1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >opera瀏覽器快取資料夾_如何備份和傳輸Opera設定,配置檔案和瀏覽會話





We’ve previously shown you how to backup Firefox profiles using an extension and third-party software and how to backup Google Chrome profiles. If you use Opera, there is a free tool that makes it easy to backup Opera profiles, settings, and even browsing sessions.


擴充套件程式第三方軟體備份Firefox配置檔案,以及如何備份Google Chrome配置檔案。 如果您使用Opera,則有一個免費工具,可以輕鬆備份Opera配置檔案,設定,甚至瀏覽會話。

Opera offers a sync service, called Opera Link, which allows you to sync your bookmarks, personal bar, history, Speed Dial, notes, and search engines with other computers. However, this service does not sync your current browsing sessions and passwords. We found a free tool, called Stu’s Opera Settings Import & Export tool, that allows you to export all your Opera settings, profiles, and browsing sessions to an archive and import it into Opera on the same or another computer.

Opera提供了一項稱為Opera Link的同步服務,該服務可讓您將書籤,個人欄,歷史記錄,快速撥號,便箋和搜尋引擎與其他計算機同步。 但是,此服務不會同步您當前的瀏覽會話和密碼。 我們找到了一個免費的工具,稱為Stu的Opera設定匯入和匯出工具,該工具可讓您將所有Opera設定,配置檔案和瀏覽會話匯出到存檔中,並將其匯入同一臺或另一臺計算機上的Opera中。

Stu’s Opera Settings Import & Export tool is portable and does not need to be installed. Simply download the .zip file using the link at the end of this article. Double-click the osie.exe file to run the program.

Stu的Opera設定匯入和匯出工具是行動式的,不需要安裝。 只需使用本文結尾的連結下載.zip檔案。 雙擊osie.exe檔案執行該程式。


The Intro dialog box displays. Read through the items and click OK to close the dialog box.

將顯示“簡介”對話方塊。 通讀專案,然後單擊“確定”關閉對話方塊。

NOTE: If you want to check to see if any updates are available, click Check for Updates. You can also go to the webpage for the program by clicking Homepage.

注意:如果要檢查是否有可用的更新,請單擊“檢查更新”。 您也可以通過單擊主頁轉到該程式的網頁。


To export your settings, click the Export your Opera settings to an archive on the main dialog box that displays. Click Next.

要匯出設定,請在顯示的主對話方塊上單擊將Opera設定匯出到存檔。 點選下一步。


The tool automatically finds the default location of the Opera settings. If you have settings, profiles, or sessions in a different location, click Browse to find that location. To continue, select a location from the list and click Next.

該工具會自動找到Opera設定的預設位置。 如果您在其他位置有設定,配置檔案或會話,請單擊“瀏覽”以找到該位置。 要繼續,請從列表中選擇一個位置,然後單擊下一步。


The settings found in the selected location are displayed on the dialog box. Items not selected were found in the selected location, but have no data to backup. If you select a check box for a currently unselected item, you are asked to select a location for that setting.

在所選位置找到的設定將顯示在對話方塊上。 在所選位置找到未選擇的專案,但是沒有要備份的資料。 如果選中當前未選中專案的複選框,則會要求您選擇該設定的位置。

All items that have data to backup are automatically selected. Select the check boxes for the items you don’t want to export so there are no check marks in those boxes and click Next.

具有要備份資料的所有專案都會自動選擇。 選中您不想匯出的專案的複選框,以使這些框中沒有複選標記,然後單擊“下一步”。


The Save file as dialog box displays. Navigate to a folder in which you want to save the archive. Enter a name for the archive file in the File name edit box and click Save.

顯示“檔案另存為”對話方塊。 導航到要在其中儲存檔案的資料夾。 在“檔名”編輯框中輸入存檔檔案的名稱,然後單擊“儲存”。

NOTE: The file is automatically saved as a .tgz file, if you don’t specify the .tar.gz extension. Both extensions can be opened in most archive programs like 7-Zip and WinZip, so you can extract the settings in their original format, in case you should need to access them manually for any reason.

注意:如果未指定.tar.gz副檔名,則該檔案將自動另存為.tgz檔案。 可以在大多數存檔程式(例如7-Zip和WinZip)中開啟這兩個副檔名,因此,如果出於任何原因需要手動訪問它們,則可以提取其原始格式的設定。


The Export Complete dialog box displays telling you that the settings were successfully exported to the specified location. Click OK.

顯示“匯出完成”對話方塊,告訴您設定已成功匯出到指定位置。 單擊確定。


When you want to import settings into Opera, open the osie.exe program again and select the Import your previously exported settings into Opera radio button and click Next.



On the Select a settings archive to import dialog box, navigate to the folder containing the .tgz or .tar.gz file, select the file, and click Open.



The settings from the archive file are displayed on the main dialog box. All items containing data are selected by default. To de-select an item, select the check box so there is NO check mark in the box. Click Next.

歸檔檔案中的設定顯示在主對話方塊中。 預設情況下,將選中所有包含資料的專案。 要取消選擇一個專案,請選中該複選框,以便該框中沒有複選標記。 點選下一步。


Select a location into which you want to import your Opera settings. The default location is already listed. If you want to select a different location, use the Browse button. Click Next.

選擇要匯入Opera設定的位置。 預設位置已列出。 如果要選擇其他位置,請使用“瀏覽”按鈕。 點選下一步。


Any settings currently in Opera will be replaced and they are listed on the main dialog box for you to review. If you want to remove any of the current settings before importing your new settings, select the desired settings in the list and then select the Delete these settings from disk check box. Click Next.

Opera中當前存在的所有設定都將被替換,它們會列在主對話方塊中供您檢視。 如果要在匯入新設定之前刪除任何當前設定,請在列表中選擇所需的設定,然後選中“從磁碟刪除這些設定”複選框。 點選下一步。


The Continue Confirmation dialog box displays as another warning that any current settings will be removed. Click Yes to continue importing your settings.

“繼續確認”對話方塊顯示為另一個警告,指出將刪除任何當前設定。 單擊“是”繼續匯入您的設定。


The Import Complete dialog box displays when the import process has completed. Click OK.

匯入過程完成後,將顯示“匯入完成”對話方塊。 單擊確定。


Because Stu’s Opera Settings Import & Export Tool is available for both Windows and Linux and creates .tgz or .tar.gz files that are compatible with both operating systems, you can use this tool to migrate your settings from Windows to Linux or from Linux to Windows.


Download Stu’s Opera Settings Import & Export Tool from http://my.opera.com/Disco%20Stu/blog/opera-settings-import-export-tool.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/125032/how-to-backup-and-transfer-opera-settings-profiles-and-browsing-sessions/
