabled   fix  4550003 = enabled   fix  4488689 = enabled   fix  3118776 = enabled   fix  4519016 = enabled   fix  4487253 = enabled   fix  4556762 = 15         fix  4728348 = enabled   fix  4723244 = enabled   fix  4554846 = enabled   fix  4175830 = enabled   fix  4722900 = enabled   fix  5094217 = enabled   fix  4904890 = enabled   fix  4483286 = disabled   fix  4969880 = disabled   fix  4711525 = enabled   fix  4717546 = enabled   fix  4904838 = enabled   fix  5005866 = enabled   fix  4600710 = enabled   fix  5129233 = enabled   fix  5195882 = enabled   fix  5084239 = enabled   fix  4595987 = enabled   fix  4134994 = enabled   fix  5104624 = enabled   fix  4908162 = enabled   fix  5015557 = enabled   fix  5263572 = enabled   fix  4483240 = enabled   fix  5099909 = enabled   fix  5650477 = enabled   fix  4273361 = enabled   fix  5694984 = enabled   fix  5449488 = enabled   fix  5236908 = enabled   fix  5618040 = enabled   fix  5634346 = enabled   fix  5220356 = enabled   fix  5611962 = enabled   fix  5741121 = enabled   fix  5547058 = enabled   fix  5762598 = enabled   fix  5509293 = enabled   fix  5396162 = enabled   fix  5891471 = enabled   fix  4872602 = disabled   fix  5882954 = enabled   fix  5884780 = enabled   fix  5680702 = enabled   fix  5240607 = enabled   fix  4924149 = enabled   fix  4752814 = enabled   fix  4583239 = enabled   fix  5949981 = enabled   fix  5096560 = enabled   fix  5838613 = enabled   fix  5482831 = enabled   fix  5624216 = enabled   fix  5976822 = enabled   fix  5741044 = enabled   fix  5385629 = enabled   fix  5705630 = disabled   fix  5483301 = enabled   fix  6122894 = enabled   fix  5842686 = disabled   fix  6006300 = disabled   fix  6070954 = enabled   fix  2492766 = enabled   fix  6042205 = enabled   fix  5302124 = enabled   fix  6051211 = enabled   fix  5620485 = enabled   fix  4545802 = enabled   fix  4716096 = enabled   fix  5259048 = enabled   fix  6163564 = enabled   fix  6082745 = enabled   fix  5944076 = enabled   fix  4878299 = enabled   fix  5288623 = enabled   fix  5570494 = enabled   fix  5387148 = enabled   fix  4605810 = enabled   fix  4704779 = enabled   fix  5547895 = enabled   fix  6188881 = enabled   fix  5872956 = enabled   fix  4708389 = enabled   fix  3151991 = enabled   fix  3426050 = enabled   fix   599680 = enabled   fix  5505157 = enabled   fix  5996801 = enabled   fix  5765456 = 0          fix  6494943 = enabled   fix  6251917 = enabled   fix  6087237 = enabled   fix  6239971 = enabled   fix  6062266 = enabled   fix  5520732 = 0          fix  6151963 = enabled   fix  4567767 = enabled   fix  6007259 = enabled   fix  6694548 = enabled   fix  6923730 = 0          fix  6468287 = enabled   fix  6714199 = enabled   fix  3801750 = enabled   fix  5902962 = enabled   fix  3056297 = enabled   fix  6440977 = disabled   fix  6904146 = enabled   fix  6221403 = enabled   fix  5466973 = enabled   fix  6138746 = enabled   fix  6399597 = disabled   fix  6029469 = enabled   fix  6073325 = enabled   fix  5648287 = 3          fix  6670551 = disabled   fix  5416118 = 1          fix  5714944 = enabled   fix  6617866 = enabled   fix  6329318 = enabled   fix  6972291 = disabled   fix  6434668 = enabled   fix  5893768 = enabled   fix  7345484 = enabled   fix  6688831 = disabled   fix  5284200 = enabled   fix  6146906 = enabled   fix  5868560 = disabled   fix  6610822 = enabled   fix  6514189 = enabled   fix  5406763 = enabled   fix  6778642 = enabled   fix  7208131 = enabled   fix  7430474 = enabled   fix  6282093 = enabled   fix  6845871 = enabled   fix  7249095 = enabled   fix  6430500 = disabled   fix  4663702 = enabled   fix  6282944 = enabled   fix  7170213 = enabled   fix  5844495 = enabled   fix  6429113 = enabled   fix  6530596 = enabled   fix  6120483 = enabled   fix  7325597 = enabled   fix  7298570 = enabled   fix  7236148 = enabled   fix  6528872 = enabled   fix  6119382 = enabled   fix  7237571 = enabled   fix  6626018 = disabled   fix  5199213 = enabled   fix  7138405 = enabled   fix  6365442 = enabled   fix  7555510 = enabled   fix  6487603 = enabled   fix  6469667 = enabled   fix  7576476 = enabled   fix  7295298 = enabled   fix  6326934 = enabled   fix  6771838 = enabled   fix  7521266 = enabled   fix  6669103 = enabled   fix  7259468 = enabled   fix  7597059 = enabled   fix  6773613 = enabled   fix  6782437 = enabled   fix  6897034 = enabled   fix  6994194 = enabled   fix  5936366 = enabled   fix  3320140 = enabled   fix  5578791 = enabled   fix  6990305 = enabled   fix  4619997 = enabled   fix  7263214 = enabled   fix  7576516 = enabled   fix  5922070 = enabled   fix  7165898 = enabled   fix  7519687 = enabled   fix  6987082 = disabled   fix  7132036 = enabled   fix  6418771 = enabled   fix  6267621 = enabled   fix  6520717 = disabled   fix  6838105 = enabled   fix  7679490 = disabled   fix  7272039 = enabled   fix  7676897 = disabled   fix  3628118 = enabled   fix  7281191 = enabled   fix  7692248 = disabled   fix  7116357 = enabled   fix  6012093 = 1          fix  7512227 = enabled   fix  7891471 = disabled   fix  5394888 = enabled   fix  7539815 = enabled   fix  7534257 = enabled   fix  8355120 = enabled   fix  7657126 = enabled   fix  7176746 = enabled   fix  7375077 = enabled   fix  8247017 = enabled   fix  8544722 = disabled   fix  7831070 = enabled   fix  7675944 = enabled   fix  8619631 = disabled   fix  8213977 = enabled   fix  4444536 = disabled   fix  8602185 = enabled   fix  8323407 = enabled   fix  8287870 = enabled   fix  8467123 = enabled   fix  8560951 = disabled   fix  8725296 = disabled   fix  8371884 = enabled   fix  5099019 = disabled   fix  7289023 = enabled   fix  7148689 = enabled   fix  6766962 = enabled   fix  6688200 = enabled   fix  6671155 = enabled   fix  6656356 = enabled   fix  5554865 = enabled   fix  6503543 = disabled   fix  7032684 = enabled   fix  8855396 = enabled   ***************************************   PARAMETERS IN OPT_PARAM HINT  --是否使用OPT_PARAM 提示改的引數   **************************** *************************************** Column Usage Monitoring is ON: tracking level = 1 *************************************** **************** QUERY BLOCK TEXT **************** select /*+10053 test*/* from dao_objects1 t1 ,dao_objects2 t2,emp t3 where t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t2.object_id=t3.empno   ********************* QUERY BLOCK SIGNATURE    --語句塊標記 ********************* qb name was generated signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=3 flg=0   fro(0): flg=0 objn=52978 hint_alias="T1"@"SEL$1"   fro(1): flg=0 objn=52983 hint_alias="T2"@"SEL$1"   fro(2): flg=0 objn=52984 hint_alias="T3"@"SEL$1" ***************************** SYSTEM STATISTICS INFORMATION  --假設系統統計資訊 *****************************   Using NOWORKLOAD Stats   CPUSPEED: 714 millions instruction/sec                     CPU頻率   IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)  IO傳輸時間   IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)                IO找尋時間 *************************************** BASE STATISTICAL INFORMATION *********************** Table Stats::   Table: EMP  Alias: T3  (NOT ANALYZED)     #Rows: 327  #Blks:  4  AvgRowLen:  100.00   Column (#1): EMPNO(NUMBER)  NO STATISTICS (using defaults)     AvgLen: 13.00 NDV: 10 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.097859 *********************** Table Stats::   Table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2  (NOT ANALYZED)     #Rows: 58483  #Blks:  716  AvgRowLen:  100.00   Column (#4): OBJECT_ID(NUMBER)  NO STATISTICS (using defaults)     AvgLen: 13.00 NDV: 1828 Nulls: 0 Density: 5.4717e-04 *********************** Table Stats::   Table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1  (NOT ANALYZED)     #Rows: 58483  #Blks:  716  AvgRowLen:  100.00   Column (#4): OBJECT_ID(NUMBER)  NO STATISTICS (using defaults)     AvgLen: 13.00 NDV: 1828 Nulls: 0 Density: 5.4717e-04 Index Stats::   Index: IDX_OBJECTS1  Col#: 4     LVLS: 1  #LB: 112  #DK: 50625  LB/K: 1.00  DB/K: 1.00  CLUF: 1110.00   Index: IDX_OBJECTS2  Col#: 2     LVLS: 1  #LB: 249  #DK: 30262  LB/K: 1.00  DB/K: 1.00  CLUF: 25016.00   Index: IDX_OBJECTS3  Col#: 6     LVLS: 1  #LB: 140  #DK: 41  LB/K: 3.00  DB/K: 53.00  CLUF: 2209.00   Index: IDX_OBJECTS4  Col#: 1     LVLS: 1  #LB: 117  #DK: 27  LB/K: 4.00  DB/K: 49.00  CLUF: 1342.00 *************************************** SINGLE TABLE ACCESS PATH   -----------------------------------------   BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation   ----------------------------------------- *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.804 ** Performing dynamic sampling initial checks. ** ** Dynamic sampling initial checks returning TRUE (level = 2). ** Dynamic sampling updated index stats.: IDX_OBJECTS1, blocks=123 ** Dynamic sampling updated table stats.: blocks=716 *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.805 ** Generated dynamic sampling query:  --這段動態取樣     query text :  SELECT /* OPT_DYN_SAMP */ /*+ ALL_ROWS IGNORE_WHERE_CLAUSE NO_PARALLEL(SAMPLESUB) opt_param('parallel_execution_enabled', 'false') NO_PARALLEL_INDEX(SAMPLESUB) NO_SQL_TUNE */ NVL(SUM(C1),0), NVL(SUM(C2),0), COUNT(DISTINCT C3), NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN C3 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) FROM (SELECT /*+ NO_PARALLEL("T1") FULL("T1") NO_PARALLEL_INDEX("T1") */ 1 AS C1, 1 AS C2, "T1"."OBJECT_ID" AS C3 FROM "DAO_OBJECTS1" SAMPLE BLOCK (8.798883 , 1) SEED (1) "T1") SAMPLESUB *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.811 ** Executed dynamic sampling query:     level : 2     sample pct. : 8.798883     actual sample size : 4374     filtered sample card. : 4374     orig. card. : 58483     block cnt. table stat. : 716     block cnt. for sampling: 716     max. sample block cnt. : 64     sample block cnt. : 63     ndv C3 : 4374         scaled : 49710.00     nulls C4 : 0         scaled : 0.00     min. sel. est. : -1.00000000 ** Dynamic sampling col. stats.:   Column (#4): OBJECT_ID(NUMBER)  Part#: 0     AvgLen: 22.00 NDV: 49710 Nulls: 0 Density: 2.0117e-05 ** Using dynamic sampling NULLs estimates. ** Using dynamic sampling NDV estimates.    Scaled NDVs using cardinality = 49711. ** Using dynamic sampling card. : 49711 ** Dynamic sampling updated table card.   Table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1          Card: Original: 49711  Rounded: 49711  Computed: 49710.86  Non Adjusted: 49710.86   -----------------------------------------   END   Single Table Cardinality Estimation   -----------------------------------------   Access Path: TableScan     Cost:  160.86  Resp: 160.86  Degree: 0       Cost_io: 158.00  Cost_cpu: 24486241       Resp_io: 158.00  Resp_cpu: 24486241   Best:: AccessPath: TableScan          Cost: 160.86  Degree: 1  Resp: 160.86  Card: 49710.86  Bytes: 0 *************************************** SINGLE TABLE ACCESS PATH   -----------------------------------------   BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation   ----------------------------------------- *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.811 ** Performing dynamic sampling initial checks. ** ** Dynamic sampling initial checks returning TRUE (level = 2). ** Dynamic sampling updated table stats.: blocks=716 *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.811 ** Generated dynamic sampling query:     query text :  SELECT /* OPT_DYN_SAMP */ /*+ ALL_ROWS IGNORE_WHERE_CLAUSE NO_PARALLEL(SAMPLESUB) opt_param('parallel_execution_enabled', 'false') NO_PARALLEL_INDEX(SAMPLESUB) NO_SQL_TUNE */ NVL(SUM(C1),0), NVL(SUM(C2),0), COUNT(DISTINCT C3), NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN C3 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) FROM (SELECT /*+ NO_PARALLEL("T2") FULL("T2") NO_PARALLEL_INDEX("T2") */ 1 AS C1, 1 AS C2, "T2"."OBJECT_ID" AS C3 FROM "DAO_OBJECTS2" SAMPLE BLOCK (8.798883 , 1) SEED (1) "T2") SAMPLESUB *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.814 ** Executed dynamic sampling query:     level : 2     sample pct. : 8.798883     actual sample size : 3720     filtered sample card. : 3720     orig. card. : 58483     block cnt. table stat. : 716     block cnt. for sampling: 716     max. sample block cnt. : 64     sample block cnt. : 63     ndv C3 : 3720         scaled : 42278.00     nulls C4 : 0         scaled : 0.00     min. sel. est. : -1.00000000 ** Dynamic sampling col. stats.:   Column (#4): OBJECT_ID(NUMBER)  Part#: 0     AvgLen: 22.00 NDV: 42278 Nulls: 0 Density: 2.3653e-05 ** Using dynamic sampling NULLs estimates. ** Using dynamic sampling NDV estimates.    Scaled NDVs using cardinality = 42278. ** Using dynamic sampling card. : 42278 ** Dynamic sampling updated table card.   Table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2          Card: Original: 42278  Rounded: 42278  Computed: 42278.10  Non Adjusted: 42278.10   -----------------------------------------   END   Single Table Cardinality Estimation   -----------------------------------------   Access Path: TableScan     Cost:  160.52  Resp: 160.52  Degree: 0       Cost_io: 158.00  Cost_cpu: 21587501       Resp_io: 158.00  Resp_cpu: 21587501   Best:: AccessPath: TableScan          Cost: 160.52  Degree: 1  Resp: 160.52  Card: 42278.10  Bytes: 0 *************************************** SINGLE TABLE ACCESS PATH   -----------------------------------------   BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation   ----------------------------------------- *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.814 ** Performing dynamic sampling initial checks. ** ** Dynamic sampling initial checks returning TRUE (level = 2). ** Dynamic sampling updated table stats.: blocks=4 *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.814 ** Generated dynamic sampling query:     query text :  SELECT /* OPT_DYN_SAMP */ /*+ ALL_ROWS IGNORE_WHERE_CLAUSE NO_PARALLEL(SAMPLESUB) opt_param('parallel_execution_enabled', 'false') NO_PARALLEL_INDEX(SAMPLESUB) NO_SQL_TUNE */ NVL(SUM(C1),0), NVL(SUM(C2),0), COUNT(DISTINCT C3), NVL(SUM(CASE WHEN C3 IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) FROM (SELECT /*+ NO_PARALLEL("T3") FULL("T3") NO_PARALLEL_INDEX("T3") */ 1 AS C1, 1 AS C2, "T3"."EMPNO" AS C3 FROM "EMP" "T3") SAMPLESUB *** 2015-12-06 20:04:48.814 ** Executed dynamic sampling query:     level : 2     sample pct. : 100.000000     actual sample size : 14     filtered sample card. : 14     orig. card. : 327     block cnt. table stat. : 4     block cnt. for sampling: 4     max. sample block cnt. : 64     sample block cnt. : 4     ndv C3 : 14         scaled : 14.00     nulls C4 : 0         scaled : 0.00     min. sel. est. : -1.00000000 ** Dynamic sampling col. stats.:   Column (#1): EMPNO(NUMBER)  Part#: 0     AvgLen: 22.00 NDV: 14 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.071429 ** Using dynamic sampling NULLs estimates. ** Using dynamic sampling NDV estimates.    Scaled NDVs using cardinality = 14. ** Using dynamic sampling card. : 14 ** Dynamic sampling updated table card.   Table: EMP  Alias: T3          Card: Original: 14  Rounded: 14  Computed: 14.00  Non Adjusted: 14.00   -----------------------------------------   END   Single Table Cardinality Estimation   -----------------------------------------   Access Path: TableScan     Cost:  3.00  Resp: 3.00  Degree: 0       Cost_io: 3.00  Cost_cpu: 32546       Resp_io: 3.00  Resp_cpu: 32546   Best:: AccessPath: TableScan          Cost: 3.00  Degree: 1  Resp: 3.00  Card: 14.00  Bytes: 0 *************************************** OPTIMIZER STATISTICS AND COMPUTATIONS  --優化器統計資訊計算 *************************************** GENERAL PLANS *************************************** Considering cardinality-based initial join order.  --考慮使用基數來決定連線方式 Permutations for Starting Table :0 *********************** Join order[1]:  EMP[T3]#0  DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1  DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2 *************** Now joining: DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1  如果使用NL *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 14.00  Cost: 3.00  Resp: 3.00  Degree: 1  Bytes: 87   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 2232.28  Resp: 2232.28  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 2197.00  Cost_cpu: 302258680       Resp_io: 2197.00  Resp_cpu: 302258680   Best NL cost: 2232.28           resc: 2232.28 resc_io: 2197.00 resc_cpu: 302258680           resp: 2232.28 resp_io: 2197.00 resp_cpu: 302258680 Join Card:  14.00 = outer (14.00) * inner (42278.10) * sel (2.3653e-05) Join Card - Rounded: 14 Computed: 14.00 --如果使用sort merge SM Join   Outer table:      resc: 3.00  card 14.00  bytes: 87  deg: 1  resp: 3.00   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2     resc: 160.52  card: 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:       1 Row size:          106 Total Rows:             14       Initial runs:         1 Merge passes:        0 IO Cost / pass:          0       Total IO sort cost: 0      Total CPU sort cost: 8569266       Total Temp space used: 0     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1062 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          42278       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        576       Total IO sort cost: 1638      Total CPU sort cost: 63992179       Total Temp space used: 17785000   SM join: Resc: 1809.99  Resp: 1809.99  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   SM cost: 1809.99      resc: 1809.99 resc_io: 1799.00 resc_cpu: 94181492      resp: 1809.99 resp_io: 1799.00 resp_cpu: 94181492 --如果使用hash join HA Join   Outer table:      resc: 3.00  card 14.00  bytes: 87  deg: 1  resp: 3.00   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2     resc: 160.52  card: 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 0.99  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 1  probefrag: 976  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 164.52  Resp: 164.52  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   HA cost: 164.52      resc: 164.52 resc_io: 161.00 resc_cpu: 30133379      resp: 164.52 resp_io: 161.00 resp_cpu: 30133379 Best:: JoinMethod: Hash        Cost: 164.52  Degree: 1  Resp: 164.52  Card: 14.00  Bytes: 264 *************** Now joining: DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2  *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 14.00  Cost: 164.52  Resp: 164.52  Degree: 1  Bytes: 264   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 2398.53  Resp: 2398.53  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 2355.00  Cost_cpu: 372940754       Resp_io: 2355.00  Resp_cpu: 372940754   Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)     Index: IDX_OBJECTS1     resc_io: 2.00  resc_cpu: 16273     ix_sel: 2.0117e-05  ix_sel_with_filters: 2.0117e-05     NL Join: Cost: 192.54  Resp: 192.54  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 189.00  Cost_cpu: 30361199       Resp_io: 189.00  Resp_cpu: 30361199   Best NL cost: 192.54           resc: 192.54 resc_io: 189.00 resc_cpu: 30361199           resp: 192.54 resp_io: 189.00 resp_cpu: 30361199 Join Card:  14.00 = outer (14.00) * inner (49710.86) * sel (2.0117e-05) Join Card - Rounded: 14 Computed: 14.00 SM Join   Outer table:      resc: 164.52  card 14.00  bytes: 264  deg: 1  resp: 164.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:       1 Row size:          301 Total Rows:             14       Initial runs:         1 Merge passes:        0 IO Cost / pass:          0       Total IO sort cost: 0      Total CPU sort cost: 8569266       Total Temp space used: 0     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1248 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          49711       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        676       Total IO sort cost: 1924      Total CPU sort cost: 74242412       Total Temp space used: 20898000   SM join: Resc: 2259.04  Resp: 2259.04  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   SM cost: 2259.04      resc: 2259.04 resc_io: 2243.00 resc_cpu: 137431298      resp: 2259.04 resp_io: 2243.00 resp_cpu: 137431298 HA Join   Outer table:      resc: 164.52  card 14.00  bytes: 264  deg: 1  resp: 164.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 1.08  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 1  probefrag: 1147  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 326.46  Resp: 326.46  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   HA cost: 326.46      resc: 326.46 resc_io: 319.00 resc_cpu: 63876252      resp: 326.46 resp_io: 319.00 resp_cpu: 63876252 Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop        Cost: 192.54  Degree: 1  Resp: 192.54  Card: 14.00  Bytes: 441 *********************** Best so far: Table#: 0  cost: 3.0038  card: 14.0000  bytes: 1218              Table#: 1  cost: 164.5174  card: 14.0000  bytes: 3696              Table#: 2  cost: 192.5440  card: 14.0003  bytes: 6174 *********************** Join order[2]:  EMP[T3]#0  DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2  DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1  --第二種連線順序 *************** Now joining: DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2 *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 14.00  Cost: 3.00  Resp: 3.00  Degree: 1  Bytes: 87   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 2237.02  Resp: 2237.02  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 2197.00  Cost_cpu: 342839920       Resp_io: 2197.00  Resp_cpu: 342839920   Best NL cost: 2237.02           resc: 2237.02 resc_io: 2197.00 resc_cpu: 342839920           resp: 2237.02 resp_io: 2197.00 resp_cpu: 342839920 Join Card:  695952.00 = outer (14.00) * inner (49710.86) * sel (1) Join Card - Rounded: 695952 Computed: 695952.00 Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost *********************** *********************** Join order[3]:  DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1  EMP[T3]#0  DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2  --第三種連線順序 *************** Now joining: EMP[T3]#0 *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 42278.10  Cost: 160.52  Resp: 160.52  Degree: 1  Bytes: 177   Inner table: EMP  Alias: T3   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 37316.14  Resp: 37316.14  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 37153.00  Cost_cpu: 1397557142       Resp_io: 37153.00  Resp_cpu: 1397557142   Best NL cost: 37316.14           resc: 37316.14 resc_io: 37153.00 resc_cpu: 1397557142           resp: 37316.14 resp_io: 37153.00 resp_cpu: 1397557142 Join Card:  14.00 = outer (42278.10) * inner (14.00) * sel (2.3653e-05) Join Card - Rounded: 14 Computed: 14.00 SM Join   Outer table:      resc: 160.52  card 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52   Inner table: EMP  Alias: T3     resc: 3.00  card: 14.00  bytes: 87  deg: 1  resp: 3.00     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1062 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          42278       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        576       Total IO sort cost: 1638      Total CPU sort cost: 63992179       Total Temp space used: 17785000     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:       1 Row size:          106 Total Rows:             14       Initial runs:         1 Merge passes:        0 IO Cost / pass:          0       Total IO sort cost: 0      Total CPU sort cost: 8569266       Total Temp space used: 0   SM join: Resc: 1809.99  Resp: 1809.99  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   SM cost: 1809.99      resc: 1809.99 resc_io: 1799.00 resc_cpu: 94181492      resp: 1809.99 resp_io: 1799.00 resp_cpu: 94181492 HA Join   Outer table:      resc: 160.52  card 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52   Inner table: EMP  Alias: T3     resc: 3.00  card: 14.00  bytes: 87  deg: 1  resp: 3.00     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 380.71  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 976  probefrag: 1  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 544.23  Resp: 544.23  [multiMatchCost=0.00] HA Join (swap)   Outer table:      resc: 3.00  card 14.00  bytes: 87  deg: 1  resp: 3.00   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2     resc: 160.52  card: 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 0.99  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 1  probefrag: 976  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 164.52  Resp: 164.52  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   HA cost: 164.52      resc: 164.52 resc_io: 161.00 resc_cpu: 30133379      resp: 164.52 resp_io: 161.00 resp_cpu: 30133379 Best:: JoinMethod: Hash        Cost: 164.52  Degree: 1  Resp: 164.52  Card: 14.00  Bytes: 264 *************** Now joining: DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2 *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 14.00  Cost: 164.52  Resp: 164.52  Degree: 1  Bytes: 264   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 2398.53  Resp: 2398.53  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 2355.00  Cost_cpu: 372940754       Resp_io: 2355.00  Resp_cpu: 372940754   Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)     Index: IDX_OBJECTS1     resc_io: 2.00  resc_cpu: 16273     ix_sel: 2.0117e-05  ix_sel_with_filters: 2.0117e-05     NL Join: Cost: 192.54  Resp: 192.54  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 189.00  Cost_cpu: 30361199       Resp_io: 189.00  Resp_cpu: 30361199   Best NL cost: 192.54           resc: 192.54 resc_io: 189.00 resc_cpu: 30361199           resp: 192.54 resp_io: 189.00 resp_cpu: 30361199 Join Card:  14.00 = outer (14.00) * inner (49710.86) * sel (2.0117e-05) Join Card - Rounded: 14 Computed: 14.00 SM Join   Outer table:      resc: 164.52  card 14.00  bytes: 264  deg: 1  resp: 164.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:       1 Row size:          301 Total Rows:             14       Initial runs:         1 Merge passes:        0 IO Cost / pass:          0       Total IO sort cost: 0      Total CPU sort cost: 8569266       Total Temp space used: 0     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1248 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          49711       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        676       Total IO sort cost: 1924      Total CPU sort cost: 74242412       Total Temp space used: 20898000   SM join: Resc: 2259.04  Resp: 2259.04  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   SM cost: 2259.04      resc: 2259.04 resc_io: 2243.00 resc_cpu: 137431298      resp: 2259.04 resp_io: 2243.00 resp_cpu: 137431298 HA Join   Outer table:      resc: 164.52  card 14.00  bytes: 264  deg: 1  resp: 164.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 1.08  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 1  probefrag: 1147  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 326.46  Resp: 326.46  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   HA cost: 326.46      resc: 326.46 resc_io: 319.00 resc_cpu: 63876252      resp: 326.46 resp_io: 319.00 resp_cpu: 63876252 Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost *********************** *********************** Join order[4]:  DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1  DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2  EMP[T3]#0  --第四重連線順序 *************** Now joining: DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2 *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 42278.10  Cost: 160.52  Resp: 160.52  Degree: 1  Bytes: 177   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 6742794.61  Resp: 6742794.61  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 6621951.00  Cost_cpu: 1035250886190       Resp_io: 6621951.00  Resp_cpu: 1035250886190   Access Path: index (AllEqJoinGuess)     Index: IDX_OBJECTS1     resc_io: 2.00  resc_cpu: 16273     ix_sel: 2.0117e-05  ix_sel_with_filters: 2.0117e-05     NL Join: Cost: 84796.83  Resp: 84796.83  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 84714.00  Cost_cpu: 709572322       Resp_io: 84714.00  Resp_cpu: 709572322   Best NL cost: 84796.83           resc: 84796.83 resc_io: 84714.00 resc_cpu: 709572322           resp: 84796.83 resp_io: 84714.00 resp_cpu: 709572322 Join Card:  42278.82 = outer (42278.10) * inner (49710.86) * sel (2.0117e-05) Join Card - Rounded: 42279 Computed: 42278.82 SM Join   Outer table:      resc: 160.52  card 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1062 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          42278       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        576       Total IO sort cost: 1638      Total CPU sort cost: 63992179       Total Temp space used: 17785000     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1248 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          49711       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        676       Total IO sort cost: 1924      Total CPU sort cost: 74242412       Total Temp space used: 20898000   SM join: Resc: 3899.51  Resp: 3899.51  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   SM cost: 3899.51      resc: 3899.51 resc_io: 3878.00 resc_cpu: 184308333      resp: 3899.51 resp_io: 3878.00 resp_cpu: 184308333 HA Join   Outer table:      resc: 160.52  card 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 825.42  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 976  probefrag: 1147  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 1146.80  Resp: 1146.80  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   HA cost: 1146.80      resc: 1146.80 resc_io: 1138.00 resc_cpu: 75350579      resp: 1146.80 resp_io: 1138.00 resp_cpu: 75350579 Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost *********************** *********************** Join order[5]:  DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2  EMP[T3]#0  DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1 *************** Now joining: EMP[T3]#0 *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 49710.86  Cost: 160.86  Resp: 160.86  Degree: 1  Bytes: 177   Inner table: EMP  Alias: T3   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 43848.71  Resp: 43848.71  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 43657.00  Cost_cpu: 1642368516       Resp_io: 43657.00  Resp_cpu: 1642368516   Best NL cost: 43848.71           resc: 43848.71 resc_io: 43657.00 resc_cpu: 1642368516           resp: 43848.71 resp_io: 43657.00 resp_cpu: 1642368516 Join Card:  695952.00 = outer (49710.86) * inner (14.00) * sel (1) Join Card - Rounded: 695952 Computed: 695952.00 Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost *********************** *********************** Join order[6]:  DAO_OBJECTS1[T1]#2  DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1  EMP[T3]#0 *************** Now joining: DAO_OBJECTS2[T2]#1 *************** NL Join   Outer table: Card: 49710.86  Cost: 160.86  Resp: 160.86  Degree: 1  Bytes: 177   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2   Access Path: TableScan     NL Join:  Cost: 7911414.25  Resp: 7911414.25  Degree: 1       Cost_io: 7786145.00  Cost_cpu: 1073164727320       Resp_io: 7786145.00  Resp_cpu: 1073164727320   Best NL cost: 7911414.25           resc: 7911414.25 resc_io: 7786145.00 resc_cpu: 1073164727320           resp: 7911414.25 resp_io: 7786145.00 resp_cpu: 1073164727320 Join Card:  42278.82 = outer (49710.86) * inner (42278.10) * sel (2.0117e-05) Join Card - Rounded: 42279 Computed: 42278.82 SM Join   Outer table:      resc: 160.86  card 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2     resc: 160.52  card: 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1248 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          49711       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        676       Total IO sort cost: 1924      Total CPU sort cost: 74242412       Total Temp space used: 20898000     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1062 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          42278       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        576       Total IO sort cost: 1638      Total CPU sort cost: 63992179       Total Temp space used: 17785000   SM join: Resc: 3899.51  Resp: 3899.51  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   SM cost: 3899.51      resc: 3899.51 resc_io: 3878.00 resc_cpu: 184308333      resp: 3899.51 resp_io: 3878.00 resp_cpu: 184308333 SM Join (with index on outer)   Access Path: index (FullScan)     Index: IDX_OBJECTS1     resc_io: 1234.00  resc_cpu: 38656607     ix_sel: 1  ix_sel_with_filters: 1     Cost: 1238.51  Resp: 1238.51  Degree: 1   Outer table:      resc: 1238.51  card 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 1238.51   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2     resc: 160.52  card: 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     SORT resource      Sort statistics       Sort width:         226 Area size:      198656 Max Area size:    39845888       Degree:               1       Blocks to Sort:    1062 Row size:          205 Total Rows:          42278       Initial runs:         2 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:        576       Total IO sort cost: 1638      Total CPU sort cost: 63992179       Total Temp space used: 17785000   SM join: Resc: 3044.50  Resp: 3044.50  [multiMatchCost=0.00] HA Join   Outer table:      resc: 160.86  card 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS2  Alias: T2     resc: 160.52  card: 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 825.37  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 1147  probefrag: 976  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 1146.75  Resp: 1146.75  [multiMatchCost=0.00] HA Join (swap)   Outer table:      resc: 160.52  card 42278.10  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.52   Inner table: DAO_OBJECTS1  Alias: T1     resc: 160.86  card: 49710.86  bytes: 177  deg: 1  resp: 160.86     using dmeth: 2  #groups: 1     Cost per ptn: 825.42  #ptns: 1     hash_area: 124 (max=9728) buildfrag: 976  probefrag: 1147  ppasses: 1   Hash join: Resc: 1146.80  Resp: 1146.80  [multiMatchCost=0.00]   HA cost: 1146.80      resc: 1146.80 resc_io: 1138.00 resc_cpu: 75350579      resp: 1146.80 resp_io: 1138.00 resp_cpu: 75350579 Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost *********************** (newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:6, maxperm:2000 ********************************* Number of join permutations tried: 6 ********************************* (newjo-save)    [0 1 2 ] Final - All Rows Plan:  Best join order: 1   Cost: 192.5440  Degree: 1  Card: 14.0000  Bytes: 6174