1. 程式人生 > >Investments: 共同基金和其他投資公司

Investments: 共同基金和其他投資公司



  • Managed investment companies
    • 開放式Open-end funds: mutual funds 共同基金:以淨值發行贖回份額
    • 封閉式Closed-end funds:不能贖回,交易價格不同於資產淨值
  • REITS,房地產投資信託
  • 對衝基金


  • 金融中介從個人投資者收集資金並將這些資金投資於各種證券
  • 為其投資者執行若干功能:
    • 管理和記錄儲存
    • 分散風險
    • 專業資金管理
    • 降低交易成本

淨資產值 Net Asset Value

投資者購買投資公司份額,每股份額稱為淨資產值(NAV,資產淨值) 它用於 1. 投資公司股票估值的基礎
2. 出售新股
3. 贖回現有股份
資產淨值 NAV=(資產的市場價值 Maket Value of Assets - 負債 Liabilities) / Shares Outstanding 已發行股數

Load 申購費,贖回費:共同基金的營業佣金



  • 由基金公司賣出或贖回,是基金公司和投資者之間的交易
  • 定價:以資產淨值(NAV)出售
  • 已發行股份:新股銷售或舊股贖回時的變動
  • 贖回或發行依靠淨資產值
  • 擁有可變數量的股份


  • 股票在市場上投資者買賣,基金本身不涉及
  • 定價:以premium (補償) 或折扣價格的淨資產值出售
  • 已發行股份:除非提供新股,否則無變動
  • 被出售給有組織的交易所的其他投資者
  • 有固定數量的股份



  • 類似於封閉式基金,投資於房地產或房地產貸款
  • 由銀行,保險公司或抵押公司成立
  • Equity trust
  • Mortgage trust 債權信託:主要投資於抵押貸款和建築貸款


  • Private speculative investment pool, exempt from SEC 
  • Can only accept funds from certain classes of (presumably) informed investors
  • 少量的資訊披露 Little information disclosure
  • 鎖定期 Lock-up period
  • 管理費 Management fee + 獎勵飛incentive fees
  • 大槓桿 Typically heavily leveraged
  • Attempt to exploit temporary anomalies in security valuations


共同基金 - “資產管理公司”
  • 人們彙集他們的金融資產:規模經濟
  • 低成本多元化
    • 一般來說全面多元化意味著至少有20家低關聯企業
    • 很難實現小儲戶
      • 佣金,其他交易費用,使全面的多元化成本過高
      • 國際投資,特別是在新興市場,對於沒有共同基金的大多數儲戶幾乎是不可能的
  • 低成本的投資專長
    • 規模經濟:證券分析成本分散:
    • 資訊問題:對於小儲戶來說,學習基本的東西


  1. Money market funds 貨幣市場基金: Commercial paper 商業票據,T-bills,CDs等
  2. Equity funds股權基金
    • 投資股票
    • Growth Funds 增長基金: 試圖投資高增長的公司,理論上可以提供高回報
    • Value or Income Funds 價值或收入基金: 試圖投資於支付高額紅利的公司, 通常在成熟行業,不被視為“成長型”企業
  3. Specialized sector funds 特定行業基金
    • 專注於特定行業,特定國家,具體風險類別等。
  4. Bond funds 債券基金: 固定收益(債券)
  5. International funds 
    • 全球證券,美國內
    • 美國境外投資
    • Reginal funds 區域基金專注於世界的特定區域
    • Emerging market funds 新興市場基金投資發展中國家
  6.  Balanced funds 平衡式基金
    • 持股比例固定的equitiesfixed-income securities
    • Life-cycle funds 生命週期基金:資產組合範圍從侵略性到保守
    • 靜態分配資金在股票和債券之間保持穩定的組合
    • 有針對性的成熟基金在投資者年齡變得更加保守
  • Funds of funds :主要投資於其他共同基金的共同基金
Asset allocation and flexible funds
  • proportion varies according to market forecast
Index funds
  • Try to match performance of broad market index 嘗試匹配廣泛市場指數的表現
  • Buy shares in securities included in particular index in proportion to security’s representation in index 複製了某些指數的比例標準

Who invests in Mutual funds?

  • Retail: Individuals, small institutions
    • Retirement accounts through employers 退休金賬戶
    • Rainy day savings, college
    • Church endowments, cemetery funds, etc.
  • Wholesale: Other institutional asset managers, e.g., 
    • Pension funds (other retirement money, more later)
    • Insurance companies
    • Large endowments (捐贈)


Fee Structure

  • Front-end load: commission or sales charge paid when you purchases the shares
    • Pay the brokers
    • no-load funds
    • Low-load funds: range up to 3%
    • Others could up to 8.5%
  • Back-end load: redemption or exit fee incurred when you sell your shares當賣出份額
    • Start from 5-6% and reduce them by 1% for every year the funds are left invested
    • e.g. An exit fee that starts at 6% would fall to 4% by the start of your third year
  • Operating expenses:執行組合的費用
    • Administrative expenses
    • Advisory fees paid to the investment manager 投資經理諮詢費
    • 0.2-2 % of total assets under management
  • 12 b-1 charges
    • distribution costs paid by the fund
      • Advertising, promotional literature including annual reports and prospectuses 廣告,促銷文獻,包括年度報告和招股說明書
      • Commissions paid to brokers who sell the fund to investors 投資經理的佣金
    • Alternative to a load
    • Are limited to 1% of a fund’s average NAV per year

Exchange Traded Funds 交易所交易基金

  • ETF allow investors to trade index portfolios like shares of stock 以股票的形式交易指數投資組合
  • Examples – SPDRs and Diamonds, Cubes, WEBS
  • Potential advantages
    • Trade continuously throughout day 交易不斷
    • Can be sold or purchased on margin
    • Potentially lower tax rates
    • Lower costs (no marketing, lower fund expenses)
  • Potential disadvantages
    • Price departed from the NAV by small amounts
平均而言,共同基金表現低於市場表現 Evidence suggests some persistence in positive performance over certain horizons