1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >使用yousendit通過Internet傳送大檔案


I have been a fan of yousendit.com for a few years now. This is a decent and reliable service to email large files to others. The maximum size is 100 MB for the free version. You can send larger files for a fee. The way the service works is you upload your file to their server which sends an email to the recipient including a hyperlink directly to the file for them to download. The cool part is that your recipient does not need to be a member or sign up for anything. If the recipient wants to send files they will have to create an account though.

幾年來,我一直是yousendit.com的粉絲。 這是將大檔案通過電子郵件傳送給他人的一種體面且可靠的服務。 免費版本的最大大小為100 MB。 您可以付費傳送較大的檔案。 服務的工作方式是將檔案上傳到他們的伺服器,伺服器將向收件人傳送一封電子郵件,其中包括直接指向該檔案的超連結供他們下載。 最酷的部分是您的收件人不需要成為會員或註冊任何東西。 如果收件人想要傳送檔案,他們將必須建立一個帳戶。

I think this service actually comes in most handy when I am at work. Sometimes other companies we deal with do not have FTP sites and most email services do not allow attachments over 10 MB. In fact we limit our attachment size to under 8 MB. Large email attachments can really slow down your network. I have enough to deal with during the day let a lone a slow network because someone is sending vacation pictures to their co-worker in the other cube.

我認為這項服務實際上在我上班時最方便。 有時,我們處理的其他公司沒有FTP站點,並且大多數電子郵件服務不允許附件超過10 MB。 實際上,我們將附件大小限制為8 MB以下。 大型電子郵件附件確實會減慢您的網路速度。 白天,我有足夠的處理能力,讓一個緩慢的網路變得孤獨,因為有人將假期照片傳送給另一個立方體中的同事。


The maximum size is only 100 MB for the free version. You can send larger files for a fee. They recently announced a local client application for download for this service which works very well. It also has a slick user friendly interface which is always a plus.

免費版本的最大大小僅為100 MB。 您可以付費傳送較大的檔案。 他們最近宣佈了本地客戶端應用程式的下載,該應用程式執行良好。 它還具有一個光滑的使用者友好介面,這總是一個加號。

Mysicgeek’s Tech Lingo: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) This is an Internet protocol standard that allows two computers to exchange files over the Internet.

Mysicgeek的技術術語: FTP(檔案傳輸協議)這是一個Internet協議標準,允許兩臺計算機通過Internet交換檔案。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79791/send-large-files-over-internet-with-yousendit/