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蘋果mac 連線伺服器_每日新聞摘要:蘋果從Mac移除Zoom的Web伺服器

蘋果mac 連線伺服器

蘋果mac 連線伺服器

Earlier this week, a security researcher disclosed an exploit showing that websites could use Zoom’s video chat software to start your webcam and record without your permission. Now Apple is removing Zoom’s web server from all Macs automatically.

本週早些時候,一位安全研究人員披露了一個利用漏洞該漏洞表明網站可以使用Zoom的視訊聊天軟體來啟動您的網路攝像頭,並在未經您許可的情況下進行錄製。 現在,Apple正在自動從所有Mac中刪除Zoom的Web伺服器。

Zoom, a video chat service wanted to provide convenience. It designed its software to join a video chat and start your webcam just by clicking on a link. But then Safari, Apple’s browser, released an update to prevent exactly that behavior.Instead, you would confirm that you wanted to start your webcam.

想要提供便利的視訊聊天服務Zoom。 它設計了其軟體來加入視訊聊天並僅通過單擊連結即可啟動網路攝像頭。 但是隨後,Apple的瀏覽器Safari釋出了一個更新,以完全防止這種行為。 相反,您將確認要啟動網路攝像頭。

So Zoom decided to work around that problem and installed a local web server on Macs that could bypass the security check, in the name of convenience. That entire concept is problematic, and

as shown by Jonathan Leitschuh, a bad actor could easily create a website that would autojoin you to a call and start your webcam.

因此,Zoom決定解決此問題,並以方便的名義在Mac上安裝了可以繞過安全檢查的本地Web伺服器。 整個概念都是有問題的,而且正如喬納森·萊茨丘(Jonathan Leitschuh)所展示的那樣,壞演員可以輕鬆地建立一個網站,該網站可以自動將您加入通話並啟動網路攝像頭。

Worse yet, uninstalling Zoom from your Mac doesn’t remove the web server. Which meant it was easy to force a reinstall of the software, again without your permission.

更糟糕的是,從Mac上解除安裝Zoom不會刪除Web伺服器。 這意味著很容易在沒有您允許的情況下強制重新安裝該軟體。

Zoom promised to make changes and apparently, Apple stepped in to help. Apple released a silent update that removes Zoom’s web server from your Mac. The process is automated, and you won’t need to do anything. That should keep anyone who likes Zoom safer on MacOS. However, the autojoin feature still affects Windows. [TechCrunch]

Zoom承諾做出改變,顯然,Apple介入了。 蘋果釋出了一個無聲更新,該更新從Mac刪除了Zoom的Web伺服器。 該過程是自動化的,您無需執行任何操作。 那應該會讓喜歡Zoom的人在MacOS上更安全。 但是,自動加入功能仍會影響Windows[ TechCrunch ]

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Forty years ago today, July 11th, NASA’s Skylab space station fell back to Earth.


Skylab was the first space station launched and operated by NASA. It only saw use for about 24 weeks, and the station was made up of a modified Saturn Rocket and leftover Apollo hardware.

Skylab是NASA發射和運營的第一個太空站。 它只使用了大約24周,並且該站由改良的Saturn Rocket和剩餘的Apollo硬體組成。

The space station saw problems early and was damaged by the launch to get the rocket into space. As a result, astronauts spent a significant amount of time repairing the station when they first arrived.

該空間站很早就發現問題,並因將火箭送入太空的發射而受損。 結果,宇航員在首次到達時就花費了大量的時間修理該站。

Astronauts did perform experiments aboard the space station, ranging from life science to solar physics. But the main goal was just to prove that humans could live aboard a space station, even if only temporarily. In that way, Skylab paved the way to future space stations like the International Space Station (ISS).

宇航員確實在空間站上進行了從生命科學到太陽物理學的實驗。 但是主要目的只是證明人類可以住在空間站上,即使只是暫時的。 通過這種方式,Skylab為未來的空間站(例如國際空間站(ISS))鋪平了道路。

After NASA decided to stop sending new crews to the station, its orbit slowly decayed before plummeting back to Earth. NASA attempted to control the fall so that the space station would land in the Indian Ocean and avoid harming anyone.

在美國宇航局決定停止派遣新的工作人員到該站後,它的軌道緩慢衰減,然後墜落回地球。 美國宇航局試圖控制墜落,使空間站降落在印度洋上,並避免傷害任何人。

Unfortunately, parts of it did land in Australia, leading the country—and this is true—to fine NASA $400 for littering. [Space.com]

不幸的是,它的一部分確實在澳大利亞降落,導致該國處於領先地位,這確實是對NASA亂扔垃圾罰款400美元。 [ Space.com ]

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-apple-removes-zooms-web-server-from-your-mac/

蘋果mac 連線伺服器