Could not locate OCI dll .
一直都在用Oracle SQL Developer,看網上對Oracle SQL Developer和PL/SQL Developer兩種工具對比的很熱,所以下載了PL/SQL Developer來玩玩。
下載安裝完畢,開啟登入提示Could not locate OCI dll,估計是找不到OCI.dll了,沒有登入的進到工具介面,Tools->Preferences ,設定OCI Library為OCI.dll正確的路徑,重新登入,登入成功,開始瞭解瞭解這個工具。
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Could not locate OCI dll .
一直都在用Oracle SQL Developer,看網上對Oracle SQL Developer和PL/SQL Developer兩種工具對比的很熱,所以下載了PL/SQL Developer來玩玩。 下載安裝完畢,開啟登入提示Could not locate OCI dll,估計是找不到OCI.d
oracle:could not locate oci.dll
開啟tool->preferences,在oracle的connection選項下,在Oracle Home (Empty is autodetect)下拉框選擇一個OracleHome,在OCI Library (Empty is autodetect)下拉框選擇對應的Oracle Home路徑下
pd設定連線資料來源連線oracle時報could not load oci.dll解決辦法
今天連線pd時,設定資料來源 連線測試時,總是報“Could not load oracle oci.dll”這個類似的錯誤。 在網上搜尋了一下解決辦法。大多數不大靠譜。試著到環境變數中看了一下設定。發現並沒有oracle的路徑。才想起來前一段重灌過系統,之前的路徑設定 Could not locate executable nullinwinutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.
pan call file 2.2.0 property ade int work ctu 1:這個問題都被大家玩爛了,這裏我也記載一下,方便以後腦補: 1 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
iOS 12 真機調試 Xcode 9 提示 Could not locate device support files.
密碼 包含 for phone targe fin file iphone may 升級 iOS 12 之後,使用 Xcode 9 真機調試會提示錯誤: Could not locate device support files. This iPhone 6 Plus is
windows系統上執行spark、hadoop報錯Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries
1.下載 winutils.exe: 2.將此檔案放置在某個目錄下,比如C:\winutils\bin\中。 3.在程式的一開始宣告:System.s
Error: could not find java.dll 解決辦法 Error: could not find java.dll
Error: could not find java.dll 問題: 安裝配置Java環境變數後,在命令列中執行java -version進行測試時卻出現下面的問題: Error: opening registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runti
iOS 12 真機除錯 Xcode 9 提示 Could not locate device support files.
升級 iOS 12 之後,使用 Xcode 9 真機除錯會提示錯誤: Could not locate device support files. This iPhone 6 Plus is running iOS 12.0 (16A366), which may not be supported b
Hibernate專案報錯could not locate named parameter [xxx]]
十月 26, 2018 3:12:06 上午 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke 嚴重: Servlet.service() for servlet [springMVC] in context with path [/qjgl]
java 解決Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop bin
問題描述 在windows環境下執行連線hadoop服務的程式報告以下錯誤資訊: og4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.logRollingFile log4j:ERROR Could not instanti
idea執行mapreduce報錯 Could not locate Hadoop executable: C:\hadoop-3.1.1\bin\winutils.exe
window執行mapreduce報錯 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not locate Hadoop executable: C:\ha
could not locate named parameter (SQL語句寫錯)
String sql = "select * from view_sign_time_day " + "where id=:id " + "and sign_year like :year and sign_mont like :month"
在Windows下的idea中訪問HDFS報錯 Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe
18/09/08 20:18:33 ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path Could not locate e
解決Windows系統下執行hadoop程式出錯Could not locate executablenull\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries
樓主今天在開發後端介面的時候,發現報了Could not locate executablenull\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries 的錯誤,經過分析是我呼叫了同事寫的介面,同事那個模組是引入了
Could not locate named parameter [jack], expecting one of [name, pwd] There is no Action mapped
博主原創轉載請註明出處 ssh專案報:Could not locate named parameter [jack], expecting one of [name, pwd] There is no Action mappe
關於在Eclipse中Could not locate executabl ....\hadoop-2.2.0\hadoop-2.2.0\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoo
我的問題是出在win7的系統。 解決辦法: 1,配置HADOOP_HOME環境變數。 2,檢查HADOOP_HOME\bin目錄下面是否有winutils.exe檔案。 3,配置完環境變數之後重啟電腦
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not locate call adapter for rx.Observable錯誤
public class TRService { public static final String BASE_TRC_URL = ""; private static Retrofit
遇到Could not locate Android SDK的解決方法!
方法一:(可以)下載android sdk的安裝包,並安裝,同時需要安裝java jdk 6方法二:(沒成功過)我的android-sdk-windows不是預設安裝,安裝到D盤了!I had the same build problem “could not find android sdk” and fi
【Hbase異常】windows 中使用hbase 異常 Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe
平時一般是在windows環境下進行開發,在windows 環境下操作hbase可能會出現異常( Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoo
UE4 打包C++項目到win32平臺報錯 could not find mspdbcore.dll
msvc 不能 info studio 32位 unity 這一 .dll win 解決方法: 將Visual Studio中相應系統(如32位對應x86、64位對應x64)下的 ms.*.dll 等一系列文件拷貝到 C:\Windows\System32\ 路徑下。