1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >列印墨水調鋼筆墨水_如何節省墨水並改善網站列印質量





Printing out web pages you want a hard copy of can be a little hit and miss. Unlike other documents, it is not easy to tell exactly how many pieces of paper will be needed, and whether or not there will be any awkward clipping. Add to this the problem of wasting ink by printing out unwanted images and ads, and it is little wonder that many people resort to copying and pasting into a word processor. But by using browser add-ons and bookmarklets, you can gain control over what you are printing.

打印出您想要紙質版的網頁可能會有點麻煩。 與其他文件不同,要準確地確定需要多少張紙以及是否存在任何尷尬的裁切並不容易。 此外,由於打印出不需要的影象和廣告而浪費墨水的問題也就不足為奇了,許多人訴諸於複製和貼上到文書處理器中也就不足為奇了。 但是,通過使用瀏覽器載入項和書籤,您可以控制所列印的內容。

There’s nothing to stop you from using the Print Preview option of your browser, but if you find that you’re going to end up printing out an extra page of ink-heavy paper because of a banner ad, there’s not much you can do about it. By turning to one of the following tools, you gain the ability to edit pages before you print them.

沒有什麼可以阻止您使用瀏覽器的“列印預覽”選項的,但是,如果您發現由於橫幅廣告而最終要打印出多餘的墨水量大的紙張頁面,那麼您無能為力它。 通過使用以下工具之一,您可以在列印頁面之前對其進行編輯。

This not only means that you only print out what you are interested in so there are no unnecessary distractions, but also that you can save ink, paper and money in the process. It does not matter which web browser is your weapon of choice, there is a solution for you out there.

這不僅意味著您只打印出您感興趣的內容,從而不會造成不必要的干擾,而且還可以在此過程中節省墨水,紙張和金錢。 哪種Web瀏覽器是您選擇的武器都沒有關係,那裡有適合您的解決方案。

Chrome-友好列印 (Chrome – Print Friendly)

If Chrome is your browser of choice Print Friendlycould be the addon for you. Printing is immediately made easier thanks to the fact that a toolbar button is added so you no longer have to navigate through Chrome’s menu.

如果您選擇使用Chrome瀏覽器,則可以選擇Print Friendly 。 由於添加了工具欄按鈕,因此列印立即變得更容易,因此您不再需要瀏覽Chrome的選單。


There are a few ways in which you can improve web page printing. A quick and easy way to save paper and ink is to tick the Remove Image button, but you can also use the Text Size drop down menu to cram more onto each page.

有幾種方法可以改善網頁列印。 節省紙張和墨水的一種快速簡便的方法是勾選“刪除影象”按鈕,但是您也可以使用“文字大小”下拉選單在每個頁面上新增更多內容。


In the print preview window, you can click on any page element to remove it – so you can easily cut out advertisements and boxes you don’t want. As soon as you hit the print button the usual print dialog will spring into action so you can choose to print at a lower quality to save even more ink.

在列印預覽視窗中,您可以單擊任何頁面元素將其刪除–這樣您就可以輕鬆切出不需要的廣告和框。 按下“列印”按鈕後,通常的“列印”對話方塊將立即生效,因此您可以選擇以較低質量列印,以節省更多墨水。

Firefox –列印編輯 (Firefox – Print Edit)

Print Editis another addon that can be accessed through a toolbar button – although, oddly, this is a multi-function button that defaults to regular printing. Click the arrow to the right of the button and select Print Edit to get to work.

“列印編輯”是另一個可以通過工具欄按鈕訪問的外掛-儘管奇怪的是,這是預設情況下可以進行常規列印的多功能按鈕。 單擊按鈕右側的箭頭,然後選擇“列印編輯”開始工作。


You’ll find that the addon does a great job of stripping out unnecessary content without you having to do anything. An algorithm is used to identify navigation bars, banners and advertisements that should be removed, but you are then free to start editing the remaining content.

您會發現,該外掛在無需執行任何操作的情況下,可以很好地去除不必要的內容。 一種演算法用於標識應刪除的導航欄,橫幅和廣告,但是您可以自由地開始編輯其餘內容。


Click any page element – be it text or image – and you can then use the top toolbar to choose what to do. Click Delete and the selected element will be removed and the remainder of the page moved to fill up the vacated space. You can also use the Hide option to opt not to print a particular object but leave an invisible object in its place to retain formatting.

單擊任何頁面元素(無論是文字還是影象),然後您都可以使用頂部的工具欄選擇要執行的操作。 單擊刪除,所選元素將被刪除,頁面的其餘部分將移動以填充騰出的空間。 您還可以使用“隱藏”選項選擇不列印特定物件,而是在其位置保留不可見的物件以保留格式。

The Format button can be used to remove styling from text, adjust font size and much more. If you select several blocks of text at the same time, they can also be styled in the same way simultaneously, but you also have the option of styling different areas individually.

格式按鈕可用於從文字中刪除樣式,調整字型大小等等。 如果您同時選擇多個文字塊,則也可以同時以相同的方式設定它們的樣式,但是您還可以選擇分別設定不同區域的樣式。


Internet Explorer – Bing Bar的智慧列印 (Internet Explorer – Smart Print for Bing Bar)

You may have decided to stick with Internet Explorer for browsing the web, and if this is the case you can take advantage of Smart Print for Bing Bar. Head over to the tool’s page and click the Activate Smart Print Now button to start the installation.

您可能已經決定使用Internet Explorer瀏覽網頁,如果是這種情況,則可以利用Smart Print for Bing Bar的優勢。 轉到該工具的頁面,然後單擊立即啟用智慧列印按鈕以開始安裝。


When you want to print a page, click the button in the Bing Toolbar that has been added to Internet Explorer. You’ll find that the addon does a decent job of determining what you’re likely to want to print, but you can easily make adjustments if necessary.

當您要列印頁面時,單擊Bing工具欄中已新增到Internet Explorer的按鈕。 您會發現該外掛在確定您可能要列印的內容方面做得不錯,但是您可以根據需要輕鬆進行調整。

Click the fourth button in the Smart Print toolbar to switch to manual mode and you can start drawing boxes around different parts of the page. The first time you select a section of the page, it will be outlined in green indicating that it will be printed, but you can also draw around other elements within this green box to remove them from the printout entirely.

單擊“智慧列印”工具欄中的第四個按鈕以切換到手動模式,然後可以在頁面的不同部分周圍啟動繪圖框。 首次選擇頁面的一部分時,它將以綠色勾勒出輪廓,表示將要列印,但是您也可以在此綠色框中繪製其他元素,以將其完全從列印輸出中刪除。


所有瀏覽器–列印您喜歡的內容 (All Browsers – Print What You Like)

If you use a different web browser, or you use multiple web browsers and want to be able to use the same print editing tool in each, look no further than Print What You Like– the name says it all, really.


The service can be used in a couple of ways, starting with visiting the site and pasting in the URL of the pages you’re looking to print. The alternative – and something that’s going to prove more practical for long term use — is to drag the bookmarklet to your browser toolbar.

可以通過兩種方式使用該服務,從訪問網站開始,然後貼上要列印的頁面的URL。 另一種方法是將小書籤拖動到瀏覽器工具欄上,並且可以長期使用,這將證明更加實用。


Whichever way you approach Print What You Like, it works in the same way, allowing you to edit the current webpage in your browser. Quick settings to the left can be used to strip out a background image, all images, or remove margins.

無論採用哪種方式列印喜歡的內容,它都以相同的方式工作,允許您在瀏覽器中編輯當前網頁。 左側的快速設定可用於去除背景影象,所有影象或去除邊距。


The Page Properties section of the sidebar can be used to adjust font size and style. You can also click on any page element and use the popup toolbar that appears to remove anything you don’t want, or adjust its size.

側欄的“頁面屬性”部分可用於調整字型大小和樣式。 您也可以單擊任何頁面元素,然後使用顯示的彈出工具欄刪除不需要的任何內容,或調整其大小。


So however you access there internet, there are plenty of options for ensuring that you only print out what you need.


Printing web pages should be about more than just clicking print and dealing with reams of paper. Using a dedicated tool to manage what is pumped out by your printer, you can do your bit not only for the environment, but also your wallet.

列印網頁不僅僅是單擊“列印”並處理大量紙張。 使用專用工具來管理印表機排出的物品,您不僅可以為環境服務,還可以為錢包服務。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/138477/how-to-save-ink-and-make-web-sites-print-better/
