1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何提取幻燈片表格_如何切換到Google文件,表格或幻燈片檔案的早期版本




Apps in the Google Suite (Docs, Sheets, and Slides) keep track of all the edits, changes, and versions of a file so you can revert to an earlier version if you need to. Here’s how to do it.

Google Suite中的應用程式(“文件”,“表格”和“幻燈片”)會跟蹤檔案的所有編輯,更改和版本,因此您可以根據需要恢復到較早的版本。 這是操作方法。

First, open up a file you have stored on

Google Docs,Sheets, orSlides. We’ll be using Google Docs, but the process is the same on the other two services as well.

首先,開啟您儲存在Google文件表格幻燈片中的檔案。 我們將使用Google文件,但其他兩個服務的過程也相同。

Open the “File” menu, click the “Version History” submenu, and then click the “See Version History” command. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H.

開啟“檔案”選單,單擊“版本歷史”子選單,然後單擊“檢視版本歷史”命令。 或者,您可以按Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H。

Note:If you don’t have edit permissions for a file, you won’t be able to view the Version History section of a file. This won’t be a problem if you created the file, of course.

注意:如果您沒有檔案的編輯許可權,則將無法檢視檔案的“版本歷史記錄”部分。 當然,如果您建立了檔案,這將不是問題。

Versions of a file are grouped with related changes on the right side of the window. Depending on how meticulous you are, they might have proper names, or they could just be sorted by the time you created them.Each version is a collection of edits that are grouped and merged based on theage of the file or the size of each version. This is done to save storage space on Google’s servers.

檔案的版本與相關的更改分組在視窗的右側。 根據您的細緻程度,它們可能具有適當的名稱,或者可以僅在建立它們時對其進行排序。 每個版本都是編輯的集合,這些編輯根據檔案的使用期限或每個版本的大小進行分組和合並。 這樣做是為了節省Google伺服器上的儲存空間。

Clicking a specific version will temporarily revert your file to that state in the main window to the left. It will also display the changes that were made along with who made them.

單擊特定版本將在左側主視窗中將檔案暫時恢復為該狀態。 它還將顯示所做的更改以及進行更改的人員。

To get an even more granular view, click the chevron located next to a version and then click a specific event to view that version.


Once you’ve decided on a version you want to switch back to, click the “Restore This Version” button at the top of the window.


A pop-up will warn you that your document is about to be reverted to a different version. Click “Restore.”

彈出視窗會警告您您的文件將被還原為其他版本。 點選“還原”。

If you aren’t happy with the restored version of your file and want to go back to a previous version, don’t worry; all is not lost. Google won’t automatically erase anything. Instead, it makes a copy of the version you selected and makes it the current one.Head back to Version History by pressingCtrl+Alt+Shift+H. From here, repeat the previous steps to restore your file back to the previous one, which should be located near the top of the list.

如果您對檔案的還原版本不滿意,並且想返回到以前的版本,請不要擔心。 一切都不會丟失。 Google不會自動刪除任何內容。 相反,它會複製您選擇的版本並將其作為當前版本。 通過按Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H返回版本歷史記錄。 從這裡開始,重複前面的步驟將檔案還原到上一個檔案,該檔案應該位於列表頂部附近。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394496/how-to-switch-to-an-earlier-version-of-a-google-docs-sheets-or-slides-file/
