1. 程式人生 > >谷歌瀏覽器的源碼分析 11

谷歌瀏覽器的源碼分析 11

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#001 // Autocomplete provider for searches and suggestions from a search engine.

#002 //

#003 // After construction, the autocomplete controller repeatedly calls Start()

#004 // with some user input, each time expecting to receive a small set of the best

#005 // matches (either synchronously or asynchronously).

#006 //

#007 // Initially the provider creates a match that searches for the current input

#008 // text. It also starts a task to query the Suggest servers.

When that data

#009 // comes back, the provider creates and returns matches for the best

#010 // suggestions.


#011 class SearchProvider : public AutocompleteProvider,


public URLFetcher::Delegate {

#013 public:

#014 SearchProvider(ACProviderListener* listener, Profile* profile)

#015 : AutocompleteProvider(listener, profile, "Search"),

#016 last_default_provider_(NULL),

#017 fetcher_(NULL),

#018 history_request_pending_(false),

#019 have_history_results_(false),

#020 suggest_results_pending_(false),

#021 have_suggest_results_(false) {

#022 }



#024 // AutocompleteProvider

#025 virtual void Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,

#026 bool minimal_changes,

#027 bool synchronous_only);


#028 virtual void Stop();



#030 // URLFetcher::Delegate

#031 virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source,

#032 const GURL& url,

#033 const URLRequestStatus& status,

#034 int response_code,

#035 const ResponseCookies& cookies,

#036 const std::string& data);


#038 private:

#039 struct NavigationResult {

#040 NavigationResult(const std::wstring& url, const std::wstring& site_name)

#041 : url(url),

#042 site_name(site_name) {

#043 }


#045 // The URL.

#046 std::wstring url;


#048 // Name for the site.

#049 std::wstring site_name;

#050 };



#052 typedef std::vector<std::wstring> SuggestResults;

#053 typedef std::vector<NavigationResult> NavigationResults;

#054 typedef std::vector<history::KeywordSearchTermVisit> HistoryResults;

#055 typedef std::map<std::wstring, AutocompleteMatch> MatchMap;



#057 // Called when timer_ expires.

#058 void Run();


#060 // Determines whether an asynchronous subcomponent query should run for the

#061 // current input. If so, starts it if necessary; otherwise stops it.

#062 // NOTE: These functions do not update |done_|. Callers must do so.

#063 void StartOrStopHistoryQuery(bool minimal_changes, bool synchronous_only);

#064 void StartOrStopSuggestQuery(bool minimal_changes, bool synchronous_only);


#066 // Functions to stop the separate asynchronous subcomponents.

#067 // NOTE: These functions do not update |done_|. Callers must do so.

#068 void StopHistory();

#069 void StopSuggest();


#071 // Called back by the history system to return searches that begin with the

#072 // input text.

#073 void OnGotMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(

#074 CancelableRequestProvider::Handle handle,

#075 HistoryResults* results);


#077 // Parses the results from the Suggest server and stores up to kMaxMatches of

#078 // them in server_results_. Returns whether parsing succeeded.

#079 bool ParseSuggestResults(Value* root_val);


#081 // Converts the parsed server results in server_results_ to a set of

#082 // AutocompleteMatches and adds them to |matches_|. This also sets |done_|

#083 // correctly.

#084 void ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches();


#086 // Determines the relevance for a particular match. We use different scoring

#087 // algorithms for the different types of matches.

#088 int CalculateRelevanceForWhatYouTyped() const;

#089 // |time| is the time at which this query was last seen.

#090 int CalculateRelevanceForHistory(const Time& time) const;

#091 // |suggestion_value| is which suggestion this is in the list returned from

#092 // the server; the best suggestion is suggestion number 0.

#093 int CalculateRelevanceForSuggestion(size_t suggestion_value) const;

#094 // |suggestion_value| is same as above.

#095 int CalculateRelevanceForNavigation(size_t suggestion_value) const;


#097 // Creates an AutocompleteMatch for "Search <engine> for |query_string|" with

#098 // the supplied relevance. Adds this match to |map|; if such a match already

#099 // exists, whichever one has lower relevance is eliminated.

#100 void AddMatchToMap(const std::wstring& query_string,

#101 int relevance,

#102 int accepted_suggestion,

#103 MatchMap* map);

#104 // Returns an AutocompleteMatch for a navigational suggestion.

#105 AutocompleteMatch NavigationToMatch(const NavigationResult& query_string,

#106 int relevance);


#108 // Trims "http:" and up to two subsequent slashes from |url|. Returns the

#109 // number of characters that were trimmed.

#110 // TODO(kochi): this is duplicate from history_autocomplete

#111 static size_t TrimHttpPrefix(std::wstring* url);


#113 // Don‘t send any queries to the server until some time has elapsed after

#114 // the last keypress, to avoid flooding the server with requests we are

#115 // likely to end up throwing away anyway.

#116 static const int kQueryDelayMs;


#118 // The user‘s input.

#119 AutocompleteInput input_;


#121 TemplateURL default_provider_; // Cached across the life of a query so we

#122 // behave consistently even if the user

#123 // changes their default while the query is

#124 // running.

#125 const TemplateURL* last_default_provider_;

#126 // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1162970 We

#127 // shouldn‘t need this.


#129 // An object we can use to cancel history requests.

#130 CancelableRequestConsumer history_request_consumer_;


#132 // Searches in the user‘s history that begin with the input text.

#133 HistoryResults history_results_;


#135 // Whether history_results_ is valid (so we can tell invalid apart from

#136 // empty).

#137 bool have_history_results_;


#139 // Whether we are waiting for a history request to finish.

#140 bool history_request_pending_;


#142 // True if we‘re expecting suggest results that haven‘t yet arrived. This

#143 // could be because either |timer_| or |fetcher| is still running (see below).

#144 bool suggest_results_pending_;


#146 // A timer to start a query to the suggest server after the user has stopped

#147 // typing for long enough.

#148 base::OneShotTimer<SearchProvider> timer_;


#150 // The fetcher that retrieves suggest results from the server.

#151 scoped_ptr<URLFetcher> fetcher_;


#153 // Suggestions returned by the Suggest server for the input text.

#154 SuggestResults suggest_results_;


#156 // Navigational suggestions returned by the server.

#157 NavigationResults navigation_results_;


#159 // Whether suggest_results_ is valid.

#160 bool have_suggest_results_;



#163 };



#001 void SearchProvider::Run() {

#002 // Start a new request with the current input.

#003 DCHECK(!done_);


#004 const TemplateURLRef* const suggestions_url =

#005 default_provider_.suggestions_url();


#006 DCHECK(suggestions_url->SupportsReplacement());


#007 fetcher_.reset(new URLFetcher(GURL(suggestions_url->ReplaceSearchTerms(

#008 default_provider_, input_.text(),

#009 TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE, std::wstring())),

#010 URLFetcher::GET, this));

#011 fetcher_->set_request_context(profile_->GetRequestContext());

#012 fetcher_->Start();

#013 }




谷歌瀏覽器的源碼分析 11