Error:The SDK directory '/Users/AhmadMusa/Desktop/[PROJECT PATH]/D:\Android\sdk' does not exist. Ple
使用android studio,匯入別人開源的專案,build的時候,老是報這個錯誤:
Error:The SDK directory 'D:\sdk' does not exist.
Please fix the 'sdk.dir' property in the file.
然後網上各種說你要自己去修改,修改成自己的目錄,我試過了在android studio裡面找到這個檔案,修改了並沒有什麼用,後來想是不是不是修改這個檔案,然後我選擇:show in explorer,用windows的檔案管理器打開了根目錄,找到了local.properties檔案,終於發現一直說的D:\sdk這個目錄原來是在這裡,原來專案裡面開啟的不是這個檔案,這是個坑
從上面的圖片提示“Please fix the ‘sdk.dir’ property in the file.”,
Error:The SDK directory '/Users/AhmadMusa/Desktop/[PROJECT PATH]/D:\Android\sdk' does not exist. Ple
使用android studio,匯入別人開源的專案,build的時候,老是報這個錯誤: Error:The SDK directory 'D:\sdk' does not exist. Please fix the 'sdk.dir' property in the lo
ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist;
:ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist; 這個問題以前也遇到過,應該是賬號授權的問題,所以上網搜了一下,果然如此,執行一條sql語句就行了,授權給root 所有host
java.sql.SQLException: The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist
mysq mysql com 權限 pri png 問題 mage The 權限問題,授權給 root 所有sql 權限 在Navicat for MySQL中按F6進入命令列界面 mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to roo
mysql 1449 : The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist
在專案中修改資料,後臺報錯: mysql 1449 : The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist 解決:原因是你對資料中一些資料沒有操作許可權 授權:grant all privileges on
The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist
頁面點選儲存按鈕後,報錯:The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does no
[ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory
手動新增maven構件報錯 [ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory (C:\Windows\System32). Ple
[ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory
問題 在安裝maven的時候,我在cmd裡面輸入mvn install的時候報錯: The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory (C
The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.6, which is not compatible with this version 10.0.
data was start pos zed with bre mark star 在PostgreSQL9.6.5 安裝 Postgis2.4.2 出現錯誤 The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version
ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer ('mysql.infoschema'@'localhost') does not exist
Mysql Error:The user specified as a definer (‘mysql.infoschema’@’localhost’) does not exist’ when trying to dump tablespaces 我的MYSQL 使用Docker進行部署的
Error: The specified query does not exist\nResponse from attempted peer comms was an error
出現這個錯誤是因為在hyperledger composer playground 上面你的查詢檔名可以是query.qry,但是在真正部署到網路上時候,是會把模型檔案,邏輯檔案,訪問控制檔案,以及查詢檔案都整合到.bna的一個二進位制檔案當中,所以這個查詢檔案的名稱固定為queries
ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer (''@'') does not exist
楔子 MySQL資料庫在查詢一個檢視是報錯,檢視是從一個數據庫匯入的。網友說是許可權問題,調整許可權還是不行,後來重新在資料庫中執行建立檢視語句解決的。 給Root使用者授權 mysql> SELECT * FROM `
InvocationTargetException: The container configuration directory does not exist.
描述:在NetBeans IDE 8.1中build工程Java EE7 dukes-forest時報如下所示錯誤 Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.4.4:redeploy (deploy)
ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer ('mysql.infoschema'@'localhost') does not exist
Mysql Error:The user specified as a definer (‘mysql.infoschema’@’localhost’) does not exist’ when trying to dump tablespaces 我的MYSQL 使用Do
Impala cannot read or execute the parent directory of dfs.domain.socket.path
valid short-circuit reads configuration: Impala cannot read or execute the parent directory of dfs.domain.socket.path 解決方法: 1、去HDFS中找到dfs.
(win環境)Mysql Error:The user specified as a definer (‘mysql.infoschema’@’localhost’) does not exist’
網上的了類似問題: The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist 解決方法: mysql -u root -p 你的密碼 mysql>grant all privileges on
ionic2 打包android包時報'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\sdk' does not exist.
寫在前面 為了能及時的將自己踩到的前端坑(包括ionic,angular,ReactNative,小程式,APICloud)分享給大家,以後會逐漸將文章轉移到微信公眾號:前端e家(front_e_family)。可直接掃碼關注,公眾號會不定期更新新文章,分享踩坑
intellij idea報Cannot start process, the working directory 'D:\' does not exist
解決方法:選擇Run-Edit configurations。然後點選Application左邊的向下箭頭,在Configuration下找到Working directory,刪除或者設定成合適dir
錯誤代碼: 1449 The user specified as a definer ('root'@'%') does not exist
har -o key down func cut err 耗時 host 1. 錯誤描寫敘述 1 queries executed, 0 success, 1 errors, 0 warnings 查詢:call analyse_use(‘20150
Eclipse裏Tomcat報錯:Document base ……does not exist or is not a readable directory
str doc tomcat的配置 metadata tom com tor tro 路徑和 如標題所述 在eclipse中導入工程運行時提示 目錄不存在。 解決辦法: 檢查eclipse 中tomcat的配置發布路徑和 conf/server.xml 中的發布路徑
[WPF]The type name ‘App’ does not exist in the type '...'的問題
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