XCode報錯 has been modified since the precompiled header was built
XCode 5.1
Mac OS 10.9
問題:“........” has been modified since the precompiled header "......." was built
* Project -> Clean
* Shift + Command + K
方法2)刪除 /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache 下的所有檔案
XCode報錯 has been modified since the precompiled header was built
環境: XCode 5.1 Mac OS 10.9 問題:“........” has been modified since the precompiled header "......." was built 解決方法: 方法1)clean專案 * Pro
java 執行報錯has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 54.0)
報錯資訊: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: pers/cyz/BookManage has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java
flume異常崩潰 File has been modified since being read
conf dep info rep 問題 pooled string ext.get 發現 日誌采集異常,生產報錯誤日誌: (org.apache.flume.source.SpoolDirectorySource$SpoolDirectoryRunnable.run:28
pip 報錯 ssl_.py:339: SNIMissingWarning: An HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI
node2:/root#pip install django-celery-results -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com Requirement alre
SMW0報錯:For selected object type excel no application has been defined Maintain the settings
上傳的檔案字尾不能識別,需維護MIME編輯器和MIME型別 先維護MIME型別,然後為MIME型別分配編輯器 MIME Typ選擇上面維護的型別,而下面的”編輯器“則選擇系統用於開啟該檔案
Xcode報錯 The document “xxx.h” could not be saved. The file doesn’t exist.
文件的 ren xcode ould 退出 文件夾 問題 lean 內部 記錄一個問題 場景:Xcode編輯一個工程時直接在工程內部修改了某個目錄的文件夾名字,而後刪除了其下的某 .h.m 文件 之後總是提示上述錯誤且無法強制退出Xcode,clean等操作基本沒用 查找本
kafka報Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions
問題描述: 新版本的kafka訊息處理程式中,當訊息量特別大時不斷出現如下錯誤,並且多個相同groupId的消費者重複消費訊息。 2018-10-12 19:49:34,903 WARN [DESKTOP-8S2E5H7 id2-1-C-1] Caller+0 at org.apac
wid pil alt eight seq png base com 技術 下面這圖報找不到FMDtabaseQueue,其實是把文件拖入xcode的時候xcode沒有把.m文件添加進工程路徑 解決辦法:build phases-> compile sour
eclipse 啟動報錯has value '1.7', but '1.8' is required
rod target ner text home system32 product 需要 ftw 由於安裝elasticsearch5.x版本時需要jdk8,所以在本機安
Xcode報錯:run custom shell script '[cp] copy pods resource
解決 ace 分享 tex builder xcod clean shell post Xcode報錯:run custom shell script ‘[cp] copy pods resource Showing Recent Issues PhaseScriptExe
eclipse啟動報錯:Could not create the java virtual machine
報錯 解壓 java 開發 升級 最新 分享 src info 用maven、springboot開發時,安裝了當時最新版的eclipse(3.5.5)。eclipse解壓版的非常方便,想先安裝了看看。暫時沒有升級其他軟件。 打開的時候報錯: 原因其實就是還木有升級新版
AndroidStudio導入Eclipse項目報錯Error:Could not determine the class-path for interface com.android.builder.model.AndroidProject
and art cli mode log RF details get ID AndroidStudio導入Eclipse項目報錯 Error:Could not determine the class-path for interface com.android.buil
eplise中運行提示 A fatal error has been detected by the java runtime environment
mage image 截圖 src fatal env 分享圖片 detect 版本 今天一同事出現運行項目時,提示 A fatal error has been detected by the java runtime environment,具體表現是使用我們框架,不能
greenplum 報錯 valid segments to start the array
utility non-zero fail 錯誤 異常 通過 for 信息 silent greenplum 集群啟動報錯 Do not have enough valid segments to start the array. 前提: 集群配置完成後,有些集群配置需要
RavenDb 報錯 has already produced 16 map results for a source document 解決方案
add default pla eas ask document cti def purchase 今天發現 RAVenDb 數據庫報告錯誤 Index ‘OrderTicketIssueReportIndex‘ has already produced 16 map re
mount掛載報錯mount:you must specify the filesystem type 。 Linux(CentOS)掛載U盤、行動硬碟以及檔案拷貝
mount:you must specify the filesystem type報錯主要是因為沒有指定檔案系統格式,我就進行如下操作 檢視檔案系統格式: df -T -h 我們平時用的行動硬碟是NTFS格式的,linux預設情況下不支援NTFS格式,支援FAT-32格式。
Altium Designer報錯has only one pin
使用AD進行多通道設計時,原理圖報錯:***has only one pin***;經檢查,併為發現不妥的地方,百度查詢相關問題,並不是我所遇到的情況,沒能得到解決;
解決Eclipse報錯顯示Unable to build: the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder
由於最近通過SDK-Manager更新了build-tools,當要用到dx.jar這個包時,自動呼叫最新build-tools中dx.jar,但是執行android專案時Console卻提示: Failed to load C:\Program Files (x86)\And
ionic打包報錯:You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components: [Android S
錯誤資訊: ...... You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on. Android Studio project detected ANDROID_HOME=C:\User
vuex報錯: [vuex] Expects string as the type, but found undefined.
報錯如圖 檢查了好久,發現 const actions = { add({commit}){ commit(types.ADD) } } const mutations = { [types.ADD](state){ state.count++ } } 這裡