Spring Boot的訊息事件機制
Spring Boot自帶了訊息機制,可以讓我們在一個地方釋出訊息,多個地方同時接收訊息並處理訊息,當然這是在同一個JVM記憶體下進行的,不同的程序還需要使用MQ來實現。我覺得該訊息模式跟觀察者模式有一定的區別,觀察者模式一般觀察的是一個物件內部屬性發生變化的時候使用。而該訊息機制可以在任意地方使用。
@Data public class DemoEvent extends ApplicationEvent { private String type; private List<Map> msg; public DemoEvent(Object source,String type,List<Map> msg) { super(source); this.type = type; this.msg = msg; } }
@Component public class DemoPublisher { @Autowired ApplicationContext applicationContext; public voidpublish(DemoEvent demoEvent) { applicationContext.publishEvent(demoEvent); } }
@Component @Slf4j public class DemoListener implements ApplicationListener<DemoEvent> { @Override@Async public void onApplicationEvent(DemoEvent demoEvent) { log.info("接收到publisher傳送到訊息,時間" + Time.getTime()); List<Map> msg = demoEvent.getMsg(); String type = demoEvent.getType(); try { Thread.sleep(3000); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log.info("型別" + type + ",訊息內容:" + msg); } }
@Component @Slf4j public class DemoListener1 { @EventListener public void onDemoEvent(DemoEvent demoEvent) { log.info("listener1通過註解接收到了publisher傳送的訊息,時間" + Time.getTime()); String type = demoEvent.getType(); List<Map> msg = demoEvent.getMsg(); try { Thread.sleep(2000); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log.info("listener1:型別" + type + ",訊息內容:" + msg); } }
@EnableAsync @SpringBootApplication public class LanmdaApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(LanmdaApplication.class, args); } }
@Slf4j @RestController public class TestController { @Autowired private DemoPublisher publisher; @GetMapping("/test") public String testListener() { List<Map> list = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String,String> m1 = new HashMap<>(); m1.put("1","2"); Map<String,String> m2 = new HashMap<>(); m2.put("3","4"); Map<String,String> m3 = new HashMap<>(); m3.put("5","6"); list.add(m1); list.add(m2); list.add(m3); log.info("開始釋出訊息:" + Time.getTime()); publisher.publish(new DemoEvent(this,"測試訊息",list)); log.info("訊息釋出結束:" + Time.getTime()); return "訊息釋出成功"; } }
2019-07-21 10:42:39.686 INFO 1756 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.g.lanmda.controller.TestController : 開始釋出訊息:10:42:39
2019-07-21 10:42:39.687 INFO 1756 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.guanjian.lanmda.event.DemoListener1 : listener1通過註解接收到了publisher傳送的訊息,時間10:42:39
2019-07-21 10:42:41.690 INFO 1756 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.guanjian.lanmda.event.DemoListener1 : listener1:型別測試訊息,訊息內容:[{1=2}, {3=4}, {5=6}]
2019-07-21 10:42:41.695 INFO 1756 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] .s.a.AnnotationAsyncExecutionInterceptor : No task executor bean found for async processing: no bean of type TaskExecutor and no bean named 'taskExecutor' either
2019-07-21 10:42:41.697 INFO 1756 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.g.lanmda.controller.TestController : 訊息釋出結束:10:42:41
2019-07-21 10:42:41.697 INFO 1756 --- [cTaskExecutor-1] com.guanjian.lanmda.event.DemoListener : 接收到publisher傳送到訊息,時間10:42:41
2019-07-21 10:42:44.701 INFO 1756 --- [cTaskExecutor-1] com.guanjian.lanmda.event.DemoListener : 型別測試訊息,訊息內容:[{1=2}, {3=4},