1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >可信平臺模組 tpm_如何檢查您的計算機是否具有受信任的平臺模組(TPM)晶片...

可信平臺模組 tpm_如何檢查您的計算機是否具有受信任的平臺模組(TPM)晶片...

可信平臺模組 tpm

可信平臺模組 tpm

TPM hardwareprovides a tamper-resistant way to store encryption keys on a computer. On Windows 10, 8, and 7, a TPM is normally required to enable and use encryption features like BitLocker. Here’s how to check whether your PC has a TPM chip, enable your TPM if it’s disabled, or add a TPM chip to a PC without one.

TPM硬體提供了一種防篡改的方式來在計算機上儲存加密金鑰。 在Windows 10、8和7上,通常需要TPM才能啟用和使用BitLocker之類的加密功能。 這是檢查您的PC是否具有TPM晶片,啟用TPM(如果已禁用)或將TPM晶片新增到沒有PC的PC的方法。

選項一:檢查TPM管理工具 (Option One: Check the TPM Management Tool)

The TPM managementtool built into Windows will show you whether your PC has a TPM. To open it, press Windows+R to open a run dialog window. Type tpm.msc

into it and press Enter to launch the tool.

Windows內建的TPM管理工具將向您顯示您的PC是否具有TPM。 要開啟它,請按Windows + R開啟執行對話方塊視窗。 在其中鍵入tpm.msc ,然後按Enter啟動該工具。

If you see information about the TPM in the PC—including a message at the bottom right corner of the window informing you which TPM specification version your chip supports—your PC does have a TPM.


If you see a “Compatible TPM cannot be found” message instead, your PC does not have a TPM.


檢查您的計算機是否禁用了TPM硬體 (Check if Your Computer Has TPM Hardware That’s Disabled)

On some PCs, it’s possible to disable the TPM chip in the computer’s UEFI firmware or BIOS. If the TPM chip is disabled at this level, it’s deactivated and won’t appear in Windows—even though your PC actually has the hardware.

在某些PC上,可以在計算機的UEFI韌體或BIOS中禁用TPM晶片。 如果在此級別禁用了TPM晶片,則即使您的PC確實具有硬體,該TPM晶片也將被禁用並且不會出現在Windows中。

To check for this, restart your PC into its UEFI or BIOS settings screen. The exact process is different on every PC. Some modern PCs require you go through the Windows 10 or 8 advanced startup options menu, while others still require you press a specific key—like Delete, F12, or Escape—during the boot-up process. Check your computer’s documentation for more information, or check your motherboard’s documentation if you built your own PC.

要進行檢查,請在PC的UEFI或BIOS設定螢幕中重新啟動PC。 每臺PC上的確切過程都不同。 某些現代PC要求您通過Windows 10或8高階啟動選項選單,而其他PC仍需要在啟動過程中按特定鍵(例如Delete,F12或Escape)。 檢視計算機的說明檔案以獲取更多資訊,或者如果您構建了自己的PC,則檢查主機板的說明檔案。

Look through the settings screen and see if you see an option named “Trusted Platform Module”, “TPM”, “TPM Support”, or something like that. If it’s disabled, enable it from here, save your settings, and reboot. The TPM will be available for use within Windows.

瀏覽設定螢幕,檢視是否看到名為“受信任的平臺模組”,“ TPM”,“ TPM支援”或類似名稱的選項。 如果已禁用,請從此處啟用它,儲存設定,然後重新啟動。 TPM將可在Windows中使用。


TPMs also show up in the Device Manager, so it may be worth ensuring your TPM isn’t disabled in the Device Manager too (though this is unlikely). If you don’t see “Security Devices” with a TPM in Device Manager, and there isn’t an entry in the BIOS, you probably don’t have one.

TPM也會顯示在裝置管理器中,因此有必要確保也不會在裝置管理器中禁用TPM(儘管這不太可能)。 如果在“裝置管理器”中沒有看到帶有TPM的“安全裝置”,並且BIOS中沒有任何條目,則可能沒有。

如何將TPM晶片新增到PC (How to Add a TPM Chip to a PC)

If you built your own PC, you may able to add a TPM chip to it. Search for a TPM chip that’s sold as an add-on module. You’ll need one that supports the exact motherboard inside your PC.

如果您構建了自己的PC,則可以向其中新增TPM晶片。 搜尋作為附加模組出售的TPM晶片。 您需要一個能夠支援PC內確切主機板的主機板。

Laptops and desktop PCs you buy off the shelf generally have a TPM chip that’s soldered—permanently attached—to the motherboard. It’s not possible to add TPM chips to an older PC that doesn’t have the hardware to accept one. Consult your motherboard manufacturer’s documentation for more information about whether your PC supports a TPM chip and which one it requires.

您現在購買的膝上型電腦和桌上型電腦通常都有TPM晶片,該晶片已焊接(永久連線)在主機板上。 無法將TPM晶片新增到沒有硬體的較舊PC上。 有關您的PC是否支援TPM晶片以及需要哪種TPM晶片的更多資訊,請查閱主機板製造商的文件。

Image Credit: FxJ

圖片來源: FxJ

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/287737/how-to-check-if-your-computer-has-a-trusted-platform-module-tpm-chip/

可信平臺模組 tpm