1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >nest 設定密碼_如何安裝和設定Nest安全安全系統

nest 設定密碼_如何安裝和設定Nest安全安全系統

nest 設定密碼

nest 設定密碼

Nest originally started with just a smart thermostat, but the company has grown quite a bit over the years. And now, they have their own security system called the Nest Secure. Here’s how to install it and set it up.

Nest最初只是從智慧恆溫器開始,但多年來公司發展了相當多。 現在,他們有了自己的安全系統,稱為Nest Secure。 這是安裝和設定方法。

In the box, the Nest Secure comes with two keychain tags (to easily arm and disarm your system without entering in a passcode), two sensors (which can act as a motion sensor and an open/close sensor for doors and windows), and the main unit that acts as the keypad, alarm, and another motion sensor.

在包裝盒中,Nest Secure帶有兩個鑰匙串標籤(無需輸入密碼即可輕鬆佈防和撤防系統),兩個感測器(可以用作運動感測器和門窗開/關感測器),以及用作鍵盤,警報和另一個運動感測器的主機。

Plus, you can integrate your other Nest products (like a Nest Cam)—as well as a handful of other smarthome gear—into the Nest Secure system for an even more robust setup. For now, though, we’re just going to show you how to install and set up the Nest Secure to get it up and running.


Nest Cam )以及其他一些智慧家居裝置整合到Nest Secure系統中,以實現更強大的設定。 不過,目前,我們僅向您展示如何安裝和設定Nest Secure以使其正常執行。

If you already own a Nest product, you probably already have the Nest app installed on your phone, but if this is your first Nest product ever, you’ll need to download the app (available for iOS and Android devices) and tap on “Sign Up” to create a Nest account.


Continue through that process until you get to the main home screen of the app. You’re now ready to set up the security system.

繼續執行該過程,直到進入應用程式的主螢幕。 現在您可以設定安全系統了。

設定Nest Guard (Setting Up the Nest Guard)

The Nest Guard is the main unit in the system, and you’ll be setting that up first. Tap on the big “+” button to get started.

Nest Guard是系統中的主要部件,您將首先對其進行設定。 點選大的“ +”按鈕開始使用。

The app allows you to scan a QR code on the back of the device you’re setting up, so allow it to access your camera and use it to scan the code.


This will automatically detect what product you’re setting up. In this case, it’s the Nest Guard. On the next screen, the app will discuss what the device does. Hit “Next” at the bottom to continue.

這將自動檢測您要設定的產品。 在這種情況下,它是Nest Guard。 在下一個螢幕上,應用程式將討論裝置的功能。 點選底部的“下一步”繼續。

Plug in the Nest Guard using the included cable and power adapter. Then hit “Next” in the app.

使用隨附的電纜和電源介面卡插入Nest Guard。 然後在應用程式中點選“下一步”。

The device will eventually emit a chime noise and a voice will guide you through the connection process. You’ll then connect the device to yourWi-Fi network, so select your network from the list.

該裝置最終會發出提示音,並且語音將引導您完成連線過程。 然後,您將裝置連線到Wi-Fi網路,因此從列表中選擇您的網路。

Enter in the password for yourWi-Fi network and hit “Next”.


Give a few moments to connect to yourWi-Fi. Once that’s complete, tap “Next” at the bottom.

請花一點時間連線到您的Wi-Fi。 完成後,點選底部的“下一步”。

Try out the Next Guard’s built-in motion sensor by walking in front of it. It will light up whenever it detects motion. In the app, you can turn on “Reduced Sensitivity” if you have small pets that would likely set it off otherwise. Hit “Next” to continue.

步行穿過Next Guard的內建運動感測器,以對其進行嘗試。 只要檢測到運動,它就會亮起。 在應用程式中,如果您的寵物很小,則可以開啟“降低的靈敏度”,否則可能會將其關閉。 點選“下一步”繼續。

On the next screen, select where you’ll be placing the Nest Guard in your home.

在下一個螢幕上,選擇要將Nest Guard放在家裡的位置。

Now it’s time to set up passcodes, which are used to arm and disarm the security system from the keypad, as well as turn the alarm off if it sounds. Hit “Next” in the app to continue.

現在是時候設定密碼了,該密碼用於通過鍵盤佈防和撤防安全系統,以及在警報響起時將其關閉。 在應用程式中點選“下一步”繼續。

The app will give you a generated passcode to use, but you can tap on “Change the Passcode” at the bottom to change it if you want. Otherwise, tap on “Keep this Passcode”.

該應用程式將為您提供一個生成的密碼供您使用,但是您可以根據需要點選底部的“更改密碼”進行更改。 否則,請點選“保留此密碼”。

Nest will automatically email everyone that’s in your Nest’s family account a unique passcode, but you can also add more people.


The Nest Guard is now set up and ready to go. Technically, you could just use this one device to secure your home, but if you have multiple entry points, you’ll want to set up the other sensors that came included with the system. Let’s do that now.

現在,Nest Guard已安裝完畢,可以開始使用了。 從技術上講,您可以僅使用這一裝置來保護您的房屋,但是,如果您有多個入口點,則需要設定系統隨附的其他感測器。 現在開始吧。

設定巢穴檢測感測器 (Setting Up the Nest Detect Sensors)

Tap on “Add Another Product” in the app.


Just like with the Nest Guard, there’s a QR code attached to the sensor that you can scan. Once scanned, hit “Next” in the app to get started setting up the sensors.

就像Nest Guard一樣,您可以掃描感測器上附帶的QR碼。 掃描後,在應用程式中點選“下一步”以開始設定感測器。

Pull off the QR code tab and wait for the light on the sensor to glow blue. If it doesn’t, press the “Nest” button on the sensor to turn it on. Hit “Next” in the app to continue to the next step.

拔下QR碼標籤,然後等待感測器上的指示燈發出藍光。 如果不是,請按感測器上的“巢狀”按鈕將其開啟。 在應用程式中點選“下一步”以繼續下一步。

Wait for the sensor to pair with the Nest Guard. When it’s finished, tap on “Continue to Installation” in the app.

等待感測器與Nest Guard配對。 完成後,在應用程式中點選“繼續安裝”。

Next, select where you plan to place the sensor, either on a door, wall, or window. Choosing one will determine what activities the sensor can detect and whether or not you’ll need the open/close magnet. I’m going to choose “Wall” and then hit “Next”.

接下來,選擇計劃在門,牆或窗戶上放置感測器的位置。 選擇一項將確定感測器可以檢測到哪些活動,以及是否需要開啟/關閉磁鐵。 我將選擇“ Wall”,然後單擊“ Next”。

After that, I’m going to choose where exactly I’m placing the sensor, either in a corner or just straight on the wall somewhere. Hit “Next” after choosing one.

之後,我將選擇要放置感測器的確切位置,無論是在角落還是在牆壁上的筆直位置。 選擇一個後單擊“​​下一步”。

Next, choose where the sensor will be placed on your home.


After that, it will tell you what you need to install the sensor and take you through that process, including how high to install it for the most accurate motion detection. When it detects motion, a white LED will light up on the sensor, which also acts as a night light of sorts when you’re making your way through your house at night when the lights are off.

之後,它將告訴您安裝感測器所需的條件,並指導您完成該過程,包括為最精確的運動檢測安裝感測器的高度。 當它檢測到運動時,感測器上的白色LED會亮起,當您晚上在燈光熄滅的情況下穿過房屋時,它也可以用作夜燈。

After that, you can continue to add more sensors, but we’re going to move onto setting up the Nest Tag for the sake of this guide.

之後,您可以繼續新增更多的感測器,但是出於本指南的考慮,我們將繼續設定Nest Tag。

設定巢狀標籤 (Setting Up the Nest Tags)

Tap on “Add Another Product” to begin setting up one or both of the Nest Tags that came with the system.


Again, scan the QR code on the back of the tag and then hit “Next” in the app.


Assign the tag to someone in your Nest family account and hit “Next”.


Give the tag a name (if you want) and then tap “Next” at the bottom.


Tap “Next” again when the tag connected to your Nest account.


Try out the tag by placing it near the Nest Guard. If it worked, it will make a chime sound and the light will turn green. Hit “Next” in the app.

通過將標籤放在Nest Guard旁邊來試用標籤。 如果有效,它將發出提示音,並且指示燈將變為綠色。 在應用程式中點選“下一步”。

Hit “Next” again to complete the setup.


Once you have everything set up and added to your Nest Secure system, tap on “Done Adding” at the bottom.

設定完所有內容並將其新增到Nest Secure系統後,請點選底部的“完成新增”。

On the next screen, you can watch a video showing you the different features of the system. Then hit “Next”.

在下一個螢幕上,您可以觀看視訊,向您展示系統的不同功能。 然後點選“下一步”。

If you want to customize various settings of your Nest Secure system, tap on “Settings”. Otherwise, hit “Done”. You can access these same settings at any time.

如果要自定義Nest Secure系統的各種設定,請點選“設定”。 否則,點選“完成”。 您可以隨時訪問這些相同的設定。

You’ll now see your security system on the main home screen of the Nest app. You can tap on it to arm or disarm your system.

現在,您將在Nest應用程式的主螢幕上看到您的安全系統。 您可以點選它來佈防或撤防系統。

There are three arm/disarm settings to choose from: Off, Home, and Away. Home (aka Home and Guarding) will arm the system and sound an alarm, but only for doors and windows that open—motion is exempt from this setting. Away (aka Away and Guarding) is similar to the previous setting, but also includes motion. Whenever you set it to Away, you’ll have 60 seconds before it officially arms, but this time limit is customizable in the settings.

共有三種佈防/撤防設定可供選擇:“關”,“家”和“離開”。 Home(又稱Home and Guarding)將佈防系統併發出警報,但僅適用於開啟的門和窗-此項設定不受運動限制。 離開(又名“離開和守衛”)與之前的設定類似,但也包含運動。 只要將其設定為“離開”,您就會有60秒鐘的時間正式開始佈防,但是此時間限制可以在設定中自定義。

You can also use the keypad on the Nest Guard to arm and disarm the system, as well as use your Nest Tag. However, using your Nest Tag will only let you switch between Off and Away.

您還可以使用Nest Guard上的鍵盤來佈防和撤防系統,以及使用Nest Tag。 但是,使用巢狀標籤只會讓您在關閉和離開之間切換。

At this point, you’re good to go! Be sure to explore the different options and settings in the app to familiarize yourself with all of the features.

此時,您就可以出發了! 確保探索應用程式中的其他選項和設定,以熟悉所有功能。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/334086/how-to-install-and-set-up-the-nest-secure-security-system/

nest 設定密碼