1. 程式人生 > >English trip V1 - B 19. Life of Confucius 孔子的生活 Teacher:Patrick Key:

English trip V1 - B 19. Life of Confucius 孔子的生活 Teacher:Patrick Key:

ont cat because this after egg sport 頻率 wake

In this lesson you will learn to describe a daily routine. (日常生活)


詞匯(Key Word )

contraction 縮寫

Confucius 孔子

toothbrush n. 牙刷

frie rice with eggs 雞蛋炒飯

noodle 面條

play sports 做運動

dumplings n. 餃子(dumpling的復數)

sweet dumpling 湯圓

rice dumplings 粽子

flu 流感

raise cat 養貓

sweep 掃

repeat 重復

meals 進食;用膳

surf the net 上網

get home = I‘m home 到家

hang 掛

doughnut n. 油炸圈餅;圓環圖;電子回旋加速器環狀真空室

# because & because of 區別

because + 句子

because of + 名詞

once a week 每周一次

twice a week 一周兩次

three times a week 一周三次

serveral times a mouth 一個月幾次

several 幾個;數個

# make

make friend 交朋友

faces 做鬼臉

money 賺錢

noises 制造噪音;很吵

a living : 謀生,維持生活

Make yourself at home 請隨意;請自便

Make sure to do 確保....

make up 化妝;編造

make up one‘s mind 下定決心

# 頻率副詞

How often do you ...

seldom rarely 很少

frequently adv. 頻繁地,經常地;時常,屢次





decade n. 十年,十年期;十

century 世紀,百年

# Daily Routines

do th laundry 洗衣做

hang the clothes 曬衣服

iron the clothes 熨燙衣服

vacuum the floor 用吸塵器清理地板

make my bed 整理床

go to bed 上床睡覺

wake up 醒來

brush your teeth 刷牙

drive to work 開車上班

get home 到家

take a bath 沐浴;泡個澡 take a shower 洗一個澡;淋浴

brush your hair 梳頭

surf the net 上網

play with friend 和朋友們一起玩

go to school 去上學

go shopping 購物

exercise 鍛煉

put on makeup 化妝

wash the car 洗車

get dressed 穿好衣服,穿上衣服

go out with a friend 和朋友一起出去

take pictures 拍照

play the guitar 彈吉他

water the plant 給植物澆水

go for a walk 散步

work 工作

have breakfst 吃早餐

have lunch 吃午餐

have dinner 吃晚餐

make dinner 做晚餐


I am on the way to work 我正在上班的路上 # to do 不定式;表目的

hang out with my friends 和朋友在一塊玩 # 比較地道的表達 hang out 掛出;閑逛

What you usuall do in your leisure time 你通常在閑暇時間做什麽 # free time 空閑時間 spare time 消遣時間

Loki is borrowing money from his pal # pal n. 朋友,夥伴;同誌

Loki always borrowing from his pal. 使用這次詞匯的情形表示存在方案

I go to work by bike. I go to work by bicycle. 我騎自行車上班

Can I ask some questions? 我能提一些問題嗎?

Do you have many cats? 你有很多貓嗎?

Do you drink tea in the morning? 你早上和茶嗎?

# A TV Show

Dave=D Confucius=C

D: Good evening, Confucius.

C: Good evening

D: Welcome to our TV show

C: Thank you

D: Can I ask you some questions?

C: Yes,you can

D: What do you do in the afternoon?

C: I read books in the garden.

D: Good. What about in the evening?

C: I brush my cats.

D: That‘s nice. Do you have many cats?

C: Yes I do. I have 50 cats.

D: Oh,that is a lot! Thank you,Confucius. Does anyone have any questions for Coufucius?


English trip V1 - B 19. Life of Confucius 孔子的生活 Teacher:Patrick Key: