sap bw 中 InfoPackage 中的abap例程過濾
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-11
program conversion_routine.
* Type pools used by conversion program
type-pools: rsarc, rsarr, rssm.
tables: rssdlrange.
* Global code used by conversion rules
*$*$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line *-*
* TABLES: ...
* DATA: ...
*$*$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line *-*
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* InfoObject =
* Fieldname = DISPATCH_ID
* data type = CHAR
* length = 000016
* convexit =
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
form compute_DISPATCH_ID
tables l_t_range structure rssdlrange
using p_infopackage type rslogdpid
p_fieldname type rsfnm
changing p_subrc like sy-subrc.
* Insert source code to current selection field
*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-*
data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
read table l_t_range with key
fieldname = 'DISPATCH_ID'.
l_idx = sy-tabix.
modify l_t_range index l_idx.
s_rang-fieldname = 'DISPATCH_ID'.
ls_rang-sign ='I'.
ls_rang-option = 'EQ'.
ls_rang-low = 'ZYDD201300163871'.
APPEND ls_rang TO l_t_range
p_subrc = 0.
*$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-*
* Type pools used by conversion program
type-pools: rsarc, rsarr, rssm.
tables: rssdlrange.
* Global code used by conversion rules
*$*$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line *-*
* TABLES: ...
* DATA: ...
*$*$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line *-*
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* InfoObject =
* Fieldname = DISPATCH_ID
* data type = CHAR
* length = 000016
* convexit =
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
form compute_DISPATCH_ID
using p_infopackage type rslogdpid
p_fieldname type rsfnm
changing p_subrc like sy-subrc.
* Insert source code to current selection field
*$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line *-*
data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
read table l_t_range with key
fieldname = 'DISPATCH_ID'.
l_idx = sy-tabix.
modify l_t_range index l_idx.
s_rang-fieldname = 'DISPATCH_ID'.
ls_rang-sign ='I'.
ls_rang-option = 'EQ'.
ls_rang-low = 'ZYDD201300163871'.
APPEND ls_rang TO l_t_range
p_subrc = 0.
*$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line *-*