1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在沒有電纜的情況下流式傳輸“ Frasier”

如何在沒有電纜的情況下流式傳輸“ Frasier”

Frasier Hulu

Frasier follows Dr. Frasier Crane as he returns to his hometown of Seattle, WA, to host a radio show helping others with their psychiatric needs. Surrounded by his family, friends, and coworkers, there are a ton of hilarious moments throughout this show. Here’s how to stream every moment.

Frasier跟隨Frasier Crane博士返回華盛頓州西雅圖市舉辦廣播節目,以幫助其他人解決精神病問題。 在他的家人,朋友和同事的包圍下,整個演出充滿了歡樂的時刻。 這是每時每刻流的方法。

哥倫比亞廣播公司 (CBS)

Frasier CBS.com

CBS is the place to go if you want to enjoy this show completely for free. While each episode has quite a few ads, you still won’t have to pay anything to enjoy it. It’s the perfect way to watch this show without breaking the bank.

如果您想完全免費享受這場表演,那就去CBS吧。 儘管每個劇集都有很多廣告,但您仍然無需支付任何費用就可以享受它。 這是觀看此節目的完美方式,無需花很多錢。

葫蘆 (Hulu)

Hulu logo

Hulu is the home to quite a few beloved CBS shows, so it’s no surprise that Frasieris one of them. Whether you have the most basic package or you signed up to enjoy ad-free entertainment, you’ll be able to access every second of this show through this service.

葫蘆(Hulu)是許多CBS節目的所在地,因此Frasier就是其中之一。 無論您擁有最基本的套餐還是註冊享受無廣告的娛樂,您都可以通過此服務訪問此節目的每一秒鐘。

亞馬遜Prime視訊 (Amazon Prime Video)

Frasier Amazon Prime

With Amazon Prime Video, you can add Frasier to your library to enjoy while you’re on the go or at home. You can purchase seasons one through ten for $15 each, season eleven for $20, and each episode for $2 apiece. This way, you can have access to the show no matter where you are.

藉助Amazon Prime Video ,您可以將Frasier新增到您的圖書館中,以在旅途中或在家中欣賞。 您可以購買第1到第10季,每季15美元,購買第11季,每季20美元,每集2美元。 這樣,無論您身在何處,都可以訪問該節目。

的iTunes (iTunes)

Frasier iTunes

Apple users who love this show will be more than happy to hear that Frasier is available on iTunes. You can buy seasons one through nine for $15 each, while season ten and eleven are $20 apiece. All seasons are available for purchase through iTunes, so you can stream this show from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod no matter where you are.

喜愛該節目的Apple使用者將非常高興聽到FrasieriTunes上可用。 您可以以$ 15的價格購買第1至第9季,而第10和11季的價格為$ 20。 所有季節均可通過iTunes購買,因此無論您身在何處,都可以從iPhone,iPad或iPod播放此節目。

Google Play (Google Play)

Frasier Google Play

For Android users, every season of Frasier is available on the Google Play Store for purchase. You can buy each episode for $2 and every season is available for $15 apiece. You can purchase these and then download them on your device so you can watch them on the go.

對於Android使用者,每個季節的Frasier都可以在Google Play商店中購買。 您可以以$ 2的價格購買每一集,每個季節以$ 15的價格購買。 您可以購買這些,然後將其下載到裝置上,以便隨時隨地觀看它們。

武都 (Vudu)

Vudu Home Screen

If you’re looking for a cross-platform option, then Vudu is a good place to get all the shows you want to add to your library. While this service does support various types of devices, it only has seasons one through eight available for purchase. Each episode is $2 each, while every season is $15 apiece.

如果您正在尋找跨平臺的選擇,那麼Vudu是將您想要新增的所有節目新增到媒體庫的好地方。 雖然此服務確實支援各種型別的裝置,但只能購買第1到第8季。 每集2美元,每季15美元。

Whatever service you use to stream or purchase Frasier, you’ll enjoy all the laughter with every interaction between the cast. Whether it’s with Neil, Roz, or Martin, the conversations will continuously have you rolling with laughter.

無論您使用什麼服務來串流或購買Frasier ,演員與演員之間的每一次互動都將為您帶來歡笑。 無論是與尼爾(Neil),羅茲(Roz)還是馬丁(Martin),談話都會不斷讓您笑出聲來。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668390/how-to-stream-frasier-without-cable/