1. 程式人生 > >檔案流物件的重用, 必須用infile.close() infile.clear()

檔案流物件的重用, 必須用infile.close() infile.clear()

輸出結果://  輸出結果不容易理解,以後得學會除錯輸出

the content of the first file :
the content of the second file :
 infile.eof() is true. 說明infile檔案流物件在讀完first file後必須用clear清空狀態

 不去檢查eof()而直接輸出,the fisrt string of the  second file is:
the content of the second file : thesecondfileopensuccessfully!
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Mode   Meaning  
  ios::app   append   output  
  ios::ate   seek   to   EOF   when   opened  
  ios::binary   open   the   file   in   binary   mode  
  ios::in   open   the   file   for   reading  
  ios::out   open   the   file   for   writing  
  ios::trunc   overwrite   the   existing   file