1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >pdf註釋_如何通過突出顯示和註釋PDF節省紙張





Here’s a little-known fact: There are applications that let you annotate and modify PDF files for free, with no watermarks. This way you can review a document and make your comments without wasting any paper in the process.

這是一個鮮為人知的事實:有些應用程式可讓您免費註釋和修改PDF檔案,而無需新增水印。 這樣,您可以審閱文件並發表評論,而不會浪費任何紙張。

Update: Do not install Foxit. They are bundling search hijacking browser extensions that will ruin your day.

更新:請勿安裝Foxit。 他們捆綁了搜尋劫持瀏覽器擴充套件程式,這些擴充套件程式會毀了您的一天。

The application we’ll be using for this quick tutorial is Foxit Reader. This is an alternative PDF reader (alternative to Adobe Reader, that is). It’s fast, lightweight, and free. And most importantly for us, it lets you annotate documents.

我們將在此快速教程中使用的應用程式是Foxit Reader。 這是替代的PDF閱讀器(即Adobe Reader的替代)。 快速,輕巧和免費。 對於我們來說最重要的是,它使您可以註釋文件。

For starters, download and install Foxit Reader. Then use it to open a PDF document you’d like to annotate. If installing Foxit Reader doesn’t make it the default application for opening PDF files on your system, you can right click the PDF and select Foxit Reader under Open With:

對於初學者,請下載並安裝Foxit Reader。 然後使用它開啟您要註釋的PDF文件。 如果安裝Foxit Reader並沒有使其成為在系統上開啟PDF檔案的預設應用程式,則可以右鍵單擊PDF並在Open With下選擇Foxit Reader:


Once the file is open, click View > Toolbars > Commenting Tools.



The commenting toolbar lets you annotate the document in seven different ways:



You can underline words, highlight them, underline with squiggly lines (possibly to mark typos), cross text out, add a “replace” mark for text you wish to change and add floating sticky notes.


You can also double-click any such marking (underline, squiggly line, etc.) to open up a note where you can type a longer explanation. This is optional, so if the other side would understand what you’re trying to communicate even without a verbose note, you might want to omit it.

您也可以雙擊任何這樣的標記(下劃線,波浪線等)以開啟註釋,在其中可以輸入較長的說明。 這是可選的,因此,即使沒有冗長的註釋,如果另一端也能理解您要傳達的內容,則可能要忽略它。

By clicking the Options link on each note you can set its status, mark it with a checkmark and more. You can also change its color by clicking Open Properties.

通過單擊每個便箋上的“選項”連結,您可以設定其狀態,並用對勾標記等等。 您還可以通過單擊“開啟屬性”來更改其顏色。


The comments you make in the documents are readable with Adobe’s own Reader – the other side does not need to have Foxit Reader installed to read them (though they would need Foxit Reader or Adobe Reader Professional if they wish to reply).

您在文件中所做的註釋可使用Adobe自己的Reader讀取-另一面無需安裝Foxit Reader即可閱讀(儘管如果要回復,他們需要Foxit Reader或Adobe Reader Professional)。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/60321/how-to-save-paper-by-highlighting-and-commenting-on-pdfs/
