1. 程式人生 > >C# / VB.NET 在PPT中建立、編輯PPT SmartArt圖形

C# / VB.NET 在PPT中建立、編輯PPT SmartArt圖形


使用工具:Spire.Presentation for .NET hotfix 5.9.5


方式1:下載包。下載後,解壓,開啟Bin資料夾,根據自己用的.NET Framework選擇相應的資料夾,如:此示例中使用的是NET4.0,即開啟NET4.0檔案,找到Spire.Presentation.dll檔案。找到dll檔案後,在vs程式中新增引用該dll。








示例1. 建立PPT SmartArt圖形

using Spire.Presentation;
using Spire.Presentation.Diagrams;

namespace AddSmartArt
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Presentation ppt = new Presentation();

            ppt.SlideSize.Type = SlideSizeType.Screen16x9;

            ISmartArt smartArt = ppt.Slides[0].Shapes.AppendSmartArt(100, 50, 450, 250, SmartArtLayoutType.OrganizationChart);

            smartArt.Style = SmartArtStyleType.IntenceEffect;
            smartArt.ColorStyle = SmartArtColorType.ColorfulAccentColors3to4;

            foreach (ISmartArtNode node in smartArt.Nodes)

            ISmartArtNode node1 = smartArt.Nodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1 = node1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_1 = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_2 = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_3 = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_4 = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_5 = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_6 = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_1_1 = node1_1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_1_2 = node1_1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_1_3 = node1_1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_3_1 = node1_1_3.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_3_2 = node1_1_3.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_6_1 = node1_1_6.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_6_2 = node1_1_6.ChildNodes.AddNode();
            ISmartArtNode node1_1_6_3 = node1_1_6.ChildNodes.AddNode();

            node1.TextFrame.Text = "董事會\n" + "Board of Directors";           
            node1_1.TextFrame.Text = "總經理\n" + "General Manager";
            node1_1_1.TextFrame.Text = "供應部\n" + "Supply Dept.";
            node1_1_2.TextFrame.Text = "營銷部\n" + "Sales Dept.";
            node1_1_3.TextFrame.Text = "生產部\n" + "Productive Dept.";
            node1_1_4.TextFrame.Text = "財務部\n" + "Finance Dept.";
            node1_1_5.TextFrame.Text = "人力資源部\n" + "HR Dept.";
            node1_1_6.TextFrame.Text = "質檢中心\n" + "Quality Center";
            node1_1_1_1.TextFrame.Text = "採購部\n" + "Purchase Dept.";
            node1_1_1_2.TextFrame.Text = "倉庫管理\n" + "Warehouse Manager";
            node1_1_1_3.TextFrame.Text = "物流部\n" + "Logistics Dept.";
            node1_1_3_1.TextFrame.Text = "生產車間\n" + "Production Dept.";
            node1_1_3_2.TextFrame.Text = "維修部\n" + "Maintenance Dept.";
            node1_1_6_1.TextFrame.Text = "生產質量管理\n" + "Production Quality Mgt.";
            node1_1_6_2.TextFrame.Text = "生產安全管理\n" + "Production Safety Mgt.";
            node1_1_6_3.TextFrame.Text = "環境管理\n" + "Environmental Mgt.";

            ppt.SaveToFile("result.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2013);



Imports Spire.Presentation
Imports Spire.Presentation.Diagrams

Namespace AddSmartArt
    Class Program
        Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
            Dim ppt As New Presentation()

            ppt.SlideSize.Type = SlideSizeType.Screen16x9

            Dim smartArt As ISmartArt = ppt.Slides(0).Shapes.AppendSmartArt(100, 50, 750, 450, SmartArtLayoutType.OrganizationChart)

            smartArt.Style = SmartArtStyleType.IntenceEffect
            smartArt.ColorStyle = SmartArtColorType.ColorfulAccentColors3to4

            For Each node As ISmartArtNode In smartArt.Nodes

            Dim node1 As ISmartArtNode = smartArt.Nodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1 As ISmartArtNode = node1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_1 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_2 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_3 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_4 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_5 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_6 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_1_1 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_1_2 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_1_3 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_1.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_3_1 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_3.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_3_2 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_3.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_6_1 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_6.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_6_2 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_6.ChildNodes.AddNode()
            Dim node1_1_6_3 As ISmartArtNode = node1_1_6.ChildNodes.AddNode()

            node1.TextFrame.Text = "董事會" & vbLf + "Board of Directors"
            node1_1.TextFrame.Text = "總經理" & vbLf + "General Manager"
            node1_1_1.TextFrame.Text = "供應部" & vbLf + "Supply Dept."
            node1_1_2.TextFrame.Text = "營銷部" & vbLf + "Sales Dept."
            node1_1_3.TextFrame.Text = "生產部" & vbLf + "Productive Dept."
            node1_1_4.TextFrame.Text = "財務部" & vbLf + "Finance Dept."
            node1_1_5.TextFrame.Text = "人力資源部" & vbLf + "HR Dept."
            node1_1_6.TextFrame.Text = "質檢中心" & vbLf + "Quality Center"
            node1_1_1_1.TextFrame.Text = "採購部" & vbLf + "Purchase Dept."
            node1_1_1_2.TextFrame.Text = "倉庫管理" & vbLf + "Warehouse Manager"
            node1_1_1_3.TextFrame.Text = "物流部" & vbLf + "Logistics Dept."
            node1_1_3_1.TextFrame.Text = "生產車間" & vbLf + "Production Dept."
            node1_1_3_2.TextFrame.Text = "維修部" & vbLf + "Maintenance Dept."
            node1_1_6_1.TextFrame.Text = "生產質量管理" & vbLf + "Production Quality Mgt."
            node1_1_6_2.TextFrame.Text = "生產安全管理" & vbLf + "Production Safety Mgt."
            node1_1_6_3.TextFrame.Text = "環境管理" & vbLf + "Environmental Mgt."

            ppt.SaveToFile("result.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2013)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


示例2. 編輯PPT SmartArt圖形

using Spire.Presentation;
using Spire.Presentation.Diagrams;

namespace ModifySmartArt
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Presentation ppt = new Presentation();

            ISmartArt smartart = ppt.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as ISmartArt;
            ISmartArtNodeCollection nodes = smartart.Nodes;

            nodes[1].TextFrame.Text = "新修改的節點內容";

            nodes[2].Click = new ClickHyperlink("https://baike.baidu.com/");//新增指向網頁的超連結
            nodes[3].Click = new ClickHyperlink(ppt.Slides[1]);//新增指向指定幻燈片的超連結

            ISmartArtNode newnode = nodes[5].ChildNodes.AddNode();
            newnode.TextFrame.Text = "新新增的節點內容";


            ppt.SaveToFile("output.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2010);




Imports Spire.Presentation
Imports Spire.Presentation.Diagrams

Namespace ModifySmartArt
    Class Program
        Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
            Dim ppt As New Presentation()

            Dim smartart As ISmartArt = TryCast(ppt.Slides(0).Shapes(0), ISmartArt)
            Dim nodes As ISmartArtNodeCollection = smartart.Nodes

            nodes(1).TextFrame.Text = "新修改的節點內容"

            nodes(2).Click = New ClickHyperlink("https://baike.baidu.com/")
            nodes(3).Click = New ClickHyperlink(ppt.Slides(1))
            Dim newnode As ISmartArtNode = nodes(5).ChildNodes.AddNode()
            newnode.TextFrame.Text = "新新增的節點內容"


            ppt.SaveToFile("output.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2010)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
