1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >spotify怎麼設定頭像_如何使Spotify停止釋出到Facebook(和其他隱私設定)





If you’re like me, you probably woke up one morning after installing Spotify on your phone or computer to a bunch of people making fun of you for listening to the Frozen soundtrack, but how did everyone know what I was jamming to when no one else was looking? As not many people are aware, by default Spotify contains several sharing settings that will automatically post any activity on your account not only to your Facebook wall, but also to a feed that lives in the Spotify client itself.

如果您像我一樣,可能是在將Spotify安裝在手機或計算機上之後,一大群人嘲笑您,聆聽《冰雪奇緣》的原聲帶,您可能會在一個早晨醒來。別人在看嗎? 眾所周知,預設情況下,Spotify包含多個共享設定,這些設定將自動將您帳戶上的任何活動不僅釋出到Facebook牆上,而且還發布到Spotify客戶端本身中的供稿中。

This can be seen by all your friends on your Facebook friends list, so just in case you want to rock out to some Broadway musicalsand not feel guiltyabout it, here’s the best way to lock up your privacy settings in Spotify.


防止Spotify釋出到本地Feed (Prevent Spotify From Posting to Your Local Feed)

When we talk about Spotify sharing, it helps to know there are actually two separate ways the app will try to broadcast your activity out to the world. Far be it from me to figure out why the company thinks you want everyone to know what you’re listening to allthe time, but either way, it’s important to know what’s being shared with who, and where.

當我們談論Spotify共享時,瞭解到應用程式實際上有兩種單獨的方法可以將您的活動向全世界傳播是很有幫助的。 弄清楚為什麼公司認為您希望每個人都一直知道您在聽什麼,這離我很遠,但是無論哪種方式,瞭解與誰和在何處共享什麼都是很重要的。

If you signed up to Spotify using only your email, the only place Spotify will try to share is within the app itself. When you create your profile, you’ll see you also have a “Feed” that gives anyone with your profile name the ability to see what you’re playing now as well as the past 20 songs that have been in the playlist.

如果您僅使用電子郵件註冊了Spotify,Spotify將嘗試共享的唯一位置是應用程式本身。 建立個人資料時,您還會看到一個“ Feed”,該頻道可讓擁有您個人資料名稱的任何人檢視您現在正在播放的內容以及播放列表中過去的20首歌曲。


To deactivate the Feed sharing feature, start by going into your Spotify preferences by clicking the “Edit” tab in the top-left hand corner, then selecting “Preferences”.



After this, scroll down to the “Social” section, where you’ll see all your available sharing options. There are two ways to manage who sees what inside the Spotify account: you can either turn off the “Publish my activity on Spotify” toggle as highlighted below, or turn on what the company calls a “Private Session”.

之後,向下滾動到“社交”部分,您將在其中看到所有可用的共享選項。 有兩種方法可以管理誰可以看到Spotify帳戶中的內容:您可以關閉下面突出顯示的“在Spotify上釋出我的活動”切換,也可以開啟公司稱為“私人會話”的內容。


The primary difference here is that while the former will permanently remove you from the Activity feed of your friends until you turn it back on, a Private Session only stays active for as long as you have the desktop client or the app open, or six hours passes without any music being listened to from your account.



Lastly, in Social is where you’ll also find the option to change the “Show my current top artists” option which, while it won’t show the exact songs you’ve been listening to, could still give other users a clue what you’ve been most into this week.


防止Spotify在Facebook上共享 (Prevent Spotify From Sharing on Facebook)

Next, there’s the issue of Spotify sharing what you do on Facebook. As mentioned in the previous section, if you used your Facebook account to sign up for Spotify, it will automatically turn on the option to begin sharing any of the songs or albums you listen to indiscriminately with every person on your friends list.

接下來是Spotify分享您在Facebook上所做的工作的問題。 如上一節所述,如果您使用Facebook帳戶註冊Spotify,它將自動開啟選項,開始與您的朋友列表中的每個人隨意共享您收聽的任何歌曲或專輯。

This can be a problem for anyone who shares their account with say, their teenage daughter and doesn’t want everyone at work thinking they’ve made their way through Katy Perry’s discography twice in the past two days. In order to prevent having to explain your way out of that situation you can simply prevent Spotify from posting any status updates or timeline events by first entering the Social tab.

對於那些與他們分享自己的帳戶(例如,十幾歲的女兒)並且不希望每個人都在工作的人,以為他們在過去兩天內兩次通過了Katy Perry的唱片,都可能會遇到問題。 為了避免必須說明擺脫這種情況的方式,您只需先進入“社交”標籤即可阻止Spotify釋出任何狀態更新或時間軸事件。


Next, find the “Facebook” section directly below that, and toggle the “Share my activity on Facebook” switch to the off position. The same effect can also be achieved if you disable Spotify from posting on your behalf in your Facebook settings, although we don’t recommend going this route because it makes it impossible to share a song with friends when you intentionally want to post it to your timeline.

接下來,在其正下方找到“ Facebook”部分,然後將“在Facebook上共享我的活動”開關切換到關閉位置。 如果您禁止Spotify在您的Facebook設定中代表您釋出,也可以達到相同的效果,儘管我們不建議您採用這種方式,因為當您有意將其釋出到自己的歌曲時,它無法與朋友分享歌曲時間線。

在應用程式中更改設定 (Change Settings in the App)

If you only use Spotify in mobile form, you can change all these same settings by first opening up the settings menu inside the app:



From here, click on the Social tab:


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Once at this menu, you’ll see the same three toggles that handle how your music activity is shared, and to which platform. Simply disable the toggles you don’t want kept on, and you’re done!

進入此選單後,您將看到相同的三個開關,用於處理如何共享音樂活動以及將音樂活動共享到哪個平臺。 只需禁用您不想保留的開關,就可以完成!

Although we live in an era where the motto for any Internet-savvy Spotify listener is share everything all the time, it’s annoying to see that the music subscription service assumes so much about how open you are about your music choices without even telling you about it first. Thanfully, for those who prefer to keep their listening habits a little closer to the chest, these settings are simple to manage on your desktop or phone.

儘管我們生活在一個時代,任何精通Internet的Spotify監聽器的座右銘始終是共享所有內容,但是令人討厭的是,音樂訂閱服務這麼多地假設您對自己的音樂選擇有多開放,甚至沒有告訴您第一。 值得慶幸的是,對於那些希望將聆聽習慣保持得更接近胸部的人而言,這些設定很容易在臺式機或手機上進行管理。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/233636/how-to-make-spotify-stop-posting-to-facebook-and-other-privacy-settings/
