1. 程式人生 > >Spring NoSuchBeanDefinitionException六大原因總結(非常實用)【新增第三方jar的類 作Service層的依賴失敗 因為此錯。xml定義“同名bean”解決】

Spring NoSuchBeanDefinitionException六大原因總結(非常實用)【新增第三方jar的類 作Service層的依賴失敗 因為此錯。xml定義“同名bean”解決】


【新增第三方jar的類 作Service層的依賴失敗 因為此錯。xml定義“同名bean”解決】


1. Overview

In this article, we are discussing the Springorg.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException – this is a common exception thrown by the BeanFactory when trying to resolve a bean that simply isn’t defined in the Spring Context.

We will discuss here the possible causes for this problem and the available solutions.

2. Cause: No qualifying bean of type [...] found for dependency

The most common cause of this exception is simply trying to inject a bean that isn’t defined. For example – BeanB is wiring in a collaborator – BeanA: 

1234567@Componentpublicclass  BeanA {@AutowiredprivateBeanB dependency;...}

Now, if the dependency – BeanB – is not defined in the Spring Context, the bootstrap process will fail with the no such bean definition exception:

1234org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:No qualifying bean of 
type[org.baeldung.packageB.BeanB] found fordependency:
expected at least 1 bean whichqualifies as autowire candidate forthis dependency.Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}

The reason is clearly indicated by Spring: “expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency

One reason BeanB may not exist in the context – if beans are picked up automatically byclasspath scanning, and if BeanB is correctly annotated as a bean (@Component,@Repository@Service@Controller, etc) – is that it may be defined in a package that is not scanned by Spring:

123packageorg.baeldung.packageB;@Componentpublicclass  BeanB { ...}

While the classpath scanning may be configured as follows:

12345@Configuration@ComponentScan("org.baeldung.packageA")publicclass  ContextWithJavaConfig {...}

If beans are not automatically scanned by instead defined manually, then BeanB is simply not defined in the current Spring Context.

3. Cause: No qualifying bean of type [...] is defined

Another cause for the exception is the existence of two bean definitions in the context, instead of one. For example, if an interface – IBeanB is implemented by two beans –BeanB1 and BeanB2:

12345678@Componentpublicclass  BeanB1 implementsIBeanB {//}@Componentpublicclass  BeanB2 implementsIBeanB {//}

Now, if BeanA autowires this interface, Spring will not know which one of the two implementations to inject:

1234567@Componentpublicclass  BeanA {@AutowiredprivateIBeanB dependency;...}

And again, this will result in a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException being thrown by theBeanFactory:

123Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException:No qualifying bean of type[org.baeldung.packageB.IBeanB] is defined:expected single matching bean but found 2: beanB1,beanB2

Similarly, Spring clearly indicates the reason for the wiring failure: “expected single matching bean but found 2″.

Notice however, that in this case, the exact exception being thrown is notNoSuchBeanDefinitionException but a subclass – theNoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. This new exception has been introduced in Spring 3.2.1, for exactly this reason – to differentiate between the cause where no bean definition was found and this one – where several definitions are found in the context.

Before this change, the exception above was:



Spring NoSuchBeanDefinitionException六大原因總結非常實用新增第三方jar Service依賴失敗 為此xml定義同名bean解決

=====給了我思路。【新增第三方jar的類 作Service層的依賴失敗 因為此錯。xml定義“同名bean”解決】======1. OverviewIn this article, we are discussing the Springorg.springframewo


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