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Earlier this week we asked you to share your tips, tricks, and tools, for managing a messy music collection. Now we’re back to share so great reader tips; read on to find ways to tame your mountain of music.

本週早些時候,我們要求您分享一些技巧,竅門和工具,以管理混亂的音樂收藏。 現在,我們回到分享如此出色的讀者提示; 請繼續閱讀以找到馴服音樂之路的方法。

Several readers were, despite having tried various techniques over the years, fans of doing things largely the manual way. Aurora900 explains:

儘管這些年來已經嘗試了各種技術,但仍有一些讀者喜歡使用手動方式做事。 Aurora900解釋:

I spent a weekend sorting everything myself once. Took a while, but now I have folders sorted by artist, and within the artist folders are folders for their albums. With my collection at about 260gb, it can be a daunting task, but it’s well worth it in the end. I don’t have the tagging issue as I make sure anything I have is properly tagged to begin with… If I’m ripping a CD I use

Easy CD-DA Extractor, which automatically searches a database on the internet for the tags. If I’m downloading something, if its from a reputable source its going to be properly tagged already.

我花了一個週末自己整理了所有東西。 花費了一段時間,但現在我有按藝術家排序的資料夾,並且在藝術家資料夾中是其專輯的資料夾。 我的收藏集約為260gb,這可能是一個艱鉅的任務,但最終還是值得的。 我沒有標籤問題,因為我確保已正確標記了所有內容……如果我要翻錄CD,請使用

Easy CD-DA Extractor ,它會自動在Internet上的資料庫中搜索標籤。 如果我要下載東西,如果它是從信譽良好的來源下載的,則已經被正確標記了。

Bilbo Baggins would love to automate, but eclectic music tastes make it hard:

Bilbo Baggins希望實現自動化,但是折衷的音樂品味使它變得困難:

I once spent days tagging each individual song with MP3tag so they all had the correct artist, album, album art work. MusicBrainz Picard and WinAmp autotagging wouldn’t work for me because of the “obscure” music I have. Then I just plug it into MediaMonkey, organize by Artist/Album/TrackNumber – SongTitle.mp3. And whenever I download new music, I just add it in by hand like that.

我曾經花了幾天的時間用MP3tag標記每首歌曲,因此它們都有正確的藝術家,專輯和專輯封面。 由於我的音樂“模糊”, MusicBrainz PicardWinAmp自動標記對我不起作用。 然後我將其插入MediaMonkey ,按Artist / Album / TrackNumber – SongTitle.mp3進行組織。 每當我下載新音樂時,我就這樣手工新增。


Lenny shares his manual sorting method:


My system is to change the tags and filenames by hand, using online album track listings as a reference.



Long description:


Using album pages on Wikipedia (or sites like Amazon, when the Wiki page isn’t available), I rename every track with number and title (e.g. “10. NASA is On Your Side”), and if needed, manually change the track number and title in the tags. I then select everything and blanket-change the Artist, Album Artist, Album and Year (in this example, “Everything Everything”, “Man Alive” and “2010″ – great album, by the way).

使用Wikipedia上的專輯頁面(或當Wiki頁面不可用時,在Amazon之類的網站上),我用編號和標題(例如“ 10. NASA在你身邊”)重新命名每條軌道,並在需要時手動更改軌道標籤中的編號和標題。 然後,我選擇所有內容並一攬子更改藝術家,專輯藝術家,專輯和年份(在此示例中,“所有內容”,“ Man Alive”和“ 2010” –很好的專輯)。

These tracks go in a folder named first with the year, then the album title (“[2010] Man Alive”), which itself is in the artist folder (“Everything Everything”). I have the added bonus of albums being listed in release order within the artist folder. These artist folders go into a folder for my music library, whilst everything I am yet to organize is in a general “!SORT” folder.

這些曲目會放在一個首先帶有年份的資料夾中,然後是專輯名稱(“ [2010] Man Alive”),該資料夾本身在藝術家資料夾中(“ Everything Everything”)。 我在藝人資料夾中按發行順序列出了專輯,這是我的加成。 這些藝術家資料夾會放入我的音樂庫的資料夾中,而我尚未整理的所有內容都在常規的“!SORT”資料夾中。

Every time I find myself wanting to add music to my library, I go through the above steps. It works well, but it can be time consuming – I’ve only done 8gb of a 120gb library in the six months since getting annoyed with, and wiping, my terribly organized iTunes library. However, it does mean I’m not regularly skipping songs when they come on because I don’t actually like that album (and wondering why it’s still in my library).

每當我發現自己想向音樂庫中新增音樂時,我都會執行上述步驟。 它運作良好,但是卻很耗時–自從煩惱並抹掉了我組織得非常嚴密的iTunes庫以來,我在六個月內只完成了120gb庫中的8gb。 但是,這確實意味著我不會定期跳過歌曲,因為我實際上並不喜歡該專輯(並想知道為什麼它仍在我的音樂庫中)。

Other readers sang praise for automation tools like Music Brainz Picard. Kerenksy97 writes:

其他讀者對諸如Music Brainz Picard之類的自動化工具讚不絕口。 Kerenksy97寫道:

MusicBrainz Picard. I have OCD for the tracks being right, Free-DB is a mess, and Amazon doesn’t have consistent syntax. MB is like the wikipedia of album databases with set rules, open source programming, and user input corrections and voting.

MusicBrainz Picard 。 我有正確的OCD,Free-DB一片混亂,Amazon沒有一致的語法。 MB就像專輯資料庫的維基百科一樣,具有設定規則,開源程式設計以及使用者輸入的更正和投票。

As for actually listening I use MusicBee but by time they get there the tracks have been tagged by Picard, cleaned by MP3tag, and normalized with mp3gain.


Another popular tool is Media Monkey; Wander writes:

另一個流行的工具是Media Monkey。 漫步寫道:

MediaMonkey definitely, I simply move any new audio files in a specific folder, and they instantly get renamed to a nice filename (Artist – Year. Album – Track. Title.ext) and moved to a nicely organized directory (/music/artist/year. album/), and all mp3 tags are set correctly as well One click of a button and all songs have their volumes the same, another click and all songs have album art, another click and all songs have lyrics, and so on

MediaMonkey當然,我只是將所有新音訊檔案移動到特定資料夾中,然後它們立即被重新命名為一個不錯的檔名(藝術家-年。專輯-曲目。Title.ext),並移動到一個組織良好的目錄(/ music / artist /年份/專輯/),以及所有mp3標籤的設定也都正確設定一次單擊按鈕,所有歌曲的音量都相同,再次單擊,所有歌曲的專輯封面,再次單擊,所有歌曲的歌詞,依此類推

MM is also fast as hell, got about 10 000 songs and it loads the whole list in about 2 seconds.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/110642/what-you-said-how-you-organize-a-messy-music-collection/

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