1. 程式人生 > >springsession原始碼分析三之RedisOperationsSessionRepository



  1. uml 圖

    MessageListener是redis訊息訂閱的監聽介面,SessionMessageListener 是過時的,已經被

  2. 原始碼分析

    public class RedisOperationsSessionRepository implements
    >, MessageListener {
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory .getLog(RedisOperationsSessionRepository.class); private static final String SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT = "SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT"; static PrincipalNameResolver PRINCIPAL_NAME_RESOLVER = new PrincipalNameResolver(); /** * The default prefix for each key and channel in Redis used by Spring Session. * 預設key和channel的字首 */
    static final String DEFAULT_SPRING_SESSION_REDIS_PREFIX = "spring:session:"; /** * The key in the Hash representing * {@link org.springframework.session.ExpiringSession#getCreationTime()}. */ static final String CREATION_TIME_ATTR = "creationTime"; /** * The key in the Hash representing * {@link org.springframework.session.ExpiringSession#getMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds()} * . */
    static final String MAX_INACTIVE_ATTR = "maxInactiveInterval"; /** * The key in the Hash representing * {@link org.springframework.session.ExpiringSession#getLastAccessedTime()}. */ static final String LAST_ACCESSED_ATTR = "lastAccessedTime"; /** * The prefix of the key for used for session attributes. The suffix is the name of * the session attribute. For example, if the session contained an attribute named * attributeName, then there would be an entry in the hash named * sessionAttr:attributeName that mapped to its value. * session屬性sessionAttr:attributeName */ static final String SESSION_ATTR_PREFIX = "sessionAttr:"; /** * The prefix for every key used by Spring Session in Redis. */ private String keyPrefix = DEFAULT_SPRING_SESSION_REDIS_PREFIX; //從uml圖中可以看出這是redis模板操作的介面 private final RedisOperations<Object, Object> sessionRedisOperations; /** redis session過期策略處理類。RedisSessionExpirationPolicy與RedisOperationsSessionRepository相互引用, RedisOperationsSessionRepository去通知RedisSessionExpirationPolicy做相關的操作,同時RedisSessionExpirationPolicy從RedisOperationsSessionRepository拉取相關的資訊。特別像觀察者模式中的“拉操作”,可以認為是簡版的觀察者模式 **/ private final RedisSessionExpirationPolicy expirationPolicy; /** * 事件釋出 **/ private ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher = new ApplicationEventPublisher() { public void publishEvent(ApplicationEvent event) { } public void publishEvent(Object event) { } }; /** * If non-null, this value is used to override the default value for * {@link RedisSession#setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds(int)}. */ private Integer defaultMaxInactiveInterval; //預設redis序列化使用的jdk序列化方式 private RedisSerializer<Object> defaultSerializer = new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer(); private RedisFlushMode redisFlushMode = RedisFlushMode.ON_SAVE; /** * Allows creating an instance and uses a default {@link RedisOperations} for both * managing the session and the expirations. * * @param redisConnectionFactory the {@link RedisConnectionFactory} to use. */ public RedisOperationsSessionRepository( RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) { this(createDefaultTemplate(redisConnectionFactory)); } /** * Creates a new instance. For an example, refer to the class level javadoc. * * @param sessionRedisOperations The {@link RedisOperations} to use for managing the * sessions. Cannot be null. */ public RedisOperationsSessionRepository( RedisOperations<Object, Object> sessionRedisOperations) { Assert.notNull(sessionRedisOperations, "sessionRedisOperations cannot be null"); this.sessionRedisOperations = sessionRedisOperations; this.expirationPolicy = new RedisSessionExpirationPolicy(sessionRedisOperations, this); } /** * Sets the {@link ApplicationEventPublisher} that is used to publish * {@link SessionDestroyedEvent}. The default is to not publish a * {@link SessionDestroyedEvent}. * * @param applicationEventPublisher the {@link ApplicationEventPublisher} that is used * to publish {@link SessionDestroyedEvent}. Cannot be null. */ public void setApplicationEventPublisher( ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher) { Assert.notNull(applicationEventPublisher, "applicationEventPublisher cannot be null"); this.eventPublisher = applicationEventPublisher; } /** * Sets the maximum inactive interval in seconds between requests before newly created * sessions will be invalidated. A negative time indicates that the session will never * timeout. The default is 1800 (30 minutes). * * @param defaultMaxInactiveInterval the number of seconds that the {@link Session} * should be kept alive between client requests. */ public void setDefaultMaxInactiveInterval(int defaultMaxInactiveInterval) { this.defaultMaxInactiveInterval = defaultMaxInactiveInterval; } /** * Sets the default redis serializer. Replaces default serializer which is based on * {@link JdkSerializationRedisSerializer}. * * @param defaultSerializer the new default redis serializer */ public void setDefaultSerializer(RedisSerializer<Object> defaultSerializer) { Assert.notNull(defaultSerializer, "defaultSerializer cannot be null"); this.defaultSerializer = defaultSerializer; } /** * Sets the redis flush mode. Default flush mode is {@link RedisFlushMode#ON_SAVE}. * * @param redisFlushMode the new redis flush mode */ public void setRedisFlushMode(RedisFlushMode redisFlushMode) { Assert.notNull(redisFlushMode, "redisFlushMode cannot be null"); this.redisFlushMode = redisFlushMode; } public void save(RedisSession session) { session.saveDelta(); if (session.isNew()) { String sessionCreatedKey = getSessionCreatedChannel(session.getId()); this.sessionRedisOperations.convertAndSend(sessionCreatedKey, session.delta); session.setNew(false); } } /* 清理session */ @Scheduled(cron = "0 * * * * *") public void cleanupExpiredSessions() { this.expirationPolicy.cleanExpiredSessions(); } public RedisSession getSession(String id) { return getSession(id, false); } public Map<String, RedisSession> findByIndexNameAndIndexValue(String indexName, String indexValue) { if (!PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME.equals(indexName)) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } String principalKey = getPrincipalKey(indexValue); Set<Object> sessionIds = this.sessionRedisOperations.boundSetOps(principalKey) .members(); Map<String, RedisSession> sessions = new HashMap<String, RedisSession>( sessionIds.size()); for (Object id : sessionIds) { RedisSession session = getSession((String) id); if (session != null) { sessions.put(session.getId(), session); } } return sessions; } /** * Gets the session. * @param id the session id * @param allowExpired if true, will also include expired sessions that have not been * deleted. If false, will ensure expired sessions are not returned. * @return the Redis session */ private RedisSession getSession(String id, boolean allowExpired) { Map<Object, Object> entries = getSessionBoundHashOperations(id).entries(); if (entries.isEmpty()) { return null; } MapSession loaded = loadSession(id, entries); if (!allowExpired && loaded.isExpired()) { return null; } RedisSession result = new RedisSession(loaded); result.originalLastAccessTime = loaded.getLastAccessedTime(); return result; } private MapSession loadSession(String id, Map<Object, Object> entries) { MapSession loaded = new MapSession(id); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries.entrySet()) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); if (CREATION_TIME_ATTR.equals(key)) { loaded.setCreationTime((Long) entry.getValue()); } else if (MAX_INACTIVE_ATTR.equals(key)) { loaded.setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds((Integer) entry.getValue()); } else if (LAST_ACCESSED_ATTR.equals(key)) { loaded.setLastAccessedTime((Long) entry.getValue()); } else if (key.startsWith(SESSION_ATTR_PREFIX)) { loaded.setAttribute(key.substring(SESSION_ATTR_PREFIX.length()), entry.getValue()); } } return loaded; } public void delete(String sessionId) { RedisSession session = getSession(sessionId, true); if (session == null) { return; } cleanupPrincipalIndex(session); this.expirationPolicy.onDelete(session); String expireKey = getExpiredKey(session.getId()); this.sessionRedisOperations.delete(expireKey); session.setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds(0); save(session); } public RedisSession createSession() { RedisSession redisSession = new RedisSession(); if (this.defaultMaxInactiveInterval != null) { redisSession.setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds(this.defaultMaxInactiveInterval); } return redisSession; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void onMessage(Message message, byte[] pattern) { byte[] messageChannel = message.getChannel(); byte[] messageBody = message.getBody(); if (messageChannel == null || messageBody == null) { return; } String channel = new String(messageChannel); if (channel.startsWith(getSessionCreatedChannelPrefix())) { // TODO: is this thread safe? Map<Object, Object> loaded = (Map<Object, Object>) this.defaultSerializer .deserialize(message.getBody()); handleCreated(loaded, channel); return; } String body = new String(messageBody); if (!body.startsWith(getExpiredKeyPrefix())) { return; } boolean isDeleted = channel.endsWith(":del"); if (isDeleted || channel.endsWith(":expired")) { int beginIndex = body.lastIndexOf(":") + 1; int endIndex = body.length(); String sessionId = body.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); RedisSession session = getSession(sessionId, true); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Publishing SessionDestroyedEvent for session " + sessionId); } cleanupPrincipalIndex(session); if (isDeleted) { handleDeleted(sessionId, session); } else { handleExpired(sessionId, session); } return; } } private void cleanupPrincipalIndex(RedisSession session) { if (session == null) { return; } String sessionId = session.getId(); String principal = PRINCIPAL_NAME_RESOLVER.resolvePrincipal(session); if (principal != null) { this.sessionRedisOperations.boundSetOps(getPrincipalKey(principal)) .remove(sessionId); } } public void handleCreated(Map<Object, Object> loaded, String channel) { String id = channel.substring(channel.lastIndexOf(":") + 1); ExpiringSession session = loadSession(id, loaded); publishEvent(new SessionCreatedEvent(this, session)); } private void handleDeleted(String sessionId, RedisSession session) { if (session == null) { publishEvent(new SessionDeletedEvent(this, sessionId)); } else { publishEvent(new SessionDeletedEvent(this, session)); } } private void handleExpired(String sessionId, RedisSession session) { if (session == null) { publishEvent(new SessionExpiredEvent(this, sessionId)); } else { publishEvent(new SessionExpiredEvent(this, session)); } } private void publishEvent(ApplicationEvent event) { try { this.eventPublisher.publishEvent(event); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error("Error publishing " + event + ".", ex); } } public void setRedisKeyNamespace(String namespace) { this.keyPrefix = DEFAULT_SPRING_SESSION_REDIS_PREFIX + namespace + ":"; } /** * Gets the Hash key for this session by prefixing it appropriately. * * @param sessionId the session id * @return the Hash key for this session by prefixing it appropriately. */ String getSessionKey(String sessionId) { return this.keyPrefix + "sessions:" + sessionId; } String getPrincipalKey(String principalName) { return this.keyPrefix + "index:" + FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME + ":" + principalName; } String getExpirationsKey(long expiration) { return this.keyPrefix + "expirations:" + expiration; } private String getExpiredKey(String sessionId) { return getExpiredKeyPrefix() + sessionId; } private String getSessionCreatedChannel(String sessionId) { return getSessionCreatedChannelPrefix() + sessionId; } /** *過期key的字首 **/ private String getExpiredKeyPrefix() { return this.keyPrefix + "sessions:" + "expires:"; } /** * Gets the prefix for the channel that SessionCreatedEvent are published to. The * suffix is the session id of the session that was created. * * @return the prefix for the channel that SessionCreatedEvent are published to */ public String getSessionCreatedChannelPrefix() { return this.keyPrefix + "event:created:"; } /** * Gets the {@link BoundHashOperations} to operate on a {@link Session}. * @param sessionId the id of the {@link Session} to work with * @return the {@link BoundHashOperations} to operate on a {@link Session} */ private BoundHashOperations<Object, Object, Object> getSessionBoundHashOperations( String sessionId) { String key = getSessionKey(sessionId); return this.sessionRedisOperations.boundHashOps(key); } /** * Gets the key for the specified session attribute. * * @param attributeName the attribute name * @return the attribute key name */ static String getSessionAttrNameKey(String attributeName) { return SESSION_ATTR_PREFIX + attributeName; } private static RedisTemplate<Object, Object> createDefaultTemplate( RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { Assert.notNull(connectionFactory, "connectionFactory cannot be null"); RedisTemplate<Object, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<Object, Object>(); template.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); template.setHashKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); template.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); template.afterPropertiesSet(); return template; } /** * A custom implementation of {@link Session} that uses a {@link MapSession} as the * basis for its mapping. It keeps track of any attributes that have changed. When * {@link org.springframework.session.data.redis.RedisOperationsSessionRepository.RedisSession#saveDelta()} * is invoked all the attributes that have been changed will be persisted. * * @author Rob Winch * @since 1.0 */ final class RedisSession implements ExpiringSession { private final MapSession cached; private Long originalLastAccessTime; private Map<String, Object> delta = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private boolean isNew; private String originalPrincipalName; /** * Creates a new instance ensuring to mark all of the new attributes to be * persisted in the next save operation. */ RedisSession() { this(new MapSession()); this.delta.put(CREATION_TIME_ATTR, getCreationTime()); this.delta.put(MAX_INACTIVE_ATTR, getMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds()); this.delta.put(LAST_ACCESSED_ATTR, getLastAccessedTime()); this.isNew = true; flushImmediateIfNecessary(); } /** * Creates a new instance from the provided {@link MapSession}. * * @param cached the {@MapSession} that represents the persisted session that was * retrieved. Cannot be null. */ RedisSession(MapSession cached) { Assert.notNull("MapSession cannot be null"); this.cached = cached; this.originalPrincipalName = PRINCIPAL_NAME_RESOLVER.resolvePrincipal(this); } public void setNew(boolean isNew) { this.isNew = isNew; } public void setLastAccessedTime(long lastAccessedTime) { this.cached.setLastAccessedTime(lastAccessedTime); this.delta.put(LAST_ACCESSED_ATTR, getLastAccessedTime()); flushImmediateIfNecessary(); } public boolean isExpired() { return this.cached.isExpired(); } public boolean isNew() { return this.isNew; } public long getCreationTime() { return this.cached.getCreationTime(); } public String getId() { return this.cached.getId(); } public long getLastAccessedTime() { return this.cached.getLastAccessedTime(); } public void setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds(int interval) { this.cached.setMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds(interval); this.delta.put(MAX_INACTIVE_ATTR, getMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds()); flushImmediateIfNecessary(); } public int getMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds() { return this.cached.getMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object getAttribute(String attributeName) { return this.cached.getAttribute(attributeName); } public Set<String> getAttributeNames() { return this.cached.getAttributeNames(); } public void setAttribute(String attributeName, Object attributeValue) { this.cached.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); this.delta.put(getSessionAttrNameKey(attributeName), attributeValue); flushImmediateIfNecessary(); } public void removeAttribute(String attributeName) { this.cached.removeAttribute(attributeName); this.delta.put(getSessionAttrNameKey(attributeName), null); flushImmediateIfNecessary(); } private void flushImmediateIfNecessary() { if (RedisOperationsSessionRepository.this.redisFlushMode == RedisFlushMode.IMMEDIATE) { saveDelta(); } } /** * Saves any attributes that have been changed and updates the expiration of this * session. */ private void saveDelta() { if (this.delta.isEmpty()) { return; } String sessionId = getId(); getSessionBoundHashOperations(sessionId).putAll(this.delta); String principalSessionKey = getSessionAttrNameKey( FindByIndexNameSessionRepository.PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME); String securityPrincipalSessionKey = getSessionAttrNameKey( SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT); if (this.delta.containsKey(principalSessionKey) || this.delta.containsKey(securityPrincipalSessionKey)) { if (this.originalPrincipalName != null) { String originalPrincipalRedisKey = getPrincipalKey( this.originalPrincipalName); RedisOperationsSessionRepository.this.sessionRedisOperations .boundSetOps(originalPrincipalRedisKey).remove(sessionId); } String principal = PRINCIPAL_NAME_RESOLVER.resolvePrincipal(this); this.originalPrincipalName = principal; if (principal != null) { String principalRedisKey = getPrincipalKey(principal); RedisOperationsSessionRepository.this.sessionRedisOperations .boundSetOps(principalRedisKey).add(sessionId); } } this.delta = new HashMap<String, Object>(this.delta.size()); Long originalExpiration = this.originalLastAccessTime == null ? null : this.originalLastAccessTime + TimeUnit.SECONDS .toMillis(getMaxInactiveIntervalInSeconds()); RedisOperationsSessionRepository.this.expirationPolicy .onExpirationUpdated(originalExpiration, this); } } /** * Principal name resolver helper class. */ static class PrincipalNameResolver { private SpelExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser(); public String resolvePrincipal(Session session) { String principalName = session.getAttribute(PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME); if (principalName != null) { return principalName; } Object authentication = session.getAttribute(SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT); if (authentication != null) { Expression expression = this.parser .parseExpression("authentication?.name"); return expression.getValue(authentication, String.class); } return null; } } }
  3. 儲存結構