在wider face驗證集上驗證自己檢測器的效能
1、首先訓練時用wider face的訓練集進行訓練(不要用驗證集)
3、用wider face中的驗證集val進行測試,得到檢測結果格式為<image name i> score x1 y1 x2 y2,與wider face要求的格式
< image name i >
< number of faces in this image = im >
< face i1 >
< face i2 >
< face im >
而且The detection result for each image should be a text file, with the same name of the image. The detection results are organized by the event categories. For example, if the directory of a testing image is "./0--Parade/0_Parade_marchingband_1_5.jpg", the detection result should be writtern in the text file in "./0--Parade/0_Parade_marchingband_1_5.txt".(每一張圖片都應該有一個txt檔案,而且txt檔案目錄應該和資料集原來的目錄一致),所以我寫了個C++程式將檢測結果轉化為需要的格式,然後在下好的Evaluation code的eval_tools目錄下新建一個mkdir_event_list.m檔案用於建立資料夾目錄:
split_file = './ground_truth/wider_face_val'; [~, ~, ~] = rmdir('C:/Users/qingyun.tang/Documents/Visual Studio 2013/Projects/WiderfaceEvaluationResults/WiderfaceEvaluationResults/pred', 's'); mkdir('C:/Users/qingyun.tang/Documents/Visual Studio 2013/Projects/WiderfaceEvaluationResults/WiderfaceEvaluationResults/pred'); data = load(split_file); for i=1:numel(data.event_list) directoryname=fullfile('C:/Users/qingyun.tang/Documents/Visual Studio 2013/Projects/WiderfaceEvaluationResults/WiderfaceEvaluationResults/pred/',data.event_list{i}); mkdir(directoryname); end
#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; //字串分割函式 vector<string> split(string str, string pattern) { vector<string> ret; if (pattern.empty()) return ret; size_t start = 0, index = str.find_first_of(pattern, 0); while (index != str.npos) { if (start != index) ret.push_back(str.substr(start, index - start)); start = index + 1; index = str.find_first_of(pattern, start); } if (!str.substr(start).empty()) ret.push_back(str.substr(start)); return ret; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ifstream InputFile("comp4_det_widerfacevalfilelist_face.txt");//自己檢測器的檢測結果 string rootpath = "pred//"; string line, ImageNameTemp; stringstream ss; int count = 1; vector<double> vec_score; vector<double> vec_x1; vector<double> vec_y1; vector<double> vec_x2; vector<double> vec_y2; double score, x1, y1, x2, y2; string ImageName; getline(InputFile, line); ss << line; ss >> ImageName >> score >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2; vec_score.push_back(score); vec_x1.push_back(x1); vec_y1.push_back(y1); vec_x2.push_back(x2); vec_y2.push_back(y2); ImageNameTemp = ImageName; while (getline(InputFile, line)) { ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss << line; ss >> ImageName >> score >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2; if (ImageName == ImageNameTemp) { count++; vec_score.push_back(score); vec_x1.push_back(x1); vec_y1.push_back(y1); vec_x2.push_back(x2); vec_y2.push_back(y2); } else { vector<string> vec_string; vec_string = split(ImageNameTemp, "/"); ofstream OutputFile(rootpath+vec_string[0] + "//" + vec_string[1] + ".txt"); OutputFile << vec_string[1] << endl; OutputFile << count << endl; count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < vec_score.size(); i++) { OutputFile << vec_x1[i] << " " << vec_y1[i] << " " << (vec_x2[i] - vec_x1[i]) << " " << (vec_y2[i] - vec_y1[i]) << " " << vec_score[i] << endl; } vec_score.clear(); vector<double>(vec_score).swap(vec_score); vec_x1.clear(); vector<double>(vec_x1).swap(vec_x1); vec_y1.clear(); vector<double>(vec_y1).swap(vec_y1); vec_x2.clear(); vector<double>(vec_x2).swap(vec_x2); vec_y2.clear(); vector<double>(vec_y2).swap(vec_y2); vec_score.push_back(score); vec_x1.push_back(x1); vec_y1.push_back(y1); vec_x2.push_back(x2); vec_y2.push_back(y2); } ImageNameTemp = ImageName; } vector<string> vec_string; vec_string = split(ImageName, "/"); ofstream OutputFile(rootpath+vec_string[0] + "//" + vec_string[1] + ".txt"); OutputFile << vec_string[1] << endl; OutputFile << count << endl; for (int i = 0; i < vec_score.size(); i++) { OutputFile << vec_x1[i] << " " << vec_y1[i] << " " << (vec_x2[i] - vec_x1[i]) << " " << (vec_y2[i] - vec_y1[i]) << " " << vec_score[i] << endl; } return 0; }
5、如果要在wider face測試集上驗證自己的結果,需要與wider face官方聯絡。