1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >亞馬遜訓練alexa的方法_Alexa具有新的耳語模式,這是使用方法




It’s been a long time coming, but you can now whisper to your Amazon Echo and Alexa will literally whisper back to you.

這已經有很長一段時間了,但是您現在可以對您的Amazon Echo輕聲細語,Alexa會從字面上悄悄地回到您身邊。

When enabled, Alexa will be able to detect when you’re whispering, and when she responds, she’ll whisper back instead of talking at her normal volume. It’s certainly better than her shouting responses at full normal volume when you’re trying to keep it quiet in a sleeping household.

啟用後,Alexa將能夠檢測到您何時在竊竊私語,並且當她做出迴應時,她會悄悄回去,而不會以正常音量講話。 當您想在沉睡的家庭中保持安靜時,這肯定比她大聲喊叫時的React更好。

There are a couple of ways to enable this feature:


  • Open up the Alexa app on your phone and navigate to Settings > Alexa Account > Alexa Voice Responses > Whispered Responses.

    開啟手機上的Alexa應用程式,然後導航至“設定”>“ Alexa帳戶”>“ Alexa語音響應”>“耳語”。
  • Simply say “Alexa, turn on whisper mode.”

    只需說“ Alexa,開啟耳語模式”。

Once you have it up and running, Alexa will automatically whisper responses back to you, depending on if you’re whispering or not. Even in brief mode, the “ding” chime will ring at a lower volume. Pretty neat!

一旦啟動並執行,Alexa會根據您是否在竊竊私語自動將資訊回覆給您。 即使在簡短模式下,“叮”鈴也會以較小的音量響起。 很簡約!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/alexa-has-a-new-whisper-mode-here’s-how-to-use-it/
