1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >擺脫處男_擺脫煩人的Microsoft OneDrive登入彈出視窗

擺脫處男_擺脫煩人的Microsoft OneDrive登入彈出視窗



Every time you reboot your Windows 10 PC, Microsoft OneDrive bugs you to login or create an account. But what if you don’t want to? What if you want it to go away, forever? Microsoft doesn’t give you that option, but we have a way to disable it for good.

每次重新啟動Windows 10 PC時,Microsoft OneDrive都會使您無法登入或建立帳戶。 但是,如果您不想這麼做怎麼辦? 如果您希望它永遠消失怎麼辦? Microsoft沒有為您提供該選項,但是我們有一種方法可以將其永久禁用。

You’d think if the computer is so smart, it would get the message after you close out of the dialog every single time you reboot. But no. They really, really, really want you to sign up for OneDrive. Make it stop!

您可能會認為,如果計算機非常智慧,那麼每次重新啟動對話方塊後,它都會在對話方塊關閉後顯示此訊息。 但不是。 他們確實非常希望您註冊OneDrive。 讓它停下來!

如何禁用,殺死,銷燬和退出Microsoft OneDrive註冊提示提示為好 (
How to Disable, Kill, Destroy, and Quit the Microsoft OneDrive Sign Up Prompt for Good)

If you want to make the annoying dialog go away for good, you’re going to need to disable OneDrive, and there are a couple of ways you could do this.


最簡單的選擇:從啟動中禁用OneDrive (
The Simplest Option: Disable OneDrive from Startup)

The reason OneDrive starts up with Windows every time is because it’s listed in the startup items in your PC’s configuration. To disable OneDrive from starting up every single time you reboot your PC, just right-click on the Taskbar and choose the “Task Manager” option—or use the handy CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keyboard shortcut.

每次使用Windows啟動OneDrive的原因是,它在PC配置的啟動項中列出。 要在每次重新啟動PC時都禁止OneDrive啟動,只需右鍵單擊工作列,然後選擇“工作管理員”選項-或使用方便的CTRL + SHIFT + ESC鍵盤快捷鍵。

In Task Manager, choose the “More Details” option at the bottom, and then flip over to the Startup tab, where you’ll see the offending line item. Give it a good whack with the Disable button, and you’re all done.

在工作管理員中,選擇底部的“更多詳細資訊”選項,然後轉到“啟動”選項卡,您將在其中看到有問題的訂單項。 使用“禁用”按鈕給它一個好的提示,一切都完成了。

The next time you reboot your PC, that annoying OneDrive login window should be gone.


永遠不會使用OneDrive? 您可以解除安裝它 (Never Gonna Use OneDrive? You Can Just Uninstall It)

Rather than disable something you plan to never use, the nuclear option is to simply uninstall it. Head into Settings (press Windows+I), click the “Apps” option, find Microsoft OneDrive under the “Apps & Features” section, and then click the “Uninstall” button.

與其禁用您不打算使用的功能,不如選擇將其解除安裝。 進入設定(按Windows + I),單擊“應用程式”選項,在“應用程式和功能”部分下找到Microsoft OneDrive,然後單擊“解除安裝”按鈕。

Note: If you’re using the Pro version of Windows, you’ll need to use a group policy fix to remove OneDrive from the File Explorer sidebar, but for Home users and if you just want this to stop popping up and annoying you at startup, uninstalling should be fine.

注意:如果您使用的是Windows專業版,則需要使用組策略修復程式從檔案資源管理器側邊欄中刪除OneDrive ,但對於家庭使用者而言,如果您只是想讓它停止彈出並讓您討厭啟動,解除安裝應該沒問題。

或者您可以使用OneDrive (Or You Could Use OneDrive, Perhaps)

Alternatively, you could actually use OneDrive if you want. If you have an Office 365 subscription you’ve got access to a terabyte of space, and it works pretty well.

或者,您可以根據需要實際使用OneDrive。 如果您有Office 365訂閱,則可以訪問TB的空間,並且效果很好。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/342550/get-rid-of-the-annoying-microsoft-onedrive-sign-in-popup/
