1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >在Microsoft Word 2010和Gabriola中使用OpenType連字和樣式集製作很棒的婚禮文件

在Microsoft Word 2010和Gabriola中使用OpenType連字和樣式集製作很棒的婚禮文件

ligaturesmall making CDs with CD-TEXT for the guests amongst other things. One of those other things is doing the Agenda for the day as well as the Menus that appear on the guests' tables. Anyone can bang out a simple document in word and/or pick a wacky font, but I wanted to try something a little different.
將為客人制作CD-TEXT CD
。 這些事情之一是做當天的議程以及出現在客人桌上的選單。 任何人都可以用單詞敲出一個簡單的文件和/或選擇古怪的字型,但是我想嘗試一些不同的方法。

Microsoft Word 2010 includes advanced support for OpenType Fonts, not just TrueType fonts. One of the cool things in OpenType and Word is the support for ligatures. From Wikipedia:

Microsoft Word 2010不僅包括TrueType字型,還包括對OpenType字型的高階支援。 OpenType和Word中的一件很酷的事情是對連字的支援。 從維基百科:

"In writing and typography, a ligature occurs where two or more graphemes are joined as a single glyph."


For example, here's lowercase "fi" and lowercase "fl" first without ligatures, and then with:

例如,以下是小寫字母“ fi”和小寫字母“ fl”,它們先不帶連字,然後再加上:

The characters fi and fl without ligatures, then with

See how the two letters flow together with ligatures? Here's more examples with words like "office," "afflict," and "fine flavor."

看到兩個字母如何與連字一起流動? 這是更多帶有“辦公室”,“痛苦”和“精緻味道”等詞語的示例。

More fi and fl words with ligatures applied

Open Ligatures are really visible (and mind-blowing if you've expected fonts to work a certain way for 20 years like me) in complex scripts like Gabriola, one of the many new fonts that comes with Windows 7. The Gabriola font is filled with advanced Open Type features.

開啟連字是真正可見的(和令人興奮的,如果你希望字型才能以某種方式20年像我)在複雜的指令碼一樣加比奧拉島,隨Windows 7加比奧拉島字型的許多新字型,一個充滿具有先進的開放式功能。

The letterforms will change based on the context of the other letters around them. For example, notice how the second m in the word murmur gets out of the way of the r that would otherwise encroach on its space? It's different from the first m.

字母形式將根據周圍其他字母的上下文而變化。 例如,注意單詞murmur中的第二個m如何擺脫r否則會侵犯其空間? 它與前m個不同。

The word "murmur" in Gabriola

This is just the default behavior, but with Word 2010 you can control it from the Advanced Tab in the Font Menu. For example, I wanted to create a wedding menu so here's the first few lines with the defaults for Gabriola:

這只是預設行為,但是使用Word 2010可以從“字型”選單的“高階”選項卡中控制它。 例如,我想建立一個婚禮選單,所以下面是前幾行,其中包含Gabriola的預設設定:


Now, I'll right click on Menu and select Font, then Advanced. There are a number of Stylistic Sets, depending on which font you're using. I liked the look of Set 6.

現在,我將右鍵單擊“選單”,然後選擇“字型”,然後選擇“高階”。 根據您使用的字型,有許多樣式集。 我喜歡Set 6的外觀。

The Advanced Font Menu in Word 2010

Next, for the second and third lines I changed to Stylistic Set 5 with Contextual Alternates to give me more options. Compare the two side by side! So much has changed, some subtle, some not. Notice the captial S's, the lowered C, the additions to the L and the tail on the small n and p?

接下來,對於第二行和第三行,我更改為帶有上下文替代項的樣式集5,以便為我提供更多選擇。 並排比較兩個! 很大的變化,有些微妙,有些沒有。 請注意,大寫字母S,下調C,L的加法以及小n和p的尾部?

The menu with the default sets The same menu lines with a nicer stylistic set

There's a lot of choices that you can make to get the look you want, and of course, this is just the Gabriola font we've see so far!


Magic Unicorns

The font will even change based on where it appears on a line, for example, the word amazon at the start, middle and end (taken from this article by John Hudson, the font designer):

字型甚至會根據在行中出現的位置而發生變化,例如,在開頭,中間和結尾出現亞馬遜一詞(摘自字型設計者John Hudson的本文):

Amazon in three styles

Additionally, this all happens as you type. You have to see it to believe it. I made an animated GIF at the top for you to get the idea. This might seem very weird to English/Latin speakers, but if you have ever typed in Hindi or Arabic you're already used to dynamic ligatures as you type.

此外,這一切都在您鍵入時發生。 您必須看到它才能相信它。 我在頂部製作了一個動畫GIF,以便您理解。 這對於說英語/拉丁語的人來說似乎很奇怪,但是如果您曾經用印地語或阿拉伯語打字,那麼您在鍵入時就已經習慣了動態連字。

Word 2010 also support different modes for numbering, like Old-Style Number Forms. Notice how the numbers' baselines are different on the second line and their sizes have been adjusted?

Word 2010還支援不同的編號模式,例如舊式數字窗體。 請注意,第二行的數字基準線有何不同,並且其大小已調整?

1234567 first aligned to the top, then along a baseline. Note the smaller "2"

All very cool stuff just sitting there in Word 2010 for you to use. Enjoy!

所有非常酷的東西都坐在Word 2010中供您使用。 請享用!

All very cool stuff just sitting there in Word 2010 for you to use. Enjoy!

關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/making-awesome-wedding-documents-using-opentype-ligatures-and-stylistic-sets-in-microsoft-word-2010-and-gabriola