1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >facebook新加密貨幣_Facebook的新“探索供稿”是什麼?




Recently, two new icons popped up in the Facebook app on iOS where the old chat icon used to be: a little shopfront and a rocket ship. The little shopfront is a quick link to Facebook Marketplace, and the rocket ship a link to Facebook’s Explore Feed.

最近,iOS上的Facebook應用程式中彈出了兩個新圖示,以前的聊天圖示曾經是:一個小商店和一艘火箭飛船。 小店面是到Facebook Marketplace的快速連結,而火箭則是到Facebook的Explore Feed的連結。

Marketplace is pretty self explanatory—it’s Facebook’s attempt to take on the likes of Craigslist—but the Explore Feed caught my eye, so I did a little digging.

Marketplace完全可以自我解釋-這是Facebook試圖吸引Craigslist之類的東西-但Explore Feed引起了我的注意,因此我做了一些挖掘工作。

Instead of seeing posts from Pages you already like, in the Explore Feed you see ones that are popular with your friend group or are popular with other people who’s demographics you match (say, by both of you liking the TED Talks page). There’s probably dozens of other signals Facebook uses to decide what to show. They bill it as “Top posts for you from across Facebook.”

在“瀏覽摘要”中,您不會看到已經喜歡的頁面上的帖子,而會看到在您的朋友組中很受歡迎或在您所匹配的人口統計學中的其他人中很受歡迎的帖子(例如,兩個人都喜歡TED演講頁面)。 Facebook可能還會使用許多其他訊號來決定顯示什麼。 他們將其稱為“來自Facebook的熱門帖子”。

For the most part, when I scrolled through, Facebook showed me the kind of new things it also showed in my News Feed, just in a more structured way. The same pages have all appeared when my friends have interacted with them.

在大多數情況下,當我滾動瀏覽時,Facebook會以一種更有條理的方式向我展示它在News Feed中也顯示的新事物。 當我的朋友與他們互動時,所有頁面都出現了。

The biggest downside to the Explore Feed is that there’s a reason I haven’t already liked most of the Pages it’s suggesting: they don’t really interest me. There were one or two posts that took my fancy but, for the most part, unless I was desperate to kill time, I wouldn’t be checking out the Explore Feed again in a hurry.

Explore Feed的最大弊端是,有一個原因讓我對它所建議的大多數Pages頁面都不滿意:他們對我不感興趣。 我喜歡上一兩個帖子,但在大多數情況下,除非我拼命消磨時間,否則我不會急著再次檢視“瀏覽提要”。

It turned out the Explore Feed isn’t quite as new as I thought, either. It’s actually been in the mobile app for a while, but buried in a menu. For many users, it will actually still be there. I live in Ireland and we’re often used as a test ground for features before they roll out around the world—we were one of the first countries to get Facebook’s Post Reactions. If I’m seeing it in the iOS app though, everyone else will probably start seeing it in few months.

事實證明,探索Feed也不像我想的那麼新。 它實際上已經在移動應用程式中使用了一段時間,但是被隱藏在選單中。 對於許多使用者來說,它實際上仍然會存在。 我居住在愛爾蘭,在功能釋出到世界各地之前,我們經常被用作測試的場所-我們是最早獲得Facebook的Post Reactions的國家之一。 如果我在iOS應用中看到它,那麼其他人可能會在幾個月後開始看到它。

If you don’t already see the Explore Feed and want to check it out, tap the menu icon and then select Explore Find. You’ll find it under Favorites on Android and Explore on iOS.

如果您還沒有看到“探索”提要並想將其檢出,請點選選單圖示,然後選擇“探索查詢”。 您可以在Android的“收藏夾”和iOS的“瀏覽”下找到它。

So, what’s the whole point of the Explore Feed? As near as I can guess, it’s Facebook’s attempt to take on the likes of Reddit and increase the time people spend on Facebook. The more time you spend on the app, the more ads you see, the more money Facebook makes. It’s why they’ve put so much work into their News Feed algorithm. Whether it actually takes off or just ends up another failed Facebook feature remains to be seen.

那麼,探索Feed的重點是什麼? 據我所知,這是Facebook試圖取代Reddit之類的東西,並增加人們在Facebook上花費的時間。 您在應用程式上花費的時間越長,看到的廣告越多,Facebook賺的錢就越多。 這就是為什麼他們在News Feed演算法中投入了大量工作的原因。 它實際上是起飛還是最終失敗了,Facebook的另一個失敗功能還有待觀察。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/328240/what-is-facebook’s-new-explore-feed/
