1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >感謝您的提問_您所說的:您最感謝的技術




Earlier this week we asked you to share the technology you were most thankful for–big or small, old or new–and you responded. Read on to see the tech your fellow readers are thankful to have.

本週早些時候,我們要求您分享您最感激的技術(無論大小,舊的或新的),並且您做出了迴應。 繼續閱讀,以瞭解您的其他讀者非常感謝的技術。

Many readers were thankful for the Internet as an entire technological advance. Lee writes:

許多讀者對網際網路作為整個技術的進步表示感謝。 李寫道:

I’d probably have to say the Internet in general, because that has essentially inspired most most of the features in modern technology. Plus, I wouldn’t know nearly as much about tech now if I didn’t have access to the Internet.

我可能不得不說一般的Internet,因為這實質上啟發了現代技術的大多數功能。 另外,如果我無法訪問網際網路,那麼我現在對技術的瞭解將不多。

Jim is especially thankful for the Internet:


The Internet. The information I’ve found and people I’ve met, (including my wife), have been life changing.

網際網路。 我發現的資訊以及我認識的人(包括我的妻子)都在改變著生活。

Several readers took it back to the basics of electronic life. Suhail writes:

一些讀者將其帶回了電子生活的基礎。 Suhail寫道:

Integrated Electronics! This is what drives & will drive each & everything in our world.. :-)

整合電子! 這就是驅動並將驅動世界上每一個事物的原因.. :-)

Guy Dols echoes the sentiment:

蓋伊·多爾斯(Guy Dols)迴應了這一觀點:

The NAND gate, without the NAND gate there would be no logical processing so no computers, no internet, no phones only lights bulbs and Morse communication.


While the Internet/World Wide Web and the invention of the microchip ranked highly, many readers expressed thanks for the most basic of modern amenities. TheFu writes:

儘管Internet /全球資訊網和微晶片的發明排名很高,但許多讀者對最基本的現代便利設施表示感謝。 TheFu寫道:

Water purification, by far. A distant 2nd is a hot water heater attached to the shower head.

水淨化,到目前為止。 遠處的第二個是連線到淋浴噴頭的熱水加熱器。

All other tech falls very far below those two in my book. If you don’t believe me, turn off your water heater for a week and stop assuming water from the tap is clean enough to drink.

所有其他技術遠遠低於我書中的那兩個。 如果您不相信我,請關閉熱水器一週,然後停止假設自來水中的水清潔到可以飲用。

Clear and easily distributed water is certainly something we take for granted in first world countries. If you’re interested in helping people in developing countries gain access to clean and safe water supplies, we would urge you to check out Charity Water (“A” ranked by CharityWatch.org) to help bring wells and water purification systems to those in need.

在第一世界國家,我們當然理所當然地認為要獲得清晰,易於分配的水。 如果您有興趣幫助發展中國家的人們獲得清潔和安全的水供應,我們敦促您檢查一下Charity Water ( CharityWatch.org的“ A”),以幫助將井水和淨水系統帶給那些需要。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/129581/what-you-said-the-technology-youre-most-thankful-for/
