If you’ve switched over from Microsoft Office to Google Docs, you’ve probably noticed there’s just one problem: creating a new document takes far too many steps. Here’s how to create new documents with single click—or even a shortcut key.
如果您已經從Microsoft Office切換到Google文件,則可能已經注意到只有一個問題:建立新文件需要太多步驟。 只需單擊一下,甚至是快捷鍵,就可以建立新文件。
Note: you can use these shortcuts to create Documents, Spreadsheets, and Presentations, but we’ve not yet figured out how to make a shortcut for a new Drawing. If you figure that out, please let us know. Thanks to Ed, we even have the shortcut for a new Drawing.
注意:您可以使用這些快捷方式來建立文件,電子表格和簡報, 但是我們還沒有弄清楚如何為新繪圖建立快捷方式。 如果您知道了,請告訴我們
建立Windows快捷方式 (Create a Windows Shortcut)
Start by clicking anywhere on the desktop, and choosing New -> Shortcut from the context menu.
Now you’ll want to paste in the full URL for creating a new document in Google Docs, Spreadsheets, or Presentations into the Location box, and then give it an appropriate name. If you’re using standard Google Docs, you’ll be using one of the following URLs:
現在,您要在Google文件,電子表格或簡報中貼上用於建立新文件的完整URL,然後為其指定適當的名稱。 如果您使用的是標準Google文件,則將使用以下網址之一:
- http://docs.google.com/?action=newdoc http://docs.google.com/?action=newdoc
- http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?new http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?new
- http://docs.google.com/?action=new_presentation http://docs.google.com/?action=new_presentation
- https://docs.google.com/drawings/create?hl=en https://docs.google.com/drawings/create?hl=zh_CN
If you’re using Google Apps, you’ll want to use one of these URLs, replacing YOURDOMAIN with the actual name of your domain—you’ll probably notice that these URLs have HTTPS, which you can choose to use, or not.
如果您使用的是Google Apps,則需要使用這些URL之一,用您網域的實際名稱替換YOURDOMAIN-您可能會注意到這些URL具有HTTPS,您可以選擇使用或不使用。
- https://docs.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/?action=newdoc https://docs.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/?action=newdoc
- https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/ccc?new https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/ccc?new
- https://docs.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/?action=new_presentation https://docs.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/?action=new_presentation
- https://docs.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/drawings/create?hl=en https://docs.google.com/a/YOURDOMAIN.com/drawings/create?hl=zh_CN
Make sure that you’ve created the shortcuts that you want, and named them correctly, so we can add some nice icons.
分配適當的圖示和熱鍵 (Assign an Appropriate Icon and a Hotkey)
To change the shortcut, just right-click on it and use Properties from the context menu, then flip over to the Web Document tab if you’re not already there. From here, you can customize the shortcut key to something that you’d like, and assign a different icon.
要更改快捷方式,只需右鍵單擊該快捷方式,然後使用上下文選單中的“屬性”,然後轉到“ Web文件”選項卡(如果尚未使用)。 在這裡,您可以將快捷鍵自定義為所需的內容,並分配其他圖示。
If you want some good icons that match, you can download this set of Google Docs icons from Softpedia, which will make your resulting shortcuts look like this:
如果您想要一些合適的圖示,可以從Softpedia下載這套Google Docs圖示,這將使您產生的快捷方式如下所示:
It’s important to note that if you want the shortcut keys to work for these shortcuts, you’ll need to either have the shortcut on your desktop or in the Start Menu—the hotkeys just don’t work elsewhere.
建立Web瀏覽器快捷方式 (Creating a Web Browser Shortcut)
If you’re already in your web browser and have Google Docs open, you can just use the drop-down menu to create new shortcuts—but personally I find this quite tedious, especially since I rarely have the Docs screen open already. This means to create new document I’ve got to sign into Docs, and then wait for that page to load, and then click the drop-down menu, and then wait for another page to load.
如果您已經在Web瀏覽器中並已開啟Google Docs,則可以使用下拉選單建立新的快捷方式-但我個人覺得這很繁瑣,尤其是因為我很少開啟Docs螢幕。 這意味著要建立一個新文件,我必須登入到Docs,然後等待該頁面載入,然後單擊下拉選單,然後等待另一個頁面載入。
Instead of all that, you can simply drag one of the following shortcuts up to your Bookmarks bar—if you’re using regular Google Docs, at least, and not Google Apps.
除了所有這些,您還可以簡單地將以下快捷方式之一拖到“書籤”欄上-如果您至少使用的是常規Google文件,而不是Google Apps。
If you’re using Google Apps, you can create a new bookmark, using one of the URLs from earlier.
如果您使用的是Google Apps,則可以使用之前的網址之一建立新的書籤。
If you are using Firefox, you could have entered an alternate keyword as well, to create new documents using the location bar, but Google Chrome users don’t have that option in the bookmarks system. What you’ll have to do instead is right-click on the location bar and go to Edit Search Engines.
如果您使用的是Firefox,則還可以輸入其他關鍵字來使用位置欄建立新文件,但是Google Chrome瀏覽器使用者在書籤系統中沒有該選項。 相反,您要做的就是右鍵單擊位置欄,然後轉到“編輯搜尋引擎”。
From there, you can add in a new “search engine”, but instead, just use the URL to create a new Google Document. This way you can simply enter the keyword into the location bar, and it’ll create a new document.
從那裡,您可以新增一個新的“搜尋引擎”,而只需使用URL來建立一個新的Google文件。 這樣,您只需在位置欄中輸入關鍵字,即可建立一個新文件。
If you’re wondering why the last screenshot is different… yes, I started writing this article on Windows and then switched over to my MacBook Air so I could watch the football game in the other room.
如果您想知道為什麼最後一個螢幕截圖與以前的螢幕截圖不同...是的,我開始在Windows上撰寫本文,然後切換到MacBook Air,以便可以在另一個房間觀看足球比賽。