1. 程式人生 > >TensorFlow學習筆記——LeNet-5(訓練自己的資料集)




  • 1,溫習LeNet-5的網路層
  • 2,使用LeNet-5訓練MNIST資料集
  • 3,使用LeNet-5訓練TFRecord格式的MNIST資料集
  • 4,使用LeNet-5訓練自己的資料集(TFRecord格式)

  LeNet是出自論文Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition,是一種用於手寫體字元識別的非常高效的卷積神經網路。那我要訓練的是印刷體的數字和字母,可能難點就是字母大小尺寸不一。下面我嘗試使用LeNet-5來進行識別。首先學習其網路結構。







  那麼也就是說,過濾器尺寸為[5, 5],通道為1,深度為6。(除去輸入層和輸出層,我們有六個特徵平面,包括兩個卷積層,兩個池化層,兩個全連線層),特徵圖有6個,說明6個不同的卷積核,所以深度為6。





















def conv2d(  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,dangerous-default-value
    dilations=[1, 1, 1, 1],


  • data_format:表示輸入的格式,有兩種分別為:“NHWC”和“NCHW”,預設為“NHWC”

  • input:輸入是一個4維格式的(影象)資料,資料的 shape 由 data_format 決定:當 data_format 為“NHWC”輸入資料的shape表示為[batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels],分別表示訓練時一個batch的圖片數量、圖片高度、 圖片寬度、 影象通道數。當 data_format 為“NHWC”輸入資料的shape表示為[batch, in_channels, in_height, in_width]

  • filter:卷積核是一個4維格式的資料:shape表示為:[height,width,in_channels, out_channels],分別表示卷積核的高、寬、深度(與輸入的in_channels應相同)、輸出 feature map的個數(即卷積核的個數)。

  • strides:表示步長:一個長度為4的一維列表,每個元素跟data_format互相對應,表示在data_format每一維上的移動步長。當輸入的預設格式為:“NHWC”,則 strides = [batch , in_height , in_width, in_channels]。其中 batch 和 in_channels 要求一定為1,即只能在一個樣本的一個通道上的特徵圖上進行移動,in_height , in_width表示卷積核在特徵圖的高度和寬度上移動的布長,即 。

  • padding:表示填充方式:“SAME”表示採用填充的方式,簡單地理解為以0填充邊緣,當stride為1時,輸入和輸出的維度相同;“VALID”表示採用不填充的方式,多餘地進行丟棄。

2,池化層 tf.nn.max_pool()  /  tf.nn.avg_pool()

  • value:表示池化的輸入:一個4維格式的資料,資料的 shape 由 data_format 決定,預設情況下shape 為[batch, height, width, channels]

  • ksize:表示池化視窗的大小:一個長度為4的一維列表,一般為[1, height, width, 1],因不想在batch和channels上做池化,則將其值設為1。

  • 其他引數與上面類似。


  舉個簡單的例子,假設一個五分類,然後一個樣本I的標籤  y = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],也就是說樣本I的真實標籤是4,假設模型預測的結果概率(softmax的輸出)p=[0.1,0.15,0.05,0.6,0.1],可以看出這個預測是對的,那麼對應的損失L=-log(0.6),也就是當這個樣本經過這樣的網路引數產生這樣的預測p時,它的損失是-log(0.6)。那麼假設p=[0.15,0.2,0.4,0.1,0.15],這個預測結果就很離譜了,因為真實標籤是4,而你覺得這個樣本是4的概率只有0.1(遠不如其他概率高,如果是在測試階段,那麼模型就會預測該樣本屬於類別3),對應損失L=-log(0.1)。那麼假設p=[0.05,0.15,0.4,0.3,0.1],這個預測結果雖然也錯了,但是沒有前面那個那麼離譜,對應的損失L=-log(0.3)。我們知道log函式在輸入小於1的時候是個負數,而且log函式是遞增函式,所以-log(0.6) < -log(0.3) < -log(0.1)。簡單講就是你預測錯比預測對的損失要大,預測錯得離譜比預測錯得輕微的損失要大。

   下面簡單說一下損失函式 softmax loss:

   首先,L是損失,Sj是softmax的輸出向量S的第j個值,那Sj表示這個樣本屬於第j個類別的概率。yj 前面有個求和符號,j的範圍是1~T(即類別1到類別T),因此y是一個1*T的向量,裡面的T個值,而且只有1個值是1,其他 T-1個值都是0,那麼那個位置的值是1呢?真實標籤對應的位置的那個值是1,其他都是0,所以這個公式可以改為:

   當然,此時要限定 j是指當前樣本的真實標籤。

4,cross  entropy交叉熵


loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(yout - Y))



tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=None, seed=None,name=None) 


  • 第一個引數x:指輸入 
  • 第二個引數keep_prob: 設定神經元被選中的概率,在初始化時keep_prob是一個佔位符,  keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) 。tensorflow在run時設定keep_prob具體的值,例如keep_prob: 0.5
  • 第五個引數name:指定該操作的名字。



with tf.Session() as sess:
    for i in range(1000):
    	sess.run(optimizer, feed_dict = {X : x, Y : y})





  2006年起,人們設計了很多方法,想要克服難以訓練深度CNN的困難。其中,最出名的時,Krizhevsky et al 提出了一個經典的CNN結構,並在影象識別任務上取得了重大突破,其方法的整體框架叫做AlexNet,與LeNet-5類似,但是要加深一點,此後深度卷積如雨後春筍一般,出現了很多。





# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist.input_data as input_data
import time
import os

os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1,2'

# 獲取mnist資料
mnist_data_set = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data', one_hot=True)
# 宣告輸入圖片資料型別,mnist的手寫體圖片大小為28*28=784
# None表示行向量的維度是任意的,也就是一次可以輸出多張圖片
# placeholder 基本都是佔位符,先定義,後面會用到的
x = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 784])
# y_為網路的輸出,數字十個類別
y_ = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 10])

# 把輸入的資料轉變成二維形式,用於卷積計算
# -1表示一次可以儲存多張照片,1表示影象的通道數為1
x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 28, 28, 1])

# 卷積核初始化,大小為6個5*5的卷積核,1和x_image的1對應,即為影象的通道數
filter1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([5, 5, 1, 6]))
# 偏置項
bias1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([6]))
# 二維卷積計算
conv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(x_image, filter1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
h_conv1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(conv1 + bias1)
# 池化層
maxPool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(h_conv1, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')

filter2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([5, 5, 6, 16]))
bias2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([16]))
conv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(maxPool2, filter2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
h_conv2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(conv2 + bias2)

maxPool3 = tf.nn.max_pool(h_conv2, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')

filter3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([5, 5, 16, 120]))
bias3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([120]))
conv3 = tf.nn.conv2d(maxPool3, filter3, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
h_conv3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(conv3 + bias3)

# 全連線層,權重初始化
W_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([7 * 7 * 120, 80]))
# 偏置項
b_fc1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([80]))
# 將卷積的輸出展開
h_pool2_flat = tf.reshape(h_conv3, [-1, 7 * 7 * 120])
h_fc1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(h_pool2_flat, W_fc1) + b_fc1)

W_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([80, 10]))
b_fc2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([10]))
# 輸出層,使用softmax進行多分類
y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(h_fc1, W_fc2) + b_fc2)

# 損失函式,交叉熵
cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y_conv))
# 使用梯度下降法來更新權重,學習速率為0.001,改為0.01的話會導致權重更新有問題,準確率會滴
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.001).minimize(cross_entropy)

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

# 測試準確率,tf.argmax() 計算行或列的最大值,返回最大值下標的向量
# tf.equal() 計算兩個向量對應的元素是否相等,返回資料為bool
# tf.cast() 把bool資料轉化為浮點型
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, 'float'))

# 對所有變數進行初始化

start_time = time.time()
for i in range(50000):
    # 獲取訓練資料,每次100張
    # 我們後面取資料的時候,直接獲取feed_dict={x: batch[0], y_true: batch[1]}
    # batch = mnist_data_set.train.next_batch(60)
    batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist_data_set.train.next_batch(100)
    train_step.run(feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
    # 每個100次輸出當前的準確率
    if i % 100 == 0:
        train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
        print('step %d, training accuracy %g' % (i, train_accuracy))
        # 計算時間間隔
        end_time = time.time()
        print('time: ', (end_time - start_time))
        start_time = end_time

print("Test accuracy: {}".format(accuracy.eval(session=sess,
                                                   x: mnist_data_set.test.images,
                                                   y_: mnist_data_set.test.labels})))

# 關閉會話


step 48200, training accuracy 1
time:  0.240248441696167
step 48300, training accuracy 1
time:  0.24075675010681152
step 48400, training accuracy 1
time:  0.3005177974700928
step 48500, training accuracy 1
time:  0.2406449317932129
step 48600, training accuracy 1
time:  0.24107027053833008
step 48700, training accuracy 0.99
time:  0.24148797988891602
step 48800, training accuracy 0.98
time:  0.24003911018371582
step 48900, training accuracy 0.99
time:  0.23934340476989746
step 49000, training accuracy 1
time:  0.28536438941955566
step 49100, training accuracy 0.98
time:  0.24154186248779297
step 49200, training accuracy 1
time:  0.24214410781860352
step 49300, training accuracy 0.96
time:  0.24277353286743164
step 49400, training accuracy 1
time:  0.2415931224822998
step 49500, training accuracy 1
time:  0.2908365726470947
step 49600, training accuracy 1
time:  0.24100923538208008
step 49700, training accuracy 1
time:  0.2422494888305664
step 49800, training accuracy 1
time:  0.24294066429138184
step 49900, training accuracy 0.99
time:  0.24169301986694336
Test accuracy: 0.9772999882698059



# *****************   改進1  *****************
x = tf.placeholder('float', shape=[None, 28 * 28])
y_ = tf.placeholder('float', shape=[None, 10])

# 當然這裡定義資料型別的時候也可以這樣寫
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784])
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

# *****************   改進2  *****************
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy)
#這裡用Adam優化器優化函式 也可以使用隨機梯度下降優化函式
learning_rate = 0.001
optimizer= tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)

# *****************   改進3  *****************
# 通過tf.reshape函式將第五層的輸出變成一個batch的向量
# reshaped = tf.reshape(relu3, [pool_shape[0], nodes])
reshaped = tf.layers.flatten(relu3)        


















import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
import os
import numpy as np

# 生成整數的屬性
def _int64_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[value]))

# 生成字串型別的屬性
def _bytes_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))

def create_records(images, labels, num_example, outpout):
    # 訓練影象的解析度,作為example的屬性
    pixels = images.shape[1]
    # 建立一個writer來寫TFRecord檔案
    writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(outpout)

    # 將每張圖片都轉化為一個Example
    for i in range(num_example):
        # 將影象轉化為字串
        image_raw = images[i].tostring()

        # 將一個樣例轉化為Example,Protocal Buffer並將所有資訊寫入這個資料結構
        example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(
                'pixels': _int64_feature(pixels),
                'labels': _int64_feature(np.argmax(labels[i])),
                'image_raw': _bytes_feature(image_raw)

        # 將Example寫入TFRecord檔案
    print("data processing success")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if not os.path.exists('mnistrecord'):
    # 匯入MNIST資料集
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data/', dtype=tf.uint8, one_hot=True)
    train_images = mnist.train.images
    train_labels = mnist.train.labels
    train_num_example = mnist.train.num_examples
    # 儲存train_TFRecord檔案的地址
    train_filename = 'mnistrecord/trainmnist28.tfrecords'
    create_records(train_images, train_labels, train_num_example, train_filename)

    test_images = mnist.test.images
    test_labels = mnist.test.labels
    test_num_example = mnist.test.num_examples
    # 儲存train_TFRecord檔案的地址
    test_filename = 'mnistrecord/testmnist28.tfrecords'
    create_records(test_images, test_labels, test_num_example, test_filename)



# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
import tensorflow as tf

def read_record(filename):
    # 建立一個佇列來維護輸入檔案列表
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename])
    # 建立一個reader來讀取TFRecord檔案中Example
    reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
    # 從檔案中讀取一個Example
    _, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)

    # 用FixedLenFeature 將讀入的Example解析成tensor
    features = tf.parse_single_example(
            'image_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
            'pixels': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
            'labels': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64)

    # tf.decode_raw將字串解析成影象對應的畫素陣列
    images = tf.decode_raw(features['image_raw'], tf.uint8)
    labels = tf.cast(features['labels'], tf.int32)
    pixels = tf.cast(features['pixels'], tf.int32)

    init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        # 啟動多執行緒處理輸入資料
        coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
        threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)

        # 每次執行讀出一個Example,當所有樣例讀取完之後,再次樣例中程式會重頭 讀取
        for i in range(10):
            # 在會話中會取出image 和label
            image, label = sess.run([images, labels])
        print("end code")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_filename = 'mnistrecord/trainmnist28.tfrecords'
    test_filename = 'mnistrecord/testmnist28.tfrecords'






# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
import tensorflow as tf

# 配置神經網路的引數
INPUT_NODE = 784  # 這裡輸入的引數是圖片的尺寸 這裡是28*28=784
OUTPUT_NODE = 51  # 這裡是輸出的圖片型別,總共51類


# 第一層卷積層的尺寸和深度

# 第三層卷積層的尺寸和深度

# 第五層卷積層的尺寸和深度
CONV3_DEEP = 120

# 全連線層的節點個數
FC_SIZE = 84

# 定義卷積神經網路的前向傳播過程
# 這裡新增一個新的引數train,用於區分訓練過程和測試過程
# 在這個程式中將用到Dropout方法,dropout可以進一步提升模型可靠性,並防止過擬合
# 注意dropout層只能在訓練過程中使用
def inference(input_tensor, train, regularizer):
    :param input_tensor:
    :param train:
    :param regularizer:
    with tf.variable_scope('layer1-conv1'):  # [5,5,3,6]
        conv1_weights = tf.get_variable("weight",
                                        [CONV1_SIZE, CONV1_SIZE, NUM_CHANNELS, CONV1_DEEP],
        conv1_biases = tf.get_variable('bias', [CONV1_DEEP],

        # 使用邊長為5, 深度為6的過濾器,過濾器移動的步長為1,且使用全0填充
        conv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input_tensor, conv1_weights,
                             strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
        relu1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(conv1, conv1_biases))

    # 實現第二層池化層的前向傳播過程,這裡選用最大池化層
    # 池化層過濾器的邊長為2,使用全零填充且移動的步長為2,這一層的輸入為上一層的輸出
    # 也就是28*28*6的矩陣  輸出為14*14*6的矩陣
    with tf.name_scope('layer2-pool1'):
        pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(relu1, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],

    # 宣告第三層卷積層的變數並實現前向傳播過程,這一層輸入為14*14*6的矩陣
    # 因為卷積層沒有使用全零填充,所以輸出為10*10*16的矩陣
    with tf.variable_scope('layer3-conv2'):  # [5,5,3,16]
        conv2_weights = tf.get_variable("weight",
                                        [CONV2_SIZE, CONV2_SIZE, NUM_CHANNELS, CONV2_DEEP],
        conv2_biases = tf.get_variable('bias', [CONV2_DEEP],

        # 使用邊長為5, 深度為16的過濾器,過濾器移動的步長為1,bububu不使用全0填充
        conv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(pool1, conv2_weights,
                             strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
        relu2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(conv2, conv2_biases))

    # 實現第四層池化層的前向傳播過程,這一層和第二層的結構是一樣的
    # 這裡輸入10*10*16的矩陣,輸出為5*5*16的矩陣
    with tf.name_scope('layer4-pool2'):
        pool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(relu2, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],

    # 宣告第五層全連線層(實際上為卷積層)的變數並實現前向傳播過程
    # 這一層輸入是5*5*16的矩陣,因為沒有使用全0填充,所以輸出為1*1*120
    with tf.name_scope('layer5-conv3'):
        conv3_weights = tf.get_variable("weight",
                                        [CONV3_SIZE, CONV3_SIZE, NUM_CHANNELS, CONV3_DEEP],
        conv3_biases = tf.get_variable('bias', [CONV3_DEEP],

        # 使用邊長為5, 深度為6的過濾器,過濾器移動的步長為1,bububu不使用全0填充
        conv3 = tf.nn.conv2d(pool2, conv3_weights,
                             strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
        relu3 = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(conv3, conv3_biases))

    # 將第五層卷積層的輸出轉化為第六層全連線層的輸入格式
    # 第五層的輸出為1*1*120的矩陣,然而第六層全連線層需要的輸出格式為向量
    # 所以這裡需要將這個1*1*120的矩陣拉直成一個向量
    # relu3.get_shape函式可以得到第五層輸出矩陣的維度而不需要手工計算。
    # 注意因為每一層神經網路的輸入輸出都為一個batch的矩陣,
    # 所以這裡得到的維度也包含了一個batch中資料的個數。
    pool_shape = relu3.get_shape().as_list()

    # 計算將矩陣拉直成向量之後的長度,這個長度就是矩陣長度及深度的乘積
    # 注意這裡pool_shape[0]為一個batch中資料的個數
    nodes = pool_shape[1] * pool_shape[2] * pool_shape[3]
    # 通過tf.reshape函式將第五層的輸出變成一個batch的向量
    reshaped = tf.reshape(relu3, [pool_shape[0], nodes])

    # 宣告第六層全連線層的變數並實現前向傳播過程,這一層的輸入是拉直之後的一組向量
    # 向量的長度為1120,輸出是一組長度為84的向量
    # 這一層和之前的LeNet基本一致,唯一的區別就是引入的dropout層
    # dropout在訓練時會隨機將部分節點的輸出改為0
    # dropout可以避免過擬合問題,從而使得在測試資料上的效果更好
    # dropout一般只在全連線層而不是卷積層或者池化層使用
    with tf.variable_scope('layer6-fc1'):
        fc1_weights = tf.get_variable('weight', [nodes, FC_SIZE],
        # 只有全連線層的權重需要加入正則化
        if regularizer != None:
            tf.add_to_collection('losses', regularizer(fc1_weights))

        fc1_biases = tf.get_variable('bias', [FC_SIZE])
        initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.1)
        fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(reshaped, fc1_weights) + fc1_biases)
        if train:
            fc1 = tf.nn.dropout(fc1, 0.5)

    # 宣告第七層全連線的變數並實現前向傳播過程,這一層的輸入為一組長度為為84的向量
    with tf.variable_scope('layer7-fc2'):
        fc2_weights = tf.get_variable('weight',
                                      [FC_SIZE, NUM_LABELS],
        if regularizer != None:
            tf.add_to_collection('losses', regularizer(fc2_weights))
        fc2_biases = tf.get_variable('bias', [NUM_LABELS])
        initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.1)
        logit = tf.matmul(fc1, fc2_weights) + fc2_biases

    # 返回第七層的輸出
    return logit




# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
import tensorflow as tf
import os

# os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1'

# 1,輸入資料的解析和預處理
def read_records(filename, resize_height, resize_width, type=None):
    解析record檔案:原始檔的影象資料是RGB,uint8 【0, 255】一般作為訓練資料時,需要歸一化到[0, 1]
    :param filename:
    :param resize_height:
    :param resize_width:
    :param type: 選擇影象資料的返回型別
    # 建立檔案佇列,不限讀取的數量
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename])
    # create a reader from file queue
    reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
    # reader 從檔案佇列中讀入一個序列化的樣本
    _, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)
    # get feature from serialized example
    # 解析符號化的樣本
    features = tf.parse_single_example(
            'image_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
            'height': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
            'width': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
            'depth': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
            'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64)
    tf_image = tf.decode_raw(features['image_raw'], tf.uint8)  # 獲得影象原始的資料

    tf_height = features['height']
    tf_width = features['width']
    tf_depth = features['depth']
    tf_label = tf.cast(features['label'], tf.int32)
    # PS: 恢復原始影象資料,reshape的大小必須與儲存之前的影象shape一致,否則出錯
    tf_image = tf.reshape(tf_image, [resize_height, resize_width, 3])  # 設定影象的維度

    # 儲存的影象型別為uint8,TensorFlow訓練時資料必須是tf.float32
    if type is None:
        tf_image = tf.cast(tf_image, tf.float32)
    elif type == 'normalization':  # [1]若需要歸一化請使用:
        # 僅當輸入資料是uint8,才會歸一化[0,255]
        # tf_image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(tf_image, tf.float32)
        tf_image = tf.cast(tf_image, tf.float32) * (1. / 255.0)  # 歸一化
    elif type == 'centralization':
        # 若需要歸一化,且中心化,假設均值為0.5,請使用:
        tf_image = tf.cast(tf_image, tf.float32) * (1. / 255) - 0.5  # 中心化

        # 這裡僅僅返回影象和標籤
        # return tf_image, tf_height,tf_width,tf_depth,tf_label
    return tf_image, tf_label

def get_batch_images(images, labels, batch_size, labels_nums, one_hot=False,
                     shuffle=False, num_threads=1):
    :param images: 影象
    :param labels: 標籤
    :param batch_size:
    :param labels_nums: 標籤個數
    :param one_hot: 是否將labels轉化為one_hot 的形式
    :param shuffle: 是否打亂順序,一般train時,shuffle=True,驗證時shuffle=False
    :param num_threads:
    :return: 返回batch的images和labels
    min_after_dequeue = 200
    # 保證 capacity必須大於 min_after_dequeue的引數值
    capacity = min_after_dequeue + 3 * batch_size
    if shuffle:
        images_batch, labels_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([images, labels],
        images_batch, labels_batch = tf.train.batch([images, labels],
    if one_hot:
        labels_batch = tf.one_hot(labels_batch, labels_nums, 1, 0)
    return images_batch, labels_batch









# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
import cv2
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials import mnist
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
from PIL import Image
import os

# save raw image
def save_raw():
    # read data from mnist. if data not exist, will download automatically
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)
    # we save image raw data to data/raw/ folder
    # if the folder not there, create it
    save_dir = 'MNIST_data/raw/'
    if os.path.exists(save_dir) is False:

    # save 20 images in training dataset
    for i in range(20):
        # please attention,mnist.train.images[i, :] is ith image, sequence started from 0
        image_array = mnist.train.images[i, :]
        # the image in MNIST of TensorFlow, image is 784 length vector, we recover it to 28x28 image
        image_array = image_array.reshape(28, 28)
        # save image as mnist_train_0.jpg, mnist_train_1.jpg, ... ,mnist_train_19.jpg
        filename = save_dir + 'mnist_train_%d.jpg' % i
        # save image_array as image
        # use Image.fromarray to convert image,then call save function to save
        # because Image.fromarray is not good to support float, we have to convert it to uint8 and then read as 'L'
        Image.fromarray((image_array * 255).astype('uint8'), mode='L').convert('RGB').save(filename)

def convert_mnist_img_raw(data, data1, save_path):
    for i in range(data.images.shape[0]):
        # TensorFlow中的MNIST圖片是一個784維的向量,我們重新把它還原為28x28維的影象。
        image_array = data.images[i, :]
        image_array = image_array.reshape(28, 28)
        img_num = (image_array * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        # img_num = (image_array * 255).astype('uint8')
        label = data1.labels[i]
        # cv2.imshow('image', img)
        # cv2.waitKey(500)
        filename = save_path + '/{}_{}.jpg'.format(label, i)
        cv2.imwrite(filename, img_num)
        # Image.fromarray(img_num, mode='L').save(filename)

def convert_mnist_img(data, data1, save_path):
    for i in range(data.images.shape[0]):
        # TensorFlow中的MNIST圖片是一個784維的向量,我們重新把它還原為28x28維的影象。
        image_array = data.images[i, :]
        image_array = image_array.reshape(28, 28)
        img_num = (image_array * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        # img_num = (image_array * 255).astype('uint8')
        label = data1.labels[i]
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_path, str(label))):
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(save_path, str(label)))
        # cv2.imshow('image', img)
        # cv2.waitKey(500)
        filename = save_path + '/' + str(label) + '/{}_{}.jpg'.format(label, i)
        cv2.imwrite(filename, img_num)
        # Image.fromarray(img_num, mode='L').save(filename)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    mnist1 = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST_data/')
    content_name = ['MNIST_train', 'MNIST_test', 'MNIST_validation']
    # print(mnist.validation.images.shape[0])
    for i in content_name:
        if not os.path.exists(i):
    # convert_mnist_img_raw(mnist.validation, mnist1.validation, 'MNIST_validation')  # 55000
    convert_mnist_img(mnist.train, mnist1.train, 'MNIST_train')  # 55000
    print('convert training data to image complete')
    convert_mnist_img(mnist.test, mnist1.test, 'MNIST_test')  # 10000
    print('convert test data to image complete')
    convert_mnist_img(mnist.validation, mnist1.validation, 'MNIST_validation')  # 5000
    print('convert validation data to image complete')






2019-12-07 17:24:49.511197: Step [90100]  train Loss : 0.034825, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:24:51.960556: Step [90200]  train Loss : 0.031647, training accuracy :  0.98
2019-12-07 17:24:54.401640: Step [90300]  train Loss : 0.013821, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:24:56.827365: Step [90400]  train Loss : 0.009416, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:24:59.285245: Step [90500]  train Loss : 0.050181, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:25:00.231120: Step [90500]  val Loss : 0.036682, val accuracy :  0.9886
2019-12-07 17:25:02.613078: Step [90600]  train Loss : 0.043965, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:05.262525: Step [90700]  train Loss : 0.003886, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:07.643164: Step [90800]  train Loss : 0.008936, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:25:10.086635: Step [90900]  train Loss : 0.026223, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:12.562384: Step [91000]  train Loss : 0.044388, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:13.759702: Step [91000]  val Loss : 0.036466, val accuracy :  0.989
2019-12-07 17:25:16.260234: Step [91100]  train Loss : 0.004893, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:18.732957: Step [91200]  train Loss : 0.008099, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:21.232881: Step [91300]  train Loss : 0.010900, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:23.690347: Step [91400]  train Loss : 0.006691, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:26.077798: Step [91500]  train Loss : 0.019277, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:27.110041: Step [91500]  val Loss : 0.036495, val accuracy :  0.9884
2019-12-07 17:25:29.541535: Step [91600]  train Loss : 0.005347, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:32.070571: Step [91700]  train Loss : 0.030143, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:25:34.517069: Step [91800]  train Loss : 0.001880, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:36.974632: Step [91900]  train Loss : 0.013069, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:39.431848: Step [92000]  train Loss : 0.017495, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:40.314588: Step [92000]  val Loss : 0.036441, val accuracy :  0.9892
2019-12-07 17:25:42.887467: Step [92100]  train Loss : 0.020958, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:25:45.348507: Step [92200]  train Loss : 0.017127, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:47.756854: Step [92300]  train Loss : 0.019064, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:50.219324: Step [92400]  train Loss : 0.032903, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:25:52.707338: Step [92500]  train Loss : 0.011051, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:53.819837: Step [92500]  val Loss : 0.036477, val accuracy :  0.9888
2019-12-07 17:25:56.214045: Step [92600]  train Loss : 0.005283, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:25:58.574659: Step [92700]  train Loss : 0.038343, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:01.022120: Step [92800]  train Loss : 0.029472, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:03.614888: Step [92900]  train Loss : 0.029430, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:06.048187: Step [93000]  train Loss : 0.005918, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:07.162769: Step [93000]  val Loss : 0.037015, val accuracy :  0.9886
2019-12-07 17:26:09.589461: Step [93100]  train Loss : 0.013980, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:11.909845: Step [93200]  train Loss : 0.022814, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:14.209764: Step [93300]  train Loss : 0.051712, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:16.525746: Step [93400]  train Loss : 0.003427, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:18.908377: Step [93500]  train Loss : 0.049566, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 17:26:19.907547: Step [93500]  val Loss : 0.037099, val accuracy :  0.9882
2019-12-07 17:26:22.199820: Step [93600]  train Loss : 0.005968, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:24.493318: Step [93700]  train Loss : 0.026799, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:26.861115: Step [93800]  train Loss : 0.040578, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:29.220762: Step [93900]  train Loss : 0.035674, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:31.592105: Step [94000]  train Loss : 0.018340, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:32.606197: Step [94000]  val Loss : 0.036546, val accuracy :  0.9886
2019-12-07 17:26:35.125010: Step [94100]  train Loss : 0.026360, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:37.567095: Step [94200]  train Loss : 0.041744, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:40.025393: Step [94300]  train Loss : 0.031769, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:42.449197: Step [94400]  train Loss : 0.031708, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:44.815271: Step [94500]  train Loss : 0.011965, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:45.691042: Step [94500]  val Loss : 0.036568, val accuracy :  0.9886
2019-12-07 17:26:48.046238: Step [94600]  train Loss : 0.098086, training accuracy :  0.98
2019-12-07 17:26:50.442090: Step [94700]  train Loss : 0.003194, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:52.843926: Step [94800]  train Loss : 0.011078, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:26:55.218067: Step [94900]  train Loss : 0.046635, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:57.702115: Step [95000]  train Loss : 0.085678, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:26:58.642553: Step [95000]  val Loss : 0.036330, val accuracy :  0.9888
2019-12-07 17:27:01.059867: Step [95100]  train Loss : 0.005422, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:03.646401: Step [95200]  train Loss : 0.033761, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:27:06.157741: Step [95300]  train Loss : 0.012471, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:08.633951: Step [95400]  train Loss : 0.006597, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:11.085771: Step [95500]  train Loss : 0.006471, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:12.274676: Step [95500]  val Loss : 0.036216, val accuracy :  0.9886
2019-12-07 17:27:14.697503: Step [95600]  train Loss : 0.010805, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:17.166638: Step [95700]  train Loss : 0.095174, training accuracy :  0.98
2019-12-07 17:27:19.631921: Step [95800]  train Loss : 0.011734, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:22.005459: Step [95900]  train Loss : 0.004943, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:24.429525: Step [96000]  train Loss : 0.041252, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:27:25.490167: Step [96000]  val Loss : 0.036082, val accuracy :  0.9892
2019-12-07 17:27:28.031883: Step [96100]  train Loss : 0.013173, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:30.490614: Step [96200]  train Loss : 0.135211, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:27:32.920059: Step [96300]  train Loss : 0.008340, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:35.366707: Step [96400]  train Loss : 0.029178, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:27:37.778924: Step [96500]  train Loss : 0.023783, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:38.662121: Step [96500]  val Loss : 0.035978, val accuracy :  0.989
2019-12-07 17:27:41.007801: Step [96600]  train Loss : 0.020418, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:43.373862: Step [96700]  train Loss : 0.005956, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:45.718948: Step [96800]  train Loss : 0.037369, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:48.053417: Step [96900]  train Loss : 0.001790, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:50.418627: Step [97000]  train Loss : 0.012481, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:51.278477: Step [97000]  val Loss : 0.035982, val accuracy :  0.9886
2019-12-07 17:27:53.621815: Step [97100]  train Loss : 0.036737, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:55.998817: Step [97200]  train Loss : 0.018639, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:27:58.385280: Step [97300]  train Loss : 0.094415, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:28:00.782485: Step [97400]  train Loss : 0.054417, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:03.282768: Step [97500]  train Loss : 0.018801, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:04.231569: Step [97500]  val Loss : 0.035901, val accuracy :  0.989
2019-12-07 17:28:06.564398: Step [97600]  train Loss : 0.015873, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:08.946638: Step [97700]  train Loss : 0.045842, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:11.314134: Step [97800]  train Loss : 0.032827, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:13.673403: Step [97900]  train Loss : 0.031645, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:16.060070: Step [98000]  train Loss : 0.021970, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:17.015618: Step [98000]  val Loss : 0.035966, val accuracy :  0.9888
2019-12-07 17:28:19.395503: Step [98100]  train Loss : 0.019510, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:28:21.769422: Step [98200]  train Loss : 0.004839, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:24.167367: Step [98300]  train Loss : 0.041200, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:26.626932: Step [98400]  train Loss : 0.003081, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:29.028384: Step [98500]  train Loss : 0.008532, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:30.105535: Step [98500]  val Loss : 0.036248, val accuracy :  0.9888
2019-12-07 17:28:32.468981: Step [98600]  train Loss : 0.005621, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:34.832019: Step [98700]  train Loss : 0.036646, training accuracy :  0.98
2019-12-07 17:28:37.111677: Step [98800]  train Loss : 0.013360, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:39.440640: Step [98900]  train Loss : 0.008248, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:41.834450: Step [99000]  train Loss : 0.027080, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:42.989248: Step [99000]  val Loss : 0.036153, val accuracy :  0.9894
2019-12-07 17:28:45.395565: Step [99100]  train Loss : 0.019798, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:47.756673: Step [99200]  train Loss : 0.002656, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:50.155678: Step [99300]  train Loss : 0.011562, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:28:52.494549: Step [99400]  train Loss : 0.052770, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:28:54.866737: Step [99500]  train Loss : 0.015489, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:28:56.039745: Step [99500]  val Loss : 0.036166, val accuracy :  0.9892
2019-12-07 17:28:58.406051: Step [99600]  train Loss : 0.016589, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:29:00.762953: Step [99700]  train Loss : 0.034062, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:29:03.175084: Step [99800]  train Loss : 0.013509, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 17:29:05.604738: Step [99900]  train Loss : 0.004104, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:29:08.008282: Step [100000]  train Loss : 0.009301, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 17:29:09.053212: Step [100000]  val Loss : 0.036054, val accuracy :  0.989




2019-12-07 16:37:20.799084: Step [94100]  train Loss : 0.207280, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:37:23.077235: Step [94200]  train Loss : 0.288277, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:37:25.308687: Step [94300]  train Loss : 0.230948, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:37:27.574248: Step [94400]  train Loss : 0.149708, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:37:29.899668: Step [94500]  train Loss : 0.215018, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:37:30.988016: Step [94500]  val Loss : 0.202200, val accuracy :  0.9526
2019-12-07 16:37:33.308174: Step [94600]  train Loss : 0.310347, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:37:35.577415: Step [94700]  train Loss : 0.171983, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:37:37.849625: Step [94800]  train Loss : 0.160050, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:37:40.166671: Step [94900]  train Loss : 0.186521, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:37:42.523405: Step [95000]  train Loss : 0.402581, training accuracy :  0.9
2019-12-07 16:37:43.603988: Step [95000]  val Loss : 0.192111, val accuracy :  0.9556
2019-12-07 16:37:45.922971: Step [95100]  train Loss : 0.194871, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:37:48.187889: Step [95200]  train Loss : 0.215393, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:37:50.445268: Step [95300]  train Loss : 0.158608, training accuracy :  0.98
2019-12-07 16:37:52.774339: Step [95400]  train Loss : 0.238952, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:37:55.142354: Step [95500]  train Loss : 0.190960, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:37:56.216869: Step [95500]  val Loss : 0.192757, val accuracy :  0.9556
2019-12-07 16:37:58.410845: Step [95600]  train Loss : 0.139895, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:38:00.652184: Step [95700]  train Loss : 0.314228, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:38:03.027260: Step [95800]  train Loss : 0.430718, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:38:05.350156: Step [95900]  train Loss : 0.289241, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:38:07.706012: Step [96000]  train Loss : 0.239347, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:38:08.765761: Step [96000]  val Loss : 0.184876, val accuracy :  0.9594
2019-12-07 16:38:11.129844: Step [96100]  train Loss : 0.219303, training accuracy :  0.91
2019-12-07 16:38:13.435976: Step [96200]  train Loss : 0.141345, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:38:15.708837: Step [96300]  train Loss : 0.133305, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:38:18.028155: Step [96400]  train Loss : 0.179352, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:38:20.361665: Step [96500]  train Loss : 0.175561, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:38:21.455463: Step [96500]  val Loss : 0.196051, val accuracy :  0.9538
2019-12-07 16:38:23.723929: Step [96600]  train Loss : 0.207480, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:38:26.097808: Step [96700]  train Loss : 0.289101, training accuracy :  0.92
2019-12-07 16:38:28.399593: Step [96800]  train Loss : 0.205839, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:38:30.676930: Step [96900]  train Loss : 0.162070, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:38:32.984553: Step [97000]  train Loss : 0.287059, training accuracy :  0.89
2019-12-07 16:38:34.081359: Step [97000]  val Loss : 0.187286, val accuracy :  0.9586
2019-12-07 16:38:36.332393: Step [97100]  train Loss : 0.289821, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:38:38.690675: Step [97200]  train Loss : 0.180355, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:38:41.001430: Step [97300]  train Loss : 0.133220, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:38:43.329969: Step [97400]  train Loss : 0.226960, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:38:45.693958: Step [97500]  train Loss : 0.194481, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:38:46.738666: Step [97500]  val Loss : 0.187791, val accuracy :  0.9576
2019-12-07 16:38:49.010076: Step [97600]  train Loss : 0.172692, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:38:51.285696: Step [97700]  train Loss : 0.150980, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:38:53.544084: Step [97800]  train Loss : 0.150606, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:38:55.860818: Step [97900]  train Loss : 0.191217, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:38:58.213331: Step [98000]  train Loss : 0.252721, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:38:59.307352: Step [98000]  val Loss : 0.191428, val accuracy :  0.9552
2019-12-07 16:39:01.620290: Step [98100]  train Loss : 0.218954, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:39:04.016540: Step [98200]  train Loss : 0.353565, training accuracy :  0.92
2019-12-07 16:39:06.314311: Step [98300]  train Loss : 0.169997, training accuracy :  0.99
2019-12-07 16:39:08.590750: Step [98400]  train Loss : 0.201064, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:39:10.943120: Step [98500]  train Loss : 0.100543, training accuracy :  1
2019-12-07 16:39:12.034701: Step [98500]  val Loss : 0.191718, val accuracy :  0.9548
2019-12-07 16:39:14.344574: Step [98600]  train Loss : 0.220537, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:39:16.655703: Step [98700]  train Loss : 0.195116, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:39:18.929639: Step [98800]  train Loss : 0.203131, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:39:21.243188: Step [98900]  train Loss : 0.167681, training accuracy :  0.95
2019-12-07 16:39:23.582402: Step [99000]  train Loss : 0.339591, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:39:24.708781: Step [99000]  val Loss : 0.188099, val accuracy :  0.9536
2019-12-07 16:39:26.917352: Step [99100]  train Loss : 0.359073, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:39:29.100260: Step [99200]  train Loss : 0.283282, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:39:31.351049: Step [99300]  train Loss : 0.289421, training accuracy :  0.93
2019-12-07 16:39:33.642279: Step [99400]  train Loss : 0.240311, training accuracy :  0.92
2019-12-07 16:39:35.913139: Step [99500]  train Loss : 0.192217, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:39:36.802653: Step [99500]  val Loss : 0.191198, val accuracy :  0.958
2019-12-07 16:39:39.002652: Step [99600]  train Loss : 0.188396, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:39:41.357152: Step [99700]  train Loss : 0.111778, training accuracy :  0.96
2019-12-07 16:39:43.685702: Step [99800]  train Loss : 0.178156, training accuracy :  0.94
2019-12-07 16:39:46.043234: Step [99900]  train Loss : 0.124271, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:39:48.407596: Step [100000]  train Loss : 0.094911, training accuracy :  0.97
2019-12-07 16:39:49.310749: Step [100000]  val Loss : 0.193183, val accuracy :  0.9572

  總的來說,人家谷歌封裝在slim中:LeNet-5 比我自己搭建的Lenet-5模型效果好點,但是呢,我的大體上已經達到要求了,就不強求了,哈哈哈。




  這裡的LeNet-5模型是使用 slim 中官方定義的模型。



# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pdb
import os
from datetime import datetime
import slim.nets.lenet as lenet
from create_tf_record import *
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim

labels_nums = 51  # 類別個數
batch_size = 16
resize_height = 28  # mobilenet_v1.default_image_size 指定儲存圖片高度
resize_width = 28  # mobilenet_v1.default_image_size 指定儲存圖片高度
depths = 3
data_shape = [batch_size, resize_height, resize_width, depths]

# 定義input_images為圖片資料
input_images = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                              shape=[None, resize_height, resize_width, depths],

# 定義input_labels為lables資料
# input_labels = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name='label')
input_labels = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32,
                              shape=[None, labels_nums],

# 定義 dropout的概率
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')
is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_training')

# 評價函式
def net_evaluation(sess, loss, accuracy, val_images_batch,
                   val_labels_batch, val_nums):
    val_max_steps = int(val_nums / batch_size)
    val_losses = []
    val_accs = []
    for _ in range(val_max_steps):
        val_x, val_y = sess.run([val_images_batch, val_labels_batch])
        # print('labels:',val_y)
        # val_loss = sess.run(loss, feed_dict={x: val_x, y: val_y, keep_prob: 1.0})
        # val_acc = sess.run(accuracy,feed_dict={x: val_x, y: val_y, keep_prob: 1.0})
        val_loss, val_acc = sess.run([loss, accuracy],
                                     feed_dict={input_images: val_x,
                                                input_labels: val_y,
                                                keep_prob: 1.0,
                                                is_training: False})
    mean_loss = np.array(val_losses, dtype=np.float32).mean()
    mean_acc = np.array(val_accs, dtype=np.float32).mean()
    return mean_loss, mean_acc

def step_train(train_op, loss, accuracy,
               train_images_batch, train_labels_batch, train_nums, train_log_step,
               val_images_batch, val_labels_batch, val_nums, val_log_step,
               snapshot_prefix, snapshot):
    :param train_op: 訓練op
    :param loss:     loss函式
    :param accuracy: 準確率函式
    :param train_images_batch: 訓練images資料
    :param train_labels_batch: 訓練labels資料
    :param train_nums:         總訓練資料
    :param train_log_step:   訓練log顯示間隔
    :param val_images_batch: 驗證images資料
    :param val_labels_batch: 驗證labels資料
    :param val_nums:         總驗證資料
    :param val_log_step:     驗證log顯示間隔
    :param snapshot_prefix: 模型儲存的路徑
    :param snapshot:        模型儲存間