1. 程式人生 > >Future類原始碼解析翻譯


     * <p>After this method returns, subsequent calls to {@link #isDone} will
     * always return <tt>true</tt>.  Subsequent calls to {@link #isCancelled}
     * will always return <tt>true</tt> if this method returned <tt>true</tt>.
     * @param mayInterruptIfRunning <tt>true</tt> if the thread executing this
     * task should be interrupted; otherwise, in-progress tasks are allowed
     * to complete
     * @return <tt>false</tt> if the task could not be cancelled,
     * typically because it has already completed normally;
     * <tt>true</tt> otherwise

    boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this task was cancelled before it completed
     * normally.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this task was cancelled before it completed
    boolean isCancelled();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this task completed.
     * Completion may be due to normal termination, an exception, or
     * cancellation -- in all of these cases, this method will return
     * <tt>true</tt>.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this task completed
    boolean isDone();

     * Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then
     * retrieves its result.
     * @return the computed result
     * @throws CancellationException if the computation was cancelled如果任務取消,丟擲CancellationException異常

     * @throws ExecutionException if the computation threw an
     * exception
     * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted
     * while waiting如果當前執行緒被中斷在等待,丟擲InterruptedException
    V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;

     * Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation
     * to complete, and then retrieves its result, if available.
     * @param timeout the maximum time to wait
     * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument
     * @return the computed result
     * @throws CancellationException if the computation was cancelled如果任務取消,丟擲CancellationException異常
     * @throws ExecutionException if the computation threw an
     * exception如果計算丟擲異常,則丟擲ExecutionException
     * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted
     * while waiting
     * @throws TimeoutException if the wait timed out丟擲TimeoutException異常,如果等待超時
    V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;