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go 換行符和製表符_如何在MS Word中搜索換行符,製表符和特殊字元

go 換行符和製表符

go 換行符和製表符

Over at the Technet Magazine blog, they’ve posted a very useful article that explains how to search for special characters like line breaks, tabs, or even white space. All you have to do is use a special modifier in the search box.

在Technet雜誌的部落格上,他們釋出了一篇非常有用的文章,解釋瞭如何搜尋特殊字元,例如換行符,製表符甚至空白。 您所要做的就是在搜尋框中使用特殊的修飾符。

For instance, if you wanted to search for a word with a tab character in front of it, you could use ^tWord or something similar. Here’s a few of the entries from the table:

例如,如果您要搜尋單詞前面帶有製表符的單詞,則可以使用^ tWord或類似的單詞。 這是表中的一些條目:

Search StringSearches For
^l (lowercase L)Manual line break
^pParagraph break
^nColumn break
^mManual page break
^bSection break
^tTab character
搜尋字串 搜尋
^ l (小寫L) 手動換行
^ p 分段休息
^ n 列中斷
^ m 手動分頁符
^ b 分節符
^ t 製表符

Hit the link for the full list of special characters.


20 Helpful Search Strings for Finding Special Characters in Word [Technet Magazine Blog]



翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/89577/how-to-search-for-line-breaks-tabs-and-special-characters-in-ms-word/

go 換行符和製表符