1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >微軟word如何插入頁碼_如何在Microsoft Word中輕鬆插入格式化的日期和時間

微軟word如何插入頁碼_如何在Microsoft Word中輕鬆插入格式化的日期和時間




There are several reasons for inserting the current date and time into your document. You may want to insert it into a letter or into a header or footer. Whatever the reason, Word makes it easy to insert the date and time into a document.

將當前日期和時間插入文件有多種原因。 您可能需要將其插入字母,頁首或頁尾。 無論出於何種原因,Word都可以輕鬆地將日期和時間插入文件中。

If you want the date and time to automatically update when you open or print the document, you can insert it as a field that automatically updates. The field can also be updated manually at any time.

如果要在開啟或列印文件時自動更新日期和時間,可以將其插入為自動更新的欄位。 該欄位也可以隨時手動更新。

To insert the date and time into your document, open a new or existing document in Word and press the “Insert” tab on the ribbon.



In the “Text” section of the “Insert” tab, click “Date & Time.”



NOTE: You may have to widen the Word window to see the full label on the “Date & Time” button. If you can’t make the window wider, you can find the button by looking for the icon shown on the button below. If there’s no room for a button’s label on the ribbon, the icon is displayed.

注意:您可能必須擴大Word窗口才能在“日期和時間”按鈕上看到完整的標籤。 如果您無法擴大視窗的範圍,可以通過以下按鈕上顯示的圖示找到該按鈕。 如果功能區上沒有空間容納按鈕的標籤,則會顯示該圖示。


The “Date and Time” dialog box displays. Select a format for the date or time or both from the list. To have the date and/or time update automatically, select the “Update automatically” check box so there is a check mark in the box. Click “OK.”

顯示“日期和時間”對話方塊。 從列表中選擇日期或時間或兩者的格式。 要自動更新日期和/或時間,請選中“自動更新”複選框,以便在該複選框中打勾。 點選“確定”。


The date and/or time is inserted into your document. If you chose to have it update automatically, it’s inserted as a field. When you put the cursor in the field, an “Update” button displays above the field that allows you to update the field manually at any time. You can also press “F9” to update the field, when the cursor is in it.

日期和/或時間將插入文件中。 如果選擇自動更新,則將其作為欄位插入。 當您將游標放在該欄位中時,該欄位上方會顯示一個“更新”按鈕,使您可以隨時手動更新該欄位。 當游標位於該欄位中時,您也可以按“ F9”以更新該欄位。


If you decide you don’t want the date and/or time updated automatically anymore, you can highlight the field, or put the cursor in the field, and press “Ctrl + Shift + F9” to unlink the field. You might want to update the field before unlinking it so it has the current date and/or time once it’s unlinked.

如果您決定不想再自動更新日期和/或時間,則可以突出顯示該欄位,或將游標放在該欄位中,然後按“ Ctrl + Shift + F9”以取消連結該欄位。 您可能需要在取消連結之前更新該欄位,以便在取消連結後具有當前日期和/或時間。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214631/how-to-easily-insert-the-formatted-date-and-time-in-word-2013/
