select stuName as 姓名',--第1種起別名方法,推薦用法
stuNumber 學號,--第2種起別名方法
性別=stuGender --第3種起別名方法
from TbStudent
select stuName, stuNumber, stuGender,是否黨員='no' from TbStudent
--3. where子句(條件查詢)
--注意: where子句一定要放在被查詢的表名後邊
select * from TbStudent where stuGender=0 --判等
sel ect*from TbS tudent where stuAge>20 and stuAge<40
--大小范國比較,美系送算: =, >,<,>=,<=, !=(不等於)
select* from TbStudent where stuAge>20 and stuAge<40 and stuAddress=' 幵封
select from TbStudent where stuClassId !=2
--between. . .and. .., between範圍比較between. .and. . 是包含這2個數的(是用來比較連續的值)
select from TbStudent where stuAge between 20 and 40
--查詢所有1,2, 3班的學生資訊
select *from TbStudent where stuClassId=1 or stuClassId=2 or stuClassId=3
select *from TbStudent where stuClassId between 1and3
詢所有1,3, 4班的學生資訊
sel ect * from TbStudent where stuClassId in(1,3,4)
查詢所有1,3, 4班的學生資訊
select*from TbStudent where stuClassId not in(1, 3, 4)
--top關鍵字: 查詢前若干條几率
select top(5) * from TbStudent where stuClassId in (1,了, 4)
select top 70 percent * from TbStudent
select di stinct stuAddress from TbStudent
select DISTINCT stuAddress, stuAge f rom TbStudent
select * from TbStudent where stuName= '劉備 '
萬用字元:%,_ , [] , ^
select * from TbStudent where stuName Like '武'
select * from character where tName like '%傑%'(只要出現傑,就行)
--_ 萬用字元,表示匹配任意1個字元
select * from TbS tudent where StuName Like '武'
select from TbStudent where
stuName like '武_ '
select * from TbStudent where stuName like ' %敏%'
select * from TbStudent where stuName not like ' %敏%'
一一^ 萬用字元: 非,不是
select from TbStudent where stuName like ' %^敏%'
聚合函式:不管是多少條記錄 最後只能得到1個數
Max:求最大值 ;select MAX(tAge)from character
min:求最小值 ;select MIN(tAge)from character
count:計算記錄條數;;select COUNT(*)from character
select COUNT(1)from character
sum:求和;select SUM(tAge)from character
avg:求平津值;select avg(tAge)from character