1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >iphone6實際螢幕大小_5個最佳免費iPhone遊戲(實際上是免費的)





“Freemium” games, as they’re now collectively referred to, are a plague in app stores of all kinds, whether it’s Apple’s iTunes, Google Play, or even the Windows Store.

現在被統稱為“免費增值”遊戲,在各種應用程式商店中都是災難,無論是蘋果的iTunes,Google Play還是Windows商店。

Lampooned in the South Park episode “Freemium Isn’t Free”, games like Simpsons: Tapped Out were put on blast for actively and knowingly creating Skinner box scenarios wherein players could play a game for “free”, only to find that their ability to level up or add new items was locked under a paywall for in-game currencies.

在南方公園(South Park)的一集“免費遊戲免費”中,像《辛普森一家》(Simpsons:Tapped Out)這樣的遊戲因積極主動地建立Skinner盒子場景而受到轟動,玩家可以免費玩遊戲,卻發現自己有能力升級或新增新物品被鎖定在遊戲幣的支付牆下。

So with no gimmicks or tricks, which games can you actually play from back to front without spending a dime? Here’s a few of our favorites.

因此,如果沒有頭或花樣,您實際上可以不花一毛錢從頭到尾玩哪些遊戲? 這是我們的最愛。

免費增值並非免費 (Freemium Isn’t Free)

To start, it helps to know what to look out for when we talk about ‘freemium’ gaming.


Sometime around the end of 2013, games like Clash of Clans and Candy Crush were coaxing struggling developers into thinking that a good app didn’t need to be so complicated to succeed, or even all that fun to begin with; it just needed to be addictive.

The key indicator of a freemium game is any kind of in-app purchase that gives players the option to either skip a self-imposed waiting period, or buy some kind of advantage that would allow them to get a leg up on the rest of the competition. Freemium titles attempt to hook players with the promise of free gameplay, only to take it away once they find out that the fun they’re having at one point or another will eventually come at a cost.

在2013年底左右的某個時候,諸如《部落衝突》和《糖果粉碎》之類的遊戲正在哄騙開發人員,他們認為一個好的應用程式並不需要太複雜就可以成功,甚至不需要一開始就那麼有趣。 它只是需要上癮。 免費增值遊戲的關鍵指標是應用內購買的任何一種形式,它使玩家可以選擇跳過自我施加的等待期,或者購買某種優勢以使他們能夠在其他方面有所作為競爭。 免費增值遊戲試圖用免費遊戲的承諾吸引玩家,但一旦他們發現他們在一處或另一處獲得的樂趣最終將付出一定的代價,便將其奪走。

With that distinction out of the way, it’s important to bear in mind while reading our list that while technically some of the games do have in-app purchases, the items in their shops are either purely cosmetic and have no bearing on how the game is played, or are an option to remove the ads that display to support the company who put it out.


與朋友的話 (Words With Friends)

Known as “that version of online Scrabble that everybody cheats at”, Words With Friends is a fun, addictive clone of the popular board game that pits you against players on your Facebook friends list or random opponents from all around the world.

Words With Friends被稱為“所有人都欺騙的線上拼字遊戲版本”,它是流行的棋盤遊戲的有趣且令人上癮的克隆版本,可讓您與Facebook朋友列表上的玩家或來自世界各地的隨機對手相對。

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As long as you’re not too sensitive about the possibility of other players using online tools to get the best score on each turn, Words With Friends is a relaxing, turn-based way to wind down that you can play between commercials or while you’re sitting around on the train during the morning commute. Best yet, because turns generally take anywhere from 1-10 minutes to complete each time, you can even swap between WWF and another title on this list to keep the entertainment value of your phone consistent throughout the day.

只要您對其他玩家使用線上工具在每個回合中獲得最高分的可能性不太敏感,Words With Friends是一種輕鬆的,基於回合的方式,可以減少您可以在廣告之間或廣告期間玩的機會早上通勤時坐在火車上。 最好的一點是,由於每次轉彎通常需要1到10分鐘才能完成,因此您甚至可以在WWF和此列表上的另一個標題之間切換,以保持手機全天候的娛樂價值。

Words With Friends for iOS is ad-supported, and if you’d like to purchase the full version without any interruptions it will set you back $9.99.

iOS版Words With Friends支援廣告,如果您想購買完整版而又不打擾,則價格為9.99美元。

愚蠢的死法 (Dumb Ways to Die)

It’s always nice when one the best mobile gaming distractions also happens to be one of the funniest.


In “Dumb Ways to Die”, you play as a hapless group of amorphous characters who have gotten themselves into a series of sticky situations that you need to save them from. Based on a series of popular YouTube videos, the game plays out in a collection of 18 mini-games that encompass everything from flicking deadly piranhas away in the ocean to swatting wasps off your character’s face.

在“愚蠢的死亡方式”中,您扮演的不幸角色是一群無定形的角色,他們陷入了一系列棘手的情況,需要從中解救。 根據一系列受歡迎的YouTube視訊,該遊戲在18種迷你遊戲中進行播放,其中包括從海中揮動致命的食人魚到從角色的臉上撲打WaSP,應有盡有。


Unfortunately like every other mobile developer on the planet, the programmers behind Dumb Ways to Die structuredtheir follow up game (Dumb Ways to Die 2) under the freemium model, giving players the option to buy a “sack o gems” that let them play longer or advance to the next level without actually beating it. The original is still as pure and ‘dumb’ as ever though, so head on over to the iOS App Store to pick up your copy today.

不幸的是,像地球上其他所有移動開發人員一樣,“笨蛋死亡”背後的程式設計師在免費增值模式下構建了他們的後續遊戲(“笨蛋死亡2”),使玩家可以選擇購買“麻袋寶石”,讓他們玩更長或更高階而不實際擊敗它。 原始版本仍然像以前一樣純淨和“啞巴”,所以今天就去iOS App Store領取您的副本。

2048 (2048)

Like an evolution between a fast puzzler and Sudoku, 2048 emerged from the den of web-based Flash games to take the mobile market by storm. With its simple premise, yet endlessly-deep amount of strategy, 2048 is great for amateurs or mathematical professionals alike, tasking players with stacking numerical blocks on top of each other to eventually hit a total score of “2048”.

就像快速解謎器和數獨遊戲之間的演變一樣,2048從基於Web的Flash遊戲中崛起,席捲了移動市場。 2048具有簡單的前提,但策略的應用層出不窮,無論是業餘愛好者還是數學專業人士,都非常適合2048,它要求玩家將數字塊堆疊在一起,最終得分為2048。

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Personally, I love that even after years of being available online, you still won’t find any two people who agree on how to play it best. Some people think that always swiping left will warrant an automatic win, while other high-score chasers say the edges are where the true tile stacking pros find their best combos.

就個人而言,我喜歡即使已經可以線上使用多年,您仍然找不到兩個人都同意如何發揮最佳狀態。 有人認為,始終向左滑動會保證自動獲勝,而其他高分追逐者則說,邊緣是真正的瓷磚堆疊專家找到最佳組合的地方。

No matter how you think the best path to a score of 2048 plays out, you can grab a download of the app free on the iTunes App Store by following the link here.

無論您認為如何獲得2048分的最佳途徑,都可以通過單擊此處的連結在iTunes App Store上免費下載該應用程式。

十字鳥Bird (Crossy Bird Tappy)

Oh, another Flappy Bird clone you say? I’ve got about two dozen of them right here, take your pick!

哦,您說的是另一隻飛揚的小鳥克隆嗎? 我這裡大約有兩打,請選擇!

If you’ve ever taken a visit to the Android or iOS app stores, you know firsthand just how much of a problem Flappy Bird clones were when the game first rose to popularity. Due to the creator’s unwillingness to cash in on the $50,000-a-day paycheck when he removed the title from the App Store, a clutch of other developers rushed to plop out their own pile of confusing, poorly-designed imitations.

如果您曾經去過Android或iOS應用商店,那麼您將第一時間知道該遊戲首次流行時Flappy Bird克隆存在多少問題。 由於創作者在將標題從App Store移除時不願以每天$ 50,000的薪水兌現,因此其他開發者急忙將自己的混亂,設計不當的模仿放出來。

Crossy Bird is easily the best of this bunch, with tight controls, intuitive play modes, and unforgiving physics that take months to fully master. It’s not Flappy Bird, but it’s just about the closest thing you’re going to find.

Crossy Bird很容易成為同類產品中的佼佼者,它具有嚴格的控制,直觀的播放模式和無情的物理技術,需要數月才能完全掌握。 它不是Flappy Bird,而是您將要找到的最接近的東西。

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Like several other offerings here, Crossy Bird Tappy makes its money through 15-30 second ads that pop up each time a round ends. Admittedly it can be a bit tedious to sit through these time and time again, but that’s the price you pay for the option to enjoy the game without shelling out any cash upfront or through in-app purchases on the backend.

像這裡的其他產品一樣, Crossy Bird Tappy通過15-30秒的廣告賺錢,每次輪結束時都會彈出。 誠然,一次又一次地坐下來可能有點乏味,但這就是您為享受遊戲而無需付出任何現金或在後端進行應用內購買而付出的代價。

紙牌 (Solitaire)

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”


Oh Solitaire, if the history we have together could only talk. It’s a game that everybody gets right out of the gate – likely because we’ve all owned a computer with Windows on it at one point in our lives – yet never disappoints with its simple rules and familiar play structure.

哦,紙牌,如果我們在一起的歷史只能講。 這是一款讓每個人都能脫穎而出的遊戲-可能是因為我們在一生中都擁有一臺裝有Windows的計算機-但從未失望過它的簡單規則和熟悉的遊戲結構。

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Despite their best efforts, not even the craftiest developers at mobile monoliths like Zynga have figured out a way to break up the gameplay of Solitaire into individually purchasable bite-sized pieces. Solitaire is what it is, and there’s no way that creating some arbitrary form of gem-based currency is going to enhance the game beyond what it offers at its core.

儘管付出了最大的努力,但甚至Zynga之類的移動巨石中最狡猾的開發人員都沒有找到將紙牌遊戲性分解成可單獨購買的小塊的方法。 紙牌就是這樣,創造任何形式的基於寶石的貨幣都不可能使遊戲超越其核心功能。

Solitaire is the purest form of a game being free for the sake of being free, and you won’t find us complaining that there’s anything wrong with that. Download it now on the iOS App Store.

紙牌是為了免費而免費的遊戲的最純粹形式,您不會發現我們在抱怨這有什麼問題。 立即在iOS App Store中下載

Inwriting this article, I found it nearly impossible to come up with a list of five titles that don’t feature one kind of freemium component or another. The monetary gains made by developers like Rovio and Zynga seems to have been too much for the mobile gaming industry to ignore, and as such, almost every single titlethat’s “free” on the iOS App Store these days also comes tacked with some kind of in-app purchase scheme designed to get you in the door and start charging for extra features as soon as it closes behind you.

在撰寫本文時,我發現幾乎不可能拿出五個沒有一個免費增值元件或另一種免費增值元件的標題列表。 Rovio和Zynga之類的開發商所獲得的金錢收益似乎已經太多了,移動遊戲業不容忽視,因此,如今在iOS App Store上幾乎所有“免費”的遊戲都還帶有某種形式的收益。應用內購買計劃旨在讓您進入大門,並在您身後關閉時立即開始收取額外功能的費用。

Luckily though, there are still some diamonds left in the rough. Whether it’s a hardcore puzzler like 2048 or a little time-waster like Dumb Ways to Die, gaming on your iPhone doesn’t always need to include the company of your credit card to have a little fun.

幸運的是,原石上還剩下一些鑽石。 無論是像2048這樣的頑固難題,還是像Dumb Ways to Die這樣的浪費時間的東西,iPhone上的遊戲並不需要總是包含信用卡公司以使您獲得一點樂趣。

All images courtesy of Apple’s iTunes App Store, Comedy Central/South Park Studios

所有圖片均由Apple iTunes App Store提供,Comedy Central / South Park Studios

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230049/the-5-best-free-iphone-games-that-are-actually-free/
