阿新 • • 發佈:2019-02-18
create table orders(
order_id int unsigned auto_increment,
order_status int not null,
total_price int unsigned,
settle_type int,
store_id int,
buyer_id int,
goods varchar(20),
create_time datetime default current_timestamp,
primary key(order_id)
drop procedure if exists load_orders;
delimiter //
create procedure load_orders(count int unsigned)
declare status int default 0;
declare type int default 0;
declare store int default 133;
declare price int default 85;
declare buyer int default 1001;
declare goods varchar(20 ) ;
declare i int unsigned default 0;
SET goods= 'al';
while i<count DO
SET status=mod (status,77);
SET type=mod(type,29);
IF buyer>2000 THEN SET buyer=1001; end IF;
IF price>1000 THEN SET price=200; end IF;
IF length(goods)>18 THEN SET goods= 'al'; end IF;
insert into orders(order_status,total_price,settle_type,store_id,goods,buyer_id) values (status, price, type , store, goods, buyer);
SET count=count+1;
SET status=status+1;
SET type=type+1;
SET store=store+1;
SET price=price+43;
SET buyer=buyer+1;
SET goods=concat(goods, char(round(rand()*25)+97));
SET i=i+1;
end while;
end //
delimiter ;
call load_orders(99999);#呼叫儲存過程
select count(store_id) as cnt from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
select count(order_id) as cnt from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
select count(*) as cnt from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
從查詢計劃中我們可以看到是全表掃描的,Using where。
alter table orders add key union_key(settle_type,order_status,buyer_id);
desc select count(store_id) as cnt from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select count(order_id) as cnt from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select count(*) as cnt from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
select * from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
#4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select * from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and buyer_id=1990;
#243 rows in set (0.53 sec)
select * from orders WHERE order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
#91 rows in set (10.44 sec)
desc select * from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select * from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select * from orders WHERE order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
上面的Using index condition就是使用到了ICP喲,where會在儲存引擎中過濾後再傳遞給server層。
desc select settle_type from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select settle_type from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select settle_type from orders WHERE order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select buyer_id from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select buyer_id from orders WHERE settle_type = 1 and buyer_id=1990;
desc select buyer_id from orders WHERE order_status = 2 and buyer_id=1990;