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podcast_Hanselminutes Podcast 323(及更多)-與Leon gersing Ruby佛像共鳴



It's been a while since I updated the Podcast category of my blog. I never got around to making a script to do it for me and I started to feel like some weeks were just blog posts of lifeless podcast announcements. Regardless, my podcast(s) march on. I've even got plans for a third that will surprise you.

自從我更新部落格的Podcast類別已經有一段時間了。 我從來沒有做過為我做指令碼的工作,我開始覺得有些星期只是毫無生氣的播客公告的部落格文章。 無論如何,我的播客都在前進。 我什至有三分之一的計劃會讓您感到驚訝。

I did want to share, however, a few episodes lately that really seemed to resonate with people. If you haven't listened to one of our podcasts before or are looking for a good episode to jump in on for a long drive or airplane ride, then these are great places to start. I'm particularly happy with them.

但是,我確實想分享一些最近似乎引起人們共鳴的情節。 如果您之前未曾聽過我們的播客,或者正在尋找一段不錯的節目來進行長途駕駛或乘飛機旅行,那麼這些都是絕佳的起點。 我對他們特別滿意。

First, as a reminder, Hanselminutes is a 30 minute "commute time" mostly podcast whose goal is is to NOT waste your time. I try to get right into the conversation with minimal "how's the weather" conversation. I've been doing the show consistently - weekly - with

Telerik and Carl Franklin's support since January of 2006. That's over 300 episodes! 323, in fact, at last count. All are available in the archives and the ones marked with an asterisk (*) include a transcript which is useful for the hearing impaired or those learning English. We're currently catching up on transcripts with the goal being a consistent release schedule and a complete archive.

首先,提醒一下Hanselminutes是一個30分鐘的“通勤時間”,主要是播客,其目的是不浪費時間。 我嘗試以最少的“天氣如何”對話開始進行對話。 自2006年1月以來,我一直(每週)在TelerikCarl Franklin的支援下一直在表演該節目。這集超過300集! 323,實際上,最後計數。 所有內容都可以在檔案中找到,標有星號(*)的內容包括成績單,對聽障人士或學習英語的人很有用。 我們目前正在追趕成績單,目標是保持一致的釋出時間表和完整的存檔。

I also do a podcast with Rob Conery called This Developer's Life, although more sporadically as the work we put into the show is INSANE. DevExpress pays for the bandwidth and supports the show and we can't thank them enough.

我還與Rob Conery進行了一個名為This Developer's Life的播客,儘管在本次展覽中投放的作品是INSANE,但偶爾出現。 DevExpress支付頻寬並支援演出,我們對此感激不盡。

You can tweet both DevExpress and Telerik and thank for supporting these two labors of love as without them, the shows would not exist.


此開發人員的生活2.0.8-瞭解 (This Developer's Life 2.0.8 - Learn)

Recently Rob and I posted a new This Developer's Life episode called "Learn." We talk to two engineers and very different places in their careers with very different academic experiences. One a professional engineer and author with many years experience but a Liberal Arts education in a non-related topic and the other a 17 year old home schooled Microsoft intern who builds rockets in his spare time when he's not mastering parallel computing. Please do subscribe to This Developer's Life, add This Developer's Life to your iTunes or even give us a review. You can get the complete back catalog of 23 episodes. More are coming soon.

最近,Rob和我釋出了一個新的“開發人員的生命”情節,名為“學習” 。 我們與兩位工程師和他們職業生涯中不同的地方進行了交談,他們的學術經驗也截然不同。 一位是具有多年經驗的專業工程師和作家,但在與非主題相關的領域中接受過人文教育,另一位是17歲在家接受微軟培訓的Microsoft實習生,他在業餘時間不使用平行計算就製造火箭。 請確實訂閱“開發人員的生活” ,將“開發人員的生活”新增到您的iTunes甚至進行評論。 您可以獲得23集的完整後裝目錄。 更多即將推出。

Hanselminutes 323-對萊昂·格辛的共鳴 (Hanselminutes 323 - Empathy with Leon Gersing)

I spoke to Leon Gersing (@rubybuddha) on Hanselminutes a few days ago. We spoke about empathy and people. What causes one community to be empathetic and another not? What really drives us as creators? Is it money, tech or the potential connection we can have to other people? We also covered promiscuous pairing, kindness vs. empathy and the user connection. I really have warm feelings towards Leon and what he stands for and I really think this is a great episode you should check out. You can also find and subscribe to the complete archive for Hanselminutes on Feedburner as well as Hanselminutes on iTunes.

幾天前,我在HanselminutesLeon Gersing ( @rubybuddha )進行了交談。 我們談到了同情和人。 是什麼導致一個社群變得富有同情心,而另一個社群卻沒有? 是什麼真正驅使我們成為創作者? 是金錢,技術還是我們與他人之間的潛在聯絡? 我們還介紹了混雜配對,善意與同情以及使用者連線。 我對萊昂及其代表的立場感到非常溫暖,我確實認為這是很棒的一集,你應該看看。 您還可以在Feedburner上找到和訂閱Hanselminutes完整檔案,並在iTunes訂閱。

Hanselminutes 319-與Baratunde Thurston一起變黑的製作 (Hanselminutes 319 - The Making of How to be Black with Baratunde Thurston)

Baratunde Thurston has extensive experience in being Black for more than 30 years. Baratunde was the Digital Director at The Onion until recently and is now striking out on his own with a new venture called Cultivated Wit. He keynoted SXSW this year and is currently on tour promoting his book "How To Be Black." He talked to me about how he used technology to turn his memoir into a New York Times bestseller. He's a comic, a writer, and a social media expert and gave me my own actual in-real-life "Black Card" that I use to impress the whitest of relatives. ;)

Baratunde Thurston在成為黑人方面擁有超過30年的豐富經驗。 直到最近,Baratunde還是The Onion的數字總監,現在他獨自開了一家名為Cultivated Wit的新公司。 他今年給SXSW作了主題演講,目前正在巡迴演出,宣傳他的著作《如何成為黑人》 。 他和我談了他如何用科技把回憶錄變成“紐約時報”的暢銷書。 他是漫畫,作家和社交媒體專家,給了我我自己的真實“黑卡”,我用它打動了最白的親戚。 ;)

Hanselminutes 317-與Holly Griffith一起研究火箭科學 (Hanselminutes 317 - It IS Rocket Science with Holly Griffith)

What? I thought this was a tech show! Fine, here's Rocket Scientist and former Space Shuttle Flight Controller Holly Griffith, now an International Space Station worker bee. Holly is an engineer who has worked in and around space and aerospace for her entire career. Holly and I talk space, engineering, fuel cells and I try desperately to keep up.

什麼? 我以為這是一場科技秀! 好的,這裡是火箭科學家和前太空梭飛行控制器霍莉·格里菲斯(Holly Griffith),現在是國際空間站工蜂。 Holly是一位工程師,在整個職業生涯中都曾在太空和航空航天領域工作。 Holly和我談論太空,工程,燃料電池,我拼命嘗試跟上。

Hanselminutes 314-與Scott妻子的關係破裂 (Hanselminutes 314 - More Relationship Hacks with Scott's Wife)

Almost two years after our most popular show to date, my Wife Mo is back! How does one manage a mixed (geek/normal) marriage? Can Scott and Mo agree on the fundamental laws of physics? Check out part one also http://hanselminutes.com/216 and yes, we are still working on the book. Sigh.

迄今為止,我們最受歡迎的節目已經快兩年了,我的妻子莫回來了! 如何處理混合(極客/正常)婚姻? 斯科特和莫能否就物理學的基本定律達成共識? 還可從http://hanselminutes.com/216中檢視第一部分,是的,我們仍在研究這本書。 嘆。

I hope you enjoy the shows!


關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselminutes-podcast-323-and-more-on-empathy-with-leon-gersing-the-ruby-buddha
