1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在Xbox One或PlayStation 4上為Skyrim特別版安裝Mods

如何在Xbox One或PlayStation 4上為Skyrim特別版安裝Mods


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and for the first time, “mods” are available to console gamers.

Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim特別版現已在PlayStation 4Xbox One上可用,並且首次向主機遊戲玩家提供“ mod”。

If you’re not familiar with the term, mods are player-created (and in this case, officially sanctioned) modifications to the core game. They can do anything from add new costumes to whole new quest branches complete with items, spells and perks. Mods have always been one of the big advantages PC gamers have had over console gamers, especially with games like the Elder Scrolls seires. But now, console players can get in on the fun too. Here’s how.

如果您不熟悉該術語,那麼mod就是玩家對核心遊戲的修改(在這種情況下,是官方批准的)。 他們可以做任何事情,從新增新服裝到增加物品,法術和特權的全新任務分支。 Mod一直是PC遊戲玩家相對於主機遊戲玩家的最大優勢之一,尤其是在Elder Scrolls系列遊戲中。 但是現在,遊戲機玩家也可以從中獲得樂趣。 這是如何做。

Skyrim中的Mod入門 (Getting Started With Mods in Skyrim)

To start using mods in the Skyrim Special Edition, you need a Bethesda.net account. Head to

Bethesda’s site and sign up for an account.

要在Skyrim特別版中開始使用mod,您需要一個Bethesda.net帳戶。 前往Bethesda的網站並註冊一個帳戶。


Then, launch Skyrim on your console. I’m using a PlayStation 4, but the process should be very similar on the Xbox One.

然後,在控制檯上啟動Skyrim。 我使用的是PlayStation 4,但在Xbox One上的過程應該非常相似。

From the main menu, select Mods.

從主選單中,選擇“ Mods”。


Log in with your newly set up Bethesda account details.



While you log in, you’ll be treated to a nice warning message telling you that mods can break your game at any time.



Once you’re in, you’ll see a grid display of popular and highly rated mods. Community reviews are really important in the modding community. Highly rated mods are usually more exciting, and less likelyto have unpredictable effects.

進入後,您會看到流行和高度評價的模組的網格顯示。 在改裝社群中,社群評論確實很重要。 評分較高的模組通常更令人興奮,並且不太可能產生不可預測的效果。


You can browse through all the mods (there’s over 5000 of them) or use the Search and Filter options to find a specific mod.


Once you’ve found one you like, select it and click Download. It’s worth reading the description to see if there’s any other mods it’s incompatible with. Bethesda wasn’tlying about mods having the potential to create weird situations.

找到喜歡的人後,選擇它並單擊“下載”。 值得閱讀說明,看看是否還有其他與之不相容的模組。 貝塞斯達並不是在說謊有可能製造怪異場景的mod。


You can download as many mods as you want; just make sure they won’t interfere with each other.

您可以根據需要下載任意數量的mod。 只要確保他們不會互相干擾即可。

To configure which mods are active, or get rid of ones you don’t use any more, select Load Order from the Mods menu. Here, you can see what mods you have active, or enable, disable and delete them.

要配置哪些模組處於活動狀態,或擺脫不再使用的模組,請從“模組”選單中選擇“載入順序”。 在這裡,您可以檢視已啟用或啟用,禁用和刪除的Mod。

You may also want to reorder them. For example, if you have one mod that changes textures all over Skyrim, and one mod that changes the texture of just the snow, you’ll want to make sure the snow mod is loaded after the Skyrim-wide mod—otherwise, you’ll see the textures from the Skyrim-wide mod and not the snow mod.

您可能還需要重新排序。 例如,如果您有一個Mod可以在整個Skyrim上更改紋理,而一個Mod可以更改整個Snow的紋理,則需要確保整個Skyrim範圍的Mod之後都載入了Snow Mod,否則,您將我將看到Skyrim範圍的mod的紋理,而不是snow的mod。


When you’re done, head back to the Main Menu and then load your save file. The game will pop up another warning telling you that mods are enabled so Trophies on the PlaysStation and Achievements on the Xbox are disabled.

完成後,返回主選單,然後載入您的儲存檔案。 遊戲將彈出另一個警告,告訴您已啟用Mod,因此PlaysStation上的Trophies和Xbox上的Achievements被禁用。


Click Yes and the game will start. Any changes the mods make will be in effect.

單擊是,遊戲將開始。 Mod所做的任何更改都將生效。

While you’re in game, you can check what mods you’ve got running by going to the Pause menu and selecting Mods. You have to quit the game to enable or disable them.

在遊戲中,您可以通過進入“暫停”選單並選擇“ Mods”來檢查正在執行的Mod。 您必須退出遊戲才能啟用或禁用它們。


Now you’re running Skyrim with mods on your console. Take that, PC gamers!

現在,您正在控制檯上執行帶有mod的Skyrim。 PC玩家一定要接受!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/285223/how-to-install-mods-for-the-skyrim-special-edition-on-the-xbox-one-or-playstation-4/