阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-11
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `p_dmk_fsyx`(v_month VARCHAR(6),v_type VARCHAR(2),OUT result INT(2)) BEGIN IF @v_type=1 THEN delete from dmk_fsyx_zxy_rpt where month_id=v_month; insert into dmk_fsyx_zxy_rpt (prov_name, oper_code, oper_name, channel_id, info_fees, dgp_fees, return_ratio, sett_fees, month_id) select prov_name, oper_code, oper_name, channel_id, info_fees, dgp_fees, return_ratio, sett_fees, month_id from dmk_fsyx_zxy a join (select * from dim_fsyx_oper_type where month_id = v_month) b on a.oper_code = b.oper_code and a.busi_type = b.busi_type join (select * from dim_fsyx_ch_type where month_id = v_month) c on a.prov_name = c.prov_name and a.channel_id = c.channel_id; elseIF @v_type=2 THEN delete from dmk_fsyx_bcxyyj_rpt where month_id=v_month; insert into dmk_fsyx_bcxyyj_rpt (prov_name, oper_code, oper_name, busi_type, channel_id, order_month, xf_month, info_fees, fh_month, return_ratio, sett_info_fees, month_id) select a.prov_name, a.oper_code, a.oper_name, a.busi_type, a.channel_id, a.order_month, a.xf_month, a.info_fees, a.return_cycle, b.return_ratio, a.info_fees * b.return_ratio, a.month_id from (select prov_name, oper_code, oper_name, busi_type, channel_id, order_month, xf_month, info_fees, PERIOD_DIFF(xf_month, order_month) return_cycle, month_id from dmk_fsyx_bcxyyj where month_id = v_month) a join (select * from dim_business_model where month_id = v_month) b on a.busi_type = b.busi_type and a.prov_name = b.prov_name and a.return_cycle = b.return_cycle and a.order_month between b.start_time and b.end_time join (select * from dim_fsyx_oper_type where month_id = v_month) c on a.oper_code = c.oper_code and a.busi_type = c.busi_type join (select * from dim_fsyx_ch_type where month_id = v_month) d on a.prov_name = d.prov_name and a.channel_id = d.channel_id; delete from dmk_fsyx_bcxyhj_rpt where month_id=v_month; insert into dmk_fsyx_bcxyhj_rpt (prov_name, oper_code, oper_name, channel_id, order_month, xf_month, dgp_fees, fh_month, return_ratio, sett_dgp_fees, month_id) select a.prov_name, a.oper_code, a.oper_name, a.channel_id, a.order_month, a.xf_month, a.dgp_fees, a.return_cycle, b.return_ratio, a.dgp_fees * b.return_ratio, a.month_id from (select prov_name, busi_type, oper_code, oper_name, channel_id, order_month, xf_month, dgp_fees, PERIOD_DIFF(xf_month, order_month) return_cycle, month_id from dmk_fsyx_bcxyhj where month_id = v_month) a join (select * from dim_business_model where month_id = v_month) b on a.busi_type = b.busi_type and a.prov_name = b.prov_name and a.return_cycle = b.return_cycle and a.order_month between b.start_time and b.end_time join (select * from dim_fsyx_oper_type where month_id = v_month) c on a.oper_code = c.oper_code and a.busi_type = c.busi_type join (select * from dim_fsyx_ch_type where month_id = v_month) d on a.prov_name = d.prov_name and a.channel_id = d.channel_id; elseIF @v_type=3 THEN delete from dmk_fsyx_zb_rpt where month_id=v_month; insert into dmk_fsyx_zb_rpt (prov_name, zxy_fees, bcxy_fees, bcxy_dgpfees, sett_fees, month_id) select ab.prov_name, sum(ab.zxy_fees), sum(ab.bcxy_fees), sum(ab.bcxy_dgpfees), sum(ab.zxy_fees) + sum(ab.bcxy_fees) - sum(ab.bcxy_dgpfees), ab.month_id from (select prov_name, sett_fees zxy_fees, '0' bcxy_fees, '0' bcxy_dgpfees, month_id from dmk_fsyx_zxy where month_id = v_month union all select prov_name, '0' zxy_fees, sett_dgp_fees bcxy_fees, '0' bcxy_dgpfees, month_id from dmk_fsyx_bcxyhj where month_id = v_month union all select prov_name, '0' zxy_fees, '0' bcxy_fees, sett_info_fees bcxy_dgpfees, month_id from dmk_fsyx_bcxyyj where month_id = v_month) ab group by ab.prov_name, ab.month_id; end if; END
//呼叫儲存過程 @Select({ "call ${DM_SCHEMA}.p_dmk_fsyx(#{v_month,mode=IN,jdbcType=VARCHAR}," + "#{v_type,mode=IN,jdbcType=VARCHAR},#{result,mode=OUT,jdbcType=INTEGER})" }) @Options(statementType=StatementType.CALLABLE) void callProcedure(@Param("v_month") String v_month, @Param("v_type") String v_type, @Param("DM_SCHEMA") String DM_SCHEMA );
@Override public void callReportProcedure(String settMonth, String type) throws Exception { String DM_SCHEMA = propertyManager.get(SystemConfigKey.DM_SCHEMA_KEY);"獲取倉庫資料名稱為:[" + DM_SCHEMA + "]"); divideProvDao.callProcedure(settMonth, type, DM_SCHEMA); }