1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >amazon掃號器_每日新聞摘要:亞馬遜破折號按鈕




Amazon stopped selling Dash buttons, saying Alexa shopping killed any need for them. But if you already owned a Dash button, it still worked. But that’s changing as Amazon will stop fulfilling Dash orders after August.

亞馬遜停止出售達世幣按鈕,稱Alexa購物取消了對它們的任何需求。 但是,如果您已經擁有Dash按鈕,那麼它仍然可以工作。 但這正在發生變化,因為亞馬遜將在八月之後停止履行Dash訂單。

When Amazon discontinued Dash button sales earlier this year, the company promised to continue supporting existing buttons so long as customers used them. It may come as a surprise then to hear that Amazon has changed course and will stop taking Dash orders after August 31st.

當亞馬遜今年早些時候停止Dash按鈕銷售時,該公司承諾只要客戶使用現有按鈕,它將繼續支援現有按鈕。 聽到亞馬遜改變了路線並在8月31日之後停止接受Dash訂單,可能會感到驚訝。

An Amazon spokesperson told CNET that Dash orders have “significantly slowed” which led to the decision to shut down the service. That’s no surprise in some ways; Dash buttons proved to be inconvenient since you couldn’t be sure of the price of an order, and the company stopped pushing the service.

亞馬遜發言人告訴CNET ,達世幣的訂單“顯著放緩”,導致決定關閉該服務。 在某些方面這並不奇怪。 短劃線按鈕被證明很不方便,因為您不確定訂單價格,該公司停止了推銷該服務。

In the meantime, Alexa shopping took over as Amazon’s face of instant shopping. You benefit because Alexa can confirm the price of an item before you order and can add a variety of different items to your cart, unlike Dash buttons. Amazon also benefits because Alexa gives the company a better foothold in your home. [CNET]

同時,Alexa購物取代了Amazon的即時購物形象。 您可以從中受益,因為Alexa可以在訂購前確認商品的價格,並且可以向購物車中新增各種不同的商品,這與Dash按鈕不同。 亞馬遜也從中受益,因為Alexa使該公司在您的家中擁有了更好的立足點。 [ CNET ]

在其他新聞中: (In Other News:)

  • StockX resets user passwords after suspicious activity: StockX, a site for buying and selling sneaker apparel, sent out password-reset emails after it received notification of suspicious activity on its systems. The cautious move wouldn’t be so unusual if it hadn’t initially told users the password reset was due to “system upgrades.” Upfront transparency is always better. [TechCrunch]

    StockX在發生可疑活動後重置使用者密碼: StockX,一個買賣運動鞋服裝的網站,在其系統上收到可疑活動的通知後,發出了密碼重置電子郵件。 如果最初沒有告訴使用者密碼重置是由於“系統升級”,那麼謹慎的舉動就不會稀奇。 前期透明性總是更好。 [ TechCrunch ]

  • Pixel Phones will talk to 911 for you:One of the main issues with 911 is the system relies on your ability to talk. If you are too injured to speak, problems ensue. Pixel and other select Android phones will soon be able to contact 911 and speak simple messages for you (such as fire, medical, etc.). Additionally, it can share more information about your location. [Geek.com]

    Pixel Phone將為您與911通話:911的主要問題之一是系統取決於您的通話能力。 如果您受傷得無法說話,那麼問題就隨之而來。 Pixel和其他精選的Android手機將很快能夠與911聯絡,併為您說出簡單的訊息(例如火災,醫療事故等)。 此外,它可以共享有關您的位置的更多資訊。 [ Geek.com ]

  • Apple will stop sending Siri audio to contractors for grading:Like Amazon and Google, Apple had been sending audio recorded by Siri to human contractors. The humans would listen and submit feedback on whether Siri understood correctly or corrections if Siri failed to understand. Sometimes that included audio recordings when no one spoke to Siri. Apple says it is suspending the program, will reexamine the process, and introduce a feature to opt-out later. [9to5Mac]

    蘋果將​​停止將Siri音訊傳送給承包商進行評分:亞馬遜Google一樣,蘋果一直在將Siri錄製的音訊傳送給人工承包商。 人類會聽取有關Siri是否正確理解或如果Siri無法理解則進行更正的反饋,並提出反饋。 有時其中包括沒有人與Siri通話時的錄音。 蘋果公司表示將暫停該程式,將重新檢查該程式,並引入一項功能以供日後退出。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • Some Windows 10 users are stuck in S Mode:If you buy a Surface Go or some other laptops, your device will initially start on Windows 10 S. That OS can’t install programs outside the Microsoft Store. Switching to Windows 10 is supposed to be easy, but users have been unable to change for several days now. Microsoft says it is investigating. [How-To Geek]

    某些Windows 10使用者陷入S模式:如果您購買Surface Go或其他膝上型電腦,則裝置最初將在Windows 10 S上啟動。該作業系統無法在Microsoft Store之外安裝程式。 切換到Windows 10應該很容易,但是使用者幾天來一直無法更改。 微軟表示正在調查。 [怪胎指南]

Once they’ve grown in, children typically have 20 teeth while adults usually have 32. The use of the words “typically” and “usually” is apt here because, in India, a young boy’s dental x-rays revealed he had 526 teeth. That’s not a typo; he had over 500 teeth. A sac buried in his jaw contained the vast majority of the teeth. The extra teeth were also tiny, ranging in size between 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm.

一旦長大,孩子通常有20顆牙齒,而成年人通常有32顆牙齒。在這裡使用“通常”和“通常”一詞是合適的,因為在印度,一個小男孩的X光片顯示他有526顆牙齒。 那不是錯字; 他有500多顆牙齒。 埋在他下顎中的一個囊囊容納了絕大多數的牙齒。 多餘的牙齒也很小,大小在0.1毫米至0.3毫米之間。

Shockingly, the boy wasn’t in much pain, only complaining of the occasional toothache. Surgeons removed the sac, and now the boy has just 21 teeth. All of this really gives you something to chew on the next time you visit the dentist, doesn’t it? [The Guardian]

令人震驚的是,男孩並沒有多大痛苦,只是抱怨偶爾的牙痛。 外科醫生切除了囊,現在這個男孩只有21顆牙齒。 所有這些確實為您下次拜訪牙醫時提供了一些便利,不是嗎? [監護人]

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-amazon-dashed-your-dash-button/
