1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >ipad和iphone切圖_如何在iPhone和iPad上將網站另存為PDF




Full-page screenshot editor on an iPhone running iOS 13.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

It’s handy to save websites and articles as PDFs so you can read them later. Here’s how you can quickly generate a PDF on youriPhone or iPad, and then save it with a service like Pocket.

將網站和文章另存為PDF非常方便,以便您以後閱讀。 您可以通過以下方法在iPhone或iPad上快速生成PDF,然後通過


如何將全屏截圖另存為PDF (How to Save a Full-Page Screenshot as a PDF)

In iOS 13, iPadOS 13, and newer, you can take a full-page screenshot of a website in Safari and save it as a PDF in the Files app.

iOS 13 ,iPadOS 13和更高版本中,您可以在Safari中拍攝網站的全屏截圖,然後在“檔案”應用中將其另存為PDF。

There are two notable points about this new method:


  1. The PDF generates as one continuous page without any page breaks.

  2. Instead of a regular PDF, with an A4 page width, the PDF is the same width as the iPhone or iPad on which you’re viewing it.


If you want to generate a cleaner PDF of the page—without the ads and formatting—switch to

Reader Modefirst. To do this, tap and hold “AA” in the upper-left corner, and then tap it again to customize the text layout.

如果要生成更清晰的頁面PDF(不包含廣告和格式),請首先切換到“閱讀器模式” 。 為此,請點按並按住左上角的“ AA”,然後再次點按以自定義文字佈局。

Tap and hold "AA" in Safari.

Open the website on your iPhone or iPad andtake a screenshot. If you have an iPhone X-style device with a notch, or an iPad Pro with Face ID, press and hold the “Side” and “Volume Up” buttons together until you see the screenshot animation.

在iPhone或iPad上開啟網站並截圖。 如果您有帶缺口的iPhone X風格裝置或帶Face ID的iPad Pro,請同時按住“側面”和“增大音量”按鈕,直到看到螢幕截圖動畫。

If you’re using an iPhone or iPad with a Home button, press it, along with the “Power/Sleep” button to take a screenshot.

如果您使用的是帶Home按鈕的iPhone或iPad,請按下它以及“ Power / Sleep”按鈕以進行截圖。

You see a little screenshot preview in the bottom-left corner—tap it.


Tap the screenshot preview.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

You’re now in the screenshot editor. Tap “Full Page.”

您現在位於螢幕截圖編輯器中。 點選“整頁”。

Tap "Full Page."

Now, the whole page appears. You can use the scrollbar at the right edge of the screen to navigate. Because you’re in the screenshot editing screen, the entire annotation suite is available to you. You can doodle over the PDF or use arrows to highlight sections.

現在,將顯示整個頁面。 您可以使用螢幕右側的滾動條進行導航。 由於您位於螢幕截圖編輯螢幕中,因此可以使用整個註釋套件。 您可以在PDF上塗鴉或使用箭頭突出顯示部分。

You can either save the PDF to the Files app or export it to any app of your choice. To save it to the Files app, tap “Done.”

您可以將PDF儲存到“檔案”應用程式,也可以將其匯出到您選擇的任何應用程式。 要將其儲存到“檔案”應用中,請點選“完成”。

Tap the Share button to export the PDF to an app, or "Done" to save it to the Files app.

In the popup, tap “Save PDF to Files.”


Tap "Save PDF to Files."

Next, select the location in which you want to save the PDF; you can choose the local drive, external storage, or a cloud storage account. After you select the location, tap “Save.”

接下來,選擇您要儲存PDF的位置; 您可以選擇本地驅動器,外部儲存或雲端儲存帳戶。 選擇位置後,點選“儲存”。

Choose the folder, and then tap "Save."

If you want to send the PDF to an app—as an attachment in the Mail or Books apps, for example—tap the Share button (the box with an upward-pointing arrow). Select the app to which you want to send the PDF.

如果要將PDF傳送給應用程式(例如,作為“郵件”或“圖書”應用程式中的附件),請點選“共享”按鈕(帶有向上箭頭的框)。 選擇您要傳送PDF的應用程式。

如何從共享表中將網站另存為PDF (How to Save a Website as a PDF From the Share Sheet)

If you prefer a more traditional method to save a website as a PDF, you can find it in the Share Sheet. This method creates the familiar, paginated PDF in the A4 size.

如果您希望使用更傳統的方法將網站另存為PDF,可以在“共享表”中找到它。 此方法以A4大小建立熟悉的,分頁的PDF。

In iOS 13, iPadOS 13, and above, a new option allows you to choose between a regular PDF and a Reader PDF.

在iOS 13,iPadOS 13及更高版本中,新選項允許您在常規PDF和閱讀器PDF之間進行選擇。

Open the page in Safari and tap the Share button.


Tap the Share button in Safari.

At the top of the Share Sheet, you see the title of the page; just below it, tap “Options.”

在“共享表”的頂部,您會看到頁面的標題; 在其下方,點選“選項”。

Tap "Options" in the Share Sheet.

If necessary, switch to the “Reader PDF” option to create a stripped-down version of the webpage. If you plan to read a long article on your iPad, this is the best option.

如有必要,請切換到“閱讀器PDF”選項以建立該網頁的精簡版本。 如果您打算在iPad上閱讀長篇文章,這是最好的選擇。

After you select the PDF option you want, tap “Done.”


Select the PDF option you want, and then tap "Done."

You now return to the Share Sheet. Here, tap “Save to Files.”

您現在返回到共享表。 在這裡,點選“儲存到檔案”。

Tap "Save to Files."

Next, select the output folder, and then tap “Save.”


Choose the folder, and then tap "Save."

You can now go to the Files app and tap the file to preview it. Tap the “Share” button to open the PDF in the Apple Books app or a third-party PDF reader.

現在,您可以轉到“檔案”應用程式,然後點選檔案進行預覽。 點選“共享”按鈕以在Apple Books應用程式或第三方PDF閱讀器中開啟PDF。

A saved PDF in the Files app on an iPad.

如何使用快捷方式從任何瀏覽器中將網站另存為PDF (How to Save a Website as a PDF From Any Brower Using Shortcuts)

If you use a third-party browser, you don’t have the same PDF creation options you do in Safari. However, you can use a shortcut called “Make PDF.” This shortcut creates a PDF using a URL from any app.

如果使用第三方瀏覽器,則沒有與Safari中相同的PDF建立選項。 但是,您可以使用稱為“製作PDF”的快捷方式。 此快捷方式使用任何應用程式中的URL建立PDF。

Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad and tap “Gallery.”


Tap "Gallery."

Here, tap the “Search” field, and then type, “Make PDF.”


Tap the "Search" field.

Tap the plus sign (+) next to the “Make PDF” option.


Tap the plus sign next to the "Make PDF" option.

Tap “Add Shortcut.”


Tap "Add Shortcut."

The shortcut is added to your Gallery, and it appears directly in the Share Sheet if your device runs iOS 13, iPadOS 13, or above. If your device runs iOS 12 or below, tap “Run Shortcut” in the actions bar to access the shortcut.

該快捷方式已新增到“相簿”中,並且如果您的裝置執行的是iOS 13,iPadOS 13或更高版本,則該快捷方式將直接顯示在“共享表”中。 如果您的裝置執行的是iOS 12或更低版本,請在操作欄中點選“執行快捷方式”以訪問該快捷方式。

Go to a website, and then tap the Share button.


Tap the Share button in Safari.

In the Share Sheet, scroll down and tap “Make PDF.”


Tap "Make PDF" in the Share Sheet.

You see the shortcut working. After the PDF generates, you see a preview of it. Tap the Share button.

您會看到快捷方式正在執行。 PDF生成後,您將看到它的預覽。 點選共享按鈕。

Tap the Share button in the PDF preview.

Choose “Save to Files” to save the PDF to an iCloud Drive or local storage. You can also choose an action, like “Copy to Books,” to open the PDFdirectly in the Apple Books app. If you have a third-party PDF reader, you can select it.

選擇“儲存到檔案”將PDF儲存到iCloud驅動器或本地儲存。 您還可以選擇一個操作,例如“複製到書籍”,以直接在Apple Books應用程式中開啟PDF。 如果您有第三方PDF閱讀器,則可以選擇它。

Select where you want to save the PDF.

如何在iOS 12及更低版本中將網站另存為PDF (How to Save a Website as a PDF in iOS 12 and Earlier)

If your iPhone or iPad runs iOS 12, you can use the Create PDF action to convert a website into a PDF.

如果您的iPhone或iPad執行iOS 12,則可以使用“建立PDF”操作將網站轉換為PDF。

Open the page in Safari and tap the Share button.


Tap the Share button in Safari.

Next, go to the Actions list (the second horizontally scrolling list) and tap “Create PDF.”


Tap "Create PDF" in the Share Sheet actions bar.

You now see the PDF preview—scroll to view the entire page, and then tap “Done.”


Tap on Done from the PDF preview page

If you want to share the PDF to a particular app, tap the Share button to open the Share Sheet. In the popup, tap “Save File To.”

如果要共享PDF到特定應用程式,請點選“共享”按鈕以開啟“共享表”。 在彈出視窗中,點選“將檔案儲存到”。

Tap "Save File To" in the popup

Now, select the location where you want to save the file, and then tap “Add.”


Tap on the Add button to save the file to iCloud

The PDF is now in the location you specified. Open the Files app, and then tap the file to open or share it.

PDF現在位於您指定的位置。 開啟“檔案”應用,然後點選檔案以開啟或共享。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/443769/how-to-save-a-website-as-a-pdf-on-iphone-and-ipad/
