1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在iPhone鎖屏上檢視天氣預報


iPhone user viewing the weather on the lock screen
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Unlike Android, the iPhone doesn’t show the weather forecast on its lock screen. Fortunately, there’s a hidden feature that will show you the day’s weather report when you use your Apple smartphone in the morning. Here’s how to enable it.

與Android不同,iPhone不會在其鎖定螢幕上顯示天氣預報。 幸運的是,有一個隱藏功能可以在您早上使用Apple智慧手機時顯示當天的天氣報告。 啟用方法如下。

This feature is more like a side effect of Do Not Disturb’s Scheduled feature available in iOS 12 and later. Once you enabled it, and you give the Weather app access to your location, you’ll see a forecast report for the day when you first tap the lock screen after the Do Not Disturb period is over.

此功能更像是iOS 12及更高版本中提供的“請勿打擾”計劃功能的副作用。 啟用它併為“天氣”應用授予訪問位置的許可權後,您會在“請勿打擾”時間段結束後首次點選鎖定螢幕時看到當天的天氣預報報告。

To set it up, we’ll first need to schedule Do Not Disturb. The Do Not Disturb feature automatically mutes all incoming notifications (except, of course, if you have enabled Emergency Bypass).


安排“請勿打擾” 。 “請勿打擾”功能會自動使所有傳入通知靜音(當然,如果已啟用“緊急旁路” ,則除外)。

Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone and go to the “Do Not Disturb” section.


Tap Do Not Disturb from Settings

Next, tap the toggle next to the “Scheduled” option. As we’re setting up a schedule, we don’t need to turn on the Do Not Disturb toggle right now.

接下來,點選“預定”選項旁邊的開關。 在設定時間表時,我們現在不需要立即開啟“請勿打擾”切換。

Tap the toggle next to Scheduled

Set the starting and ending time for Do Not Disturb. You should set the end time to be around 10 to 15 minutes before you wake up.

設定“請勿打擾”的開始和結束時間。 您應該將結束時間設定為大約10到15分鐘,然後才能醒來。

Choose the To and From times

Finally, tap the toggle next to the Dim Lock Screen option. This feature will dim the lock screen and ensure that the screen won’t light up when you get new notifications. New notifications will now directly go to the Notification Center and won’t appear on the lock screen until the Do Not Disturb schedule is over.

最後,點選Dim Lock Screen選項旁邊的切換按鈕。 此功能將使鎖定螢幕變暗,並確保在收到新通知時螢幕不會點亮。 現在,新通知將直接轉到通知中心,並且在“請勿打擾”計劃結束之前不會顯示在鎖定螢幕上。

Tap toggle next to Dim Lock Screen

Now, go back to the Settings app’s main screen and tap the “Privacy” option.


Tap Privacy

Select the “Location Services” option.


Choose Location Services

Here, choose the “Weather” app.


Choose the Weather app

Now, tap the “While Using the App” button to give the Weather app permission to see your location, so it can show you the local forecast.


Choose Allow When Using the App option

Now, you’re all set. The next morning, when you wake up, and the Do Not Disturb time ends, you’ll see the day’s weather report on your Lock screen. You’ll see the current temperature, the high for the day, and if it’s going to rain.

現在,您已準備就緒。 第二天早上,當您醒來且“請勿打擾”時間結束時,您會在“鎖定”螢幕上看到當天的天氣報告。 您會看到當前的溫度,當天的最高溫度以及是否要下雨。

Weather forecast show on iPhone Lock screen

Now that you’re starting to use the Do Not Disturb feature, take a look at our guide on mastering iPhone notifications.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678552/how-to-see-the-weather-forecast-on-your-iphone-lock-screen/