1. 程式人生 > >陣列實現連結串列


#include <iostream> 
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class MyListException {
	MyListException(std::string _msg) :msg(_msg) {}
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const MyListException& e);
	std::string msg;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const MyListException& e) {
	out << e.msg;
	return out;

class MyList {
	MyList(int _maxSize);
	void insert(const int e, const  int pos);	//insert an element at nth position
	void push_back(const int e);				//push back
	void erase(const int num);					//delete the nth element.
	int front() const;							//access the first element
	int back() const;							//access the last element
	int size() const;
	int max_size() const;
	bool empty() const;
	MyList(const MyList&) = delete;
	MyList& operator=(const MyList&) = delete;
	int pos_available() const;					//find the available pos
	int head, cur, list_size;
	const int maxSize, null;
	int *list, *next;

MyList::MyList(int _maxSize)
	:head(0), cur(-1), list_size(0), maxSize(_maxSize), null(_maxSize + 1)
	list = new int[maxSize];
	next = new int[maxSize];
	for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; ++i)
		next[i] = null;

//insert an element at nth position.
void MyList::insert(const int e, const int num) {
	if (num < 1 || num > list_size + 1)throw MyListException("The position is invalid.");
	if (list_size == maxSize)throw MyListException("List is full.");
	//after the cur
	if (num == list_size + 1) {
	int index = head, pre, pos = pos_available();
	for (int i = 1; i < num; ++i) {
		pre = index;
		index = next[index];
	//before the head
	if (num == 1) {
		list[pos] = e;
		next[pos] = head;
		head = pos;
	//other trivial conditions
	next[pre] = pos;
	list[pos] = e;
	next[pos] = index;

void MyList::push_back(const int e) {
	if (list_size == maxSize)throw MyListException("List is full.");
	if (list_size++ == 0) {
		list[head] = e;
		cur = head;
	int pos = pos_available();
	next[cur] = pos;
	list[pos] = e;
	cur = pos;

//delete the nth element.
void MyList::erase(const int num) {
	if (num < 1 || num > maxSize)throw MyListException("The position is invalid.");
	if (list_size < num)throw MyListException("Not enough elements.");
	if (list_size == 0)throw MyListException("List is empty.");
	int index = head, pre;
	for (int i = 1; i < num; ++i) {
		pre = index;
		index = next[index];
	//delete head == cur
	if (list_size == 0) {
		cur = -1;
	//delete head element.
	if (num == 1) {
		head = next[index];
		next[index] = null;
	//delete the last;
	if (index == cur) {
		cur = pre;
		next[pre] = null;
	//other trivial conditions
	next[pre] = next[index];
	next[index] = null;

int MyList::front() const {
	return list[head];

int MyList::back() const {
	if (list_size == 0)throw MyListException("List is empty.");
	return list[cur];

int MyList::size() const {
	return list_size;

int MyList::max_size() const {
	return maxSize;

bool MyList::empty() const {
	return list_size == 0;

int MyList::pos_available() const {
	int pos = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < maxSize; ++i) {
		pos = (i + cur) % maxSize;
		if (next[pos] == null)return pos;

MyList::~MyList() {
	delete[] list;
	delete[] next;

int main() {

	MyList list(5);

	try {
		//do something

	catch (MyListException e) {
		cout << e << endl;

	return 0;