1. 程式人生 > >Telegraf和Grafana監控多平臺上的SQL Server

Telegraf和Grafana監控多平臺上的SQL Server

## 問題 SQL Server在很多企業中部署在多個平臺上(Windows,Linux和Container),需要一種能支援多平臺的解決方案用於收集和展示相關的監控指標。 我選擇企業中比較流行的監控展示工具Grafana和監控指標收集工具Telegraf進行實現。這也是為了方便與企業中已經在存在監控平臺進行整合和對接。 如上圖所示,Telegraf部署在SQL所在host,收集資料傳送給時序資料庫Influxdb儲存,然後Grafana用於展示資料。 ## 解決方案 - #### 安裝和配置InfluxDB > 我將InfluxDB和Grafana安裝在同一臺CentOS主機上,生產環境中最好是分開。 ``` # 下載1.8的stable version後進行安裝 wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.8.0.x86_64.rpm chmod 755 influxdb-1.8.0.x86_64.rpm yum localinstall influxdb-1.8.0.x86_64.rpm # 啟動並設定自啟動 systemctl start influxdb systemctl enable influxdb # 8086用於客戶端的HTTP連線,8088用於CLI呼叫RPC進行備份和還原操作 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8086/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8088/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload # 連線到influxdb並建立使用者 fluxdb >
CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD '' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES # 啟用http使用者驗證,修改influxdb.conf中http section中auth-enabled = true vim /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf systemctl restart influxdb # 建立用於儲存監控資料的資料庫,儲存6個月的資料 influx -username 'admin' -password '' > CREATE DATABASE telegraf > CREATE RETENTION POLICY telegraf_6m ON telegraf DURATION 180d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT > SHOW DATABASES ``` - #### 安裝和配置Grafana ``` # 下載並安裝Grafana wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana-7.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm chmod 775 grafana-7.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm yum localinstall grafana-7.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm # 設定自啟動 systemctl start grafana-server.service systemctl enable grafana-server.service # 允許Grafana預設的埠3000 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3000/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload ``` 然後在Browser中訪問http://:3000,第一次訪問時默登入認賬號和密碼都為admin,登入後會提示修改密碼。 - #### 在客戶端主機安裝和配置Telegraf > 所謂客戶端,就是SQL所在主機 Telegraf連線到SQL,需要一個login,具有 VIEW SERVER STATE and VIEW ANY DEFINITION的許可權,所以在每個被監控的例項上都需要建立之。 ``` USE master; GO CREATE LOGIN [telegraf] WITH PASSWORD = N'1qaz@WSX'; GO GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [telegraf]; GO GRANT VIEW ANY DEFINITION TO [telegraf]; GO ``` - ##### Telegraf on Linux ``` wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf-1.14.3-1.x86_64.rpm sudo yum localinstall telegraf-1.14.3-1.x86_64.rpm ``` 安裝完成後,先要修改Telegraf的配置檔案,再啟動。在配置檔案中主要配置兩個部分:inputs和outputs。 **inputs表示監控資料從哪裡來,outputs表示監控要傳送到哪裡去。** 開啟/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf,找到[[outputs.influxdb]]部分,所有配置項預設都被註釋了。我們需要刪除註釋並配置一些項。主要是Influxdb的地址,使用者名稱、密碼和資料庫名等。 ``` [[outputs.influxdb]] ## The full HTTP or UDP URL for your InfluxDB instance. ## ## Multiple URLs can be specified for a single cluster, only ONE of the ## urls will be written to each interval. # urls = ["unix:///var/run/influxdb.sock"] # urls = ["udp://"] urls = [""] ## The target database for metrics; will be created as needed. ## For UDP url endpoint database needs to be configured on server side. database = "telegraf" ## The value of this tag will be used to determine the database. If this ## tag is not set the 'database' option is used as the default. # database_tag = "" ## If true, the 'database_tag' will not be included in the written metric. # exclude_database_tag = false ## If true, no CREATE DATABASE queries will be sent. Set to true when using ## Telegraf with a user without permissions to create databases or when the ## database already exists. skip_database_creation = true ## Name of existing retention policy to write to. Empty string writes to ## the default retention policy. Only takes effect when using HTTP. retention_policy = "" ## The value of this tag will be used to determine the retention policy. If this ## tag is not set the 'retention_policy' option is used as the default. # retention_policy_tag = "" ## If true, the 'retention_policy_tag' will not be included in the written metric. # exclude_retention_policy_tag = false ## Write consistency (clusters only), can be: "any", "one", "quorum", "all". ## Only takes effect when using HTTP. write_consistency = "any" ## Timeout for HTTP messages. timeout = "5s" ## HTTP Basic Auth username = "admin" password = "" ``` - 找到[[inputs.sqlserver]]部分,取消相關配置項的註釋,servers部分連線到本地例項。 > Telegraf預設的Plugin中包括了對SQL Server的實現, 這個Plugin還包括了對Azure SQL PaaS的實現 ``` # # Read metrics from Microsoft SQL Server [[inputs.sqlserver]] # ## Specify instances to monitor with a list of connection strings. # ## All connection parameters are optional. # ## By default, the host is localhost, listening on default port, TCP 1433. # ## for Windows, the user is the currently running AD user (SSO). # ## See https://github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb for detailed connection # ## parameters, in particular, tls connections can be created like so: # ## "encrypt=true;certificate=;hostNameInCertificate=" servers = [ "Server=localhost;Port=1433;User Id=telegraf;Password=;app name=telegraf;log=1;" ] # # ## Optional parameter, setting this to 2 will use a new version # ## of the collection queries that break compatibility with the original # ## dashboards. query_version = 2 # # ## If you are using AzureDB, setting this to true will gather resource utilization metrics # # azuredb = false # # ## Possible queries: # ## - PerformanceCounters # ## - WaitStatsCategorized # ## - DatabaseIO # ## - DatabaseProperties # ## - CPUHistory # ## - DatabaseSize # ## - DatabaseStats # ## - MemoryClerk # ## - VolumeSpace # ## - PerformanceMetrics # ## - Schedulers # ## - AzureDBResourceStats # ## - AzureDBResourceGovernance # ## - SqlRequests # ## - ServerProperties # ## A list of queries to include. If not specified, all the above listed queries are used. # # include_query = [] # # ## A list of queries to explicitly ignore. # exclude_query = [ 'Schedulers' , 'SqlRequests'] ``` 啟動Telegraf之後,可以看到時已經載入的inputs和收集間隔 ``` [root@SQL19N1 log]# systemctl status telegraf ● telegraf.service - The plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/telegraf.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-05-26 14:19:07 UTC; 19min ago Docs: https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf Main PID: 12359 (telegraf) CGroup: /system.slice/telegraf.service └─12359 /usr/bin/telegraf -config /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf -config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 systemd[1]: Started The plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB. May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.14.3 May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! Loaded inputs: system cpu disk diskio kernel mem processes swap sqlserver May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! Loaded aggregators: May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! Loaded processors: May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! Tags enabled: host=SQL19N1 May 26 14:19:07 SQL19N1 telegraf[12359]: 2020-05-26T14:19:07Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:20s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"SQL19N1", Flush Interval:10s ``` - ##### Telegraf on Windows 以管理員身份執行如下PowerShell命令 ``` # 下載軟體 wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf-1.14.3_windows_amd64.zip · -OutFile "c:\temp\telegraf-1.14.3_windows_amd64.zip" # 解壓縮到C:\Program Files\Telegraf Expand-Archive "c:\temp\telegraf-1.14.3_windows_amd64.zip", "C:\Program Files" # 將telegraf安裝為windows服務 C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.exe --service install ``` 修改telegraf.conf中outputs.influxdb和新增inputs.sqlserver部分,這些內容和在Linux上的配置一樣,就不贅述了。 conf修改完成後,可以先測試一下telegraf是否能正常啟動,沒問題的話就啟動telegraf服務。 ``` # 測試 C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.exe --config C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.conf --test # 啟動服務 C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.exe --service start ``` - #### 配置Grafana的資料來源和Dashboard 登入Grafana後,在左側的Configuration->Data Source中配置InfluxDB資料來源,填寫地址、賬號、密碼並設定為預設資料來源,如下圖
Dashboard,可以自己建立,也可以在採用公開社群的(感謝熱心無私的大佬們)。這裡,我採用[SQL Servers by Jonathan Rioux](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/9386)。這個Dashboard中使用的Piechart不是Grafana預置的,所以還需要安裝: ``` # Grafana所在Host安裝,重啟服務生效 grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel systemctl restart grafana-server.service ``` 然後在Grafana介面,選擇左側的Dashboard->
Import->填入Dashboard ID->Import,如下圖: 配置完成後的,可以看這個Dashboard提供的資訊還比較豐富的,您也可以根據自己的需要修改和新增相關內容. ### 總結 - 實際情況中,自帶的資料收集和報表不能完全滿足業務需求,自定義的資料收集和自定義的Dashboard,也是非常容易實現的,下次再寫 - 如果已經在使用Zabbix了,Grafana可以直接對接到Zabbix的資料輸出。 - Telegraf能非常好的支援Cloud環境,下次說說對Azure SQL PaaS的監控 - **本文內容僅代表個人觀點,與任何公司和組織