1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >iphone啟用證書_如何在iPhone上啟用Wi-Fi通話





Wi-Fi calling allows your iPhone to place and receive phone calls and text messages over a Wi-Fi network. If you have a weak cellular signal but a solid Wi-Fi signal, your iPhone will automatically switch over and route calls and texts via Wi-Fi.

使用Wi-Fi通話,您的iPhone可以通過Wi-Fi網路撥打和接聽電話和簡訊。 如果您的


Apple added support for Wi-Fi calling to the iPhone with iOS 8, and it’s now supported on many carriers. In the US, AT&T, MetroPCS, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Vodafone support it.You can only use this if your cellular carriersupports it.

蘋果增加了對使用iOS 8的iPhone進行Wi-Fi通話的支援,現在許多運營商都支援它。 在美國,AT&T,Me​​troPCS,Sprint,T-Mobile,Verizon和Vodafone支援它。 您只能在蜂窩運營商支援的情況下使用此功能。

您需要知道的 (What You Need to Know)

This is disabled by default, so you’ll have to enable it before it will do anything. Once you’ve enabled it, it will “just work” and your phone will automaticallyswitch to Wi-Fi when necessary. You’ll see this indicated in the status bar–for example, it will say “T-Mobile Wi-Fi” rather than “T-Mobile LTE” if you’re using T-Mobile and your phone is currently connected to Wi-Fi rather than the LTE cellular network. Dial a number or send a text message in the normal way while “Wi-Fi” appears in your status bar and it will connectover theWi-Fi connection instead of the cellular one.

預設情況下禁用此功能,因此您必須先啟用它才能執行任何操作。 啟用它後,它將“正常工作”,並且手機將在必要時自動切換到Wi-Fi。 您會在狀態列中看到這一點,例如,如果您使用的是T-Mobile,並且您的手機當前已連線到Wi-Fi,則會顯示“ T-Mobile Wi-Fi”而不是“ T-Mobile LTE” Fi,而不是LTE蜂窩網路。 當狀態列中顯示“ Wi-Fi”時,以常規方式撥打電話或傳送簡訊,它將通過Wi-Fi連線而不是蜂窩網路進行連線。

It’llautomatically switch between cellular and Wi-Fi networks as you move out of an area covered by Wi-Fi,so you don’t have to do anything different or even think about it.


This only works if your carrierhas enabled the necessary support on their end. The carrier has to be able to automatically route calls and texts to you over the Internet.

僅當您的運營商已啟用必要的支援時,此方法才有效。 運營商必須能夠通過Internet自動向您路由呼叫和簡訊。

你需要什麼 (What You’ll Need)

You’ll just need two things to use this feature:


  • A carrier that supports Wi-Fi calling: In the US, AT&T, MetroPCS, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Vodafone offer this feature. It’s also supported by various othercellular carriers aroundthe world. Consult Apple’s official list of cellular carriers that support Wi-Fi calling to see if your carrier offers this feature.

    支援Wi-Fi呼叫的運營商:在美國,AT&T,Me​​troPCS,Sprint,T-Mobile,Verizon和Vodafone提供此功能。 世界各地的其他各種蜂窩運營商也支援它。 請查閱Apple官方支援Wi-Fi呼叫的蜂窩運營商列表,以瞭解您的運營商是否提供此功能。

  • An iPhone 5c or newer: Older iPhones don’t support this. You’ll need an iPhone 5c, iPhone SE, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, or a newer model to use this feature.

    iPhone 5c或更高版本:較舊的iPhone不支援此功能。 您需要iPhone 5c,iPhone SE,iPhone 5s,iPhone 6,iPhone 6 Plus,iPhone 6s,iPhone 6s Plus,iPhone 7,iPhone 7 Plus,iPhone 8,iPhone 8 Plus,iPhone X或更新的型號使用此功能。

如何啟用Wi-Fi通話 (How to Enable Wi-Fi Calling)

To enable Wi-Fi calling, head to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling on your iPhone. Activate the“Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone” slider.

要啟用Wi-Fi通話,請在iPhone上轉到“設定”>“電話”>“ Wi-Fi通話”。 啟用“此iPhone上的Wi-Fi通話”滑塊。

If you don’t see a “Wi-Fi Calling” option under Calls on the Phone screen, this feature is unavailable to you because your cellular carrier doesn’t support it.

如果您在“電話”螢幕上的“通話”下沒有看到“ Wi-Fi通話”選項,則您無法使用此功能,因為您的移動運營商不支援此功能。

You should also tap “Update Emergency Address” and ensure your carrier has a correct address. If you ever dial 911 overa Wi-Fi network, the emergency responders will see your call associated with the emergencyaddress you enter here.

您還應該點選“更新緊急地址”,並確保您的運營商具有正確的地址。 如果您曾經通過Wi-Fi網路撥打911 ,緊急響應人員將看到您的呼叫與您在此處輸入的緊急地址相關聯。

If you ever encounter a problem with Wi-Fi calling, you can visitthis screen again and disable it with a quick tap.


連續使用Wi-Fi通話 (Using Wi-Fi Calling Along With Continuity)

Wi-Fi calling doesn’t usuallywork withthe Continuity feature. You won’t be able to place or receive calls on your Mac or another iOS device like an iPad if you enable Wi-Fi calling.

Wi-Fi通話通常無法與Continuity功能一起使用。 如果啟用Wi-Fi通話,您將無法在Mac或iPad等其他iOS裝置上撥打或接聽電話。

Apple is slowly rectifying this. In the USA, only AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint allow you to use standard Continuity features along with Wi-Fi calling. Consult that map of carriers and check if the “Wi-Fi Calling on supported iCloud-connected devices” feature is offered by your carrier.

蘋果正在慢慢糾正這一問題。 在美國,只有AT&T,T-Mobile和Sprint允許您將標準連續性功能與Wi-Fi呼叫一起使用。 請查閱該運營商的地圖,並檢查運營商是否提供了“在支援的iCloud連線的裝置上進行Wi-Fi呼叫”功能。

You can enable this feature from the Phone screenin the Settings app. Under the Wi-Fi calling option on the Phone screen, tap “Calls on Other Devices.” Tap “Add Wi-Fi Calling For Other Devices” and other devices signed in with your iCloud account will be able to place and receive calls normally even with Wi-Fi calling enabled. Carriers will have to go out of their way to enable this, and this option is currently offered by only a few carriers.

您可以從“設定”應用程式中的“電話”螢幕啟用此功能。 在“電話”螢幕上的Wi-Fi通話選項下,點選“其他裝置上的通話”。 點按“新增其他裝置的Wi-Fi通話”,即使啟用了Wi-Fi通話,使用您的iCloud帳戶登入的其他裝置也將能夠正常撥打和接聽電話。 運營商將不得不竭盡全力實現這一目標,目前只有少數運營商提供此選項。

Wi-Fi calling isn’t a whizz-bangfeature you’ll notice a lot after you enable it, but it makes your iPhone work much better in areas with low cellular reception but a solid Wi-Fi signal.


Image Credit: Omar Jordan Fawahl on Flickr

圖片信用: Flickr上的Omar Jordan Fawahl

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229216/how-to-enable-and-use-wi-fi-calling-on-an-iphone/
