1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >imac 升級 ssd_如何在較舊的2007-2009 iMac中安裝SSD

imac 升級 ssd_如何在較舊的2007-2009 iMac中安裝SSD

imac 升級 ssd

imac 升級 ssd


If you’re still rocking an older iMac but want to breathe some new life into it, replacing the traditional hard drive with a solid-state drive is a great way to do that.


Solid-state drives (SSDs) have a ton of advantages, including faster write and read speeds, which essentially means that your computer can boot up quicker and open applications much faster than before. There are still

some things to be aware of with solid-state drives, but for the most part, they’re one of the best upgrades you can do to your computer by a long shot.

固態驅動器(SSD)具有很多優點,包括更快的讀寫速度,這實質上意味著您的計算機可以比以前更快地啟動並開啟應用程式。 固態驅動器仍有一些要注意的地方,但是在大多數情況下,它們是可以長期升級到計算機的最佳升級之一。

If you have an older iMac that was made before Apple started to glue everything together, then accessing the internal components is decently easy, albeit much more involved than a normal PC.Swappingout the hard drive, though, is a piece of cake, especially if you’ve already done it on other computers in the past.

如果您擁有一臺較舊的iMac,它是在Apple開始將所有東西粘合在一起之前製造的,那麼訪問內部元件就相當容易了,儘管比普通PC涉及得多。 不過,換掉硬碟驅動器只是小菜一碟,特別是如果您過去已經在其他計算機上完成過它。

你需要什麼 (What You’ll Need)

Before you begin, you’ll need a few tools that you might not already have.


  • Suction cups (iFixit sells a pair specifically for this kind of work)

    吸盤( iFixit專門為此出售一對)

  • A small Phillips-head screwdriver

  • A T6 Torx screwdriver

  • A T8 Torx screwdriver

  • A spudger (Again, iFixit sells these)

    騙子(同樣, iFixit出售這些)

  • The solid-state drive of your choice

  • A 3.5″ to 2.5″ hard drive adapter (there are ton to choose from, but here’s a cheap one that will work fine)


  • Tweezers (Useful for when you accidentally drop screws in tight areas)


Depending on what year your iMac is from, you might need different sizes of Torx screwdrivers, which is why it’s probably a good idea just to get a small set of specialty precision bits. That way, you’ll have all the bits you need no matter what. For this how-to, I’m working on a 2008 iMac, and the specific tools listed above are the ones needed for this particular model, but it’s possible that yours might have different sizes of Torx screws. This page will help you find out what you need.

根據您iMac的生產年份,您可能需要不同大小的Torx螺絲起子,這就是為什麼僅獲取少量特殊精度鑽頭可能是一個好主意的原因。 這樣一來,無論如何,您將擁有所需的所有位。 對於此操作方法,我正在使用2008 iMac,上面列出的特定工具是該特定型號所需的工具,但是您的工具可能有不同尺寸的Torx螺釘。 此頁面將幫助您找到所需的資訊。

第一步:拆卸iMac (Step One: Disassemble Your iMac)

Unplug everything from your iMac and lay the machine down on a flat surface with the screen pointing up.



On the bottom edge of the iMac, take your Phillips screwdriver and remove the lone screw, which will allow the memory access plate to come off. The screw won’t come all the way out, so just loosen it all the way and then pull the plate out.

在iMac的底部邊緣,拿起Phillips螺絲刀,然後擰下單獨的螺釘,這將使記憶體訪問板脫落。 螺釘不會完全鬆開,所以只需將其完全鬆開,然後將板拉出即可。


Next, take your suction cups and place them in opposite corners of the screen. The glass is simply held on by magnets, so all you have to do is lift straight up and the glass panel will come right off.

接下來,拿起吸盤並將它們放在螢幕的相對角上。 玻璃只需用磁鐵固定即可,因此您所要做的就是直接向上提起玻璃面板。


Place the glass panel off to the side. If you’re worried about scratching it, place it on a soft surface away from the work area.

將玻璃面板放在一邊。 如果您擔心刮花,請將其放在遠離工作區域的柔軟表面上。


Next, there are twelve T8 Torx screws around the edge of the display that need removed. Be aware that the four screws along the bottom are longer than the rest, so make sure you put all of them back in the correct locations.

接下來,在顯示屏邊緣附近需要卸下十二顆T8 Torx螺釘。 請注意,底部的四個螺釘比其餘的要長,因此請確保將所有所有螺釘都放回正確的位置。


After you remove these screws, it’s time to remove the whole front bezel. The best way to do this is by starting in the upper corners. Place your thumb on the edge of the display and your fingers on the back side of the iMac.From there, push your thumb down as your pull up your fingers. This will loosen the bezel and you can begin to work your way down until the whole bezel lifts up. Do this very slowly and carefully, as there is a cable you’ll need to disconnect!

卸下這些螺釘之後,就該卸下整個前擋板了。 最好的方法是從上角開始。 將拇指放在顯示屏的邊緣,將手指放在iMac的背面。 從那裡,在您拉起手指時將拇指向下推。 這將使擋板變鬆,您可以開始向下移動直到整個擋板抬起。 請非常緩慢且謹慎地執行此操作,因為您需要斷開電纜連線!


Before you completely remove the bezel, disconnect the microphone cable at the top.



Place the bezel off to the side, and you’ll now have access to the bottom portion of the internal components. Take this time to use some compressed air and clean out any dust if you want.

將擋板放到一邊,現在您可以使用內部元件的底部。 花些時間使用一些壓縮空氣,並根據需要清除所有灰塵。


Next, remove the “LCD Temp” connector located just to the right of the left-hand side cooling fan.

接下來,卸下左側冷卻風扇右側的“ LCD Temp”聯結器。


After that, locate the connection for the display cable and remove the two T6 Torx screws on either side of the connector.

之後,找到顯示電纜的連線,然後卸下聯結器兩側的兩顆T6 Torx螺釘。


After that, pull up on the black tab to disconnect the display cable from the iMac’s logic board.



Now it’s time to remove the display unit. Unscrew the eight T8 Torx screws around the outer edge of the display. There are four screws on each side.

現在該拆卸人機介面了。 擰開顯示屏外側邊緣的八顆T8 Torx螺釘。 每側有四個螺釘。


Next, from the left side, left up on the display unit and open it like a book, leaving the right-side portion resting on the iMac. Either have a friend hold it up like that or use a stick or something to prop it up.

接下來,從左側在顯示單元上向左開啟,然後像一本書一樣開啟它,而將右側部分放在iMac上。 像那樣讓一個朋友舉起它,或者用棍子或其他東西支撐它。


This is because the display is still connected to the iMac via four inverter cables. Simply unplug these.

這是因為顯示器仍通過四根逆變器電纜連線到iMac。 只需拔下這些。


After that, you can completely remove the display unit and set it off to the side. This will finally get you access to the internal hard drive.

之後,您可以完全卸下人機介面並將其放在側面。 這最終將使您能夠訪問內部硬碟驅動器。

第二步:卸下原始硬碟驅動器 (Step Two: Remove the Original Hard Drive)

To begin removing the hard drive, you’ll first need to remove the temperature sensor that’s connected to the hard drive with adhesive, so remove the foam covering the sensor and then use your spudger to pry off the temperature sensor assembly from the hard drive’s surface.

要開始卸下硬碟驅動器,您首先需要使用粘合劑卸下與硬碟驅動器相連的溫度感測器,因此請除去覆蓋感測器的泡沫,然後使用撬棒從硬碟驅動器表面撬起溫度感測器元件。 。


You could unplug the temperature sensor from its connector, but there’s too great of a chance that you’ll reverse the connection or not plug it back in all the way, which will result in your iMac’s cooling fans running full blast all the time until you re-seat the connection.



The hard drive is held in place with a strong clip, and it takes a pretty good amount of force to remove it. You’ll need to push down and in on the clip to unseat it, then pull up and towards you to remove the hard drive.

硬碟驅動器用牢固的夾子固定在適當的位置,要用力將其卸下。 您需要向下推動並向內按夾子以使其脫離,然後朝您的方向向上拉以卸下硬碟驅動器。


Once the hard drive is out of its compartment, you’ll need to unplug the SATA data and power cables from the drive. Simply pull them out or use your spudger to carefully pry them off if you’re having difficulty.

硬碟驅動器從托架中取出後,您需要從驅動器上拔下SATA資料和電源線。 只需將它們拉出即可,或者在遇到困難時使用撬棒仔細撬開它們。


Once the hard drive is completely removed, you’ll now need to transfer the locking tab portion over to the new SSD and attach it to the SSD adapter. The adapter is there is so that the 2.5″ SSD can properly fit into the 3.5″ hard drive bay in the iMac.

硬碟驅動器完全卸下後,您現在需要將鎖定卡舌部分轉移到新的SSD上,並將其連線到SSD介面卡。 有介面卡,以便2.5英寸SSD可以正確裝入iMac中的3.5英寸硬碟驅動器托架中。

You’ll also need to remove the temperature sensor and the two pins on the other side of the original hard drive and move them to the SSD adapter as well.



第三步:安裝SSD (Step Three: Install the SSD)

You’re now ready to install the SSD into your iMac. Start by connecting the SATA data and power cables to the SSD.

現在您可以將SSD安裝到iMac中了。 首先將SATA資料和電源線連線到SSD。


Next, insert the pins into their respective ports on the iMac and then drop the rest of the SSD in. Lock it in place with the locking tab, making sure that it clicks into place.


Depending how the adapter mounts your SSD, the SATA cables may not be able to reach, which means you’re stuck. However, what you can do is simply get rid of the adapter and connect just the SSD, leaving it hanging freely. There are no moving parts and even without the adapter bracket, it will still stay snug inside once the iMac is reassembled.

根據介面卡安裝SSD的方式,可能無法連線SATA電纜,這意味著您被卡住了。 但是,您可以做的就是簡單地擺脫介面卡,僅連線SSD,使其自由懸掛。 沒有活動部件,即使沒有介面卡支架,一旦重新組裝iMac,它仍然會緊貼內部。


第四步:重新組裝iMac (Step Four: Reassemble Your iMac)

Now that the SSD is in place and ready to go, it’s time to put everything back together. Luckily, reassembling itis the same astaking it apart, but in reverse.

現在,SSD已經準備就緒,可以使用了,現在該將所有內容放回原處了。 幸運的是,重新組裝它與拆開它一樣,但是相反。

Start by placing the display unit back on, making sure to rest the right edge on the iMac as you prop up the left side, since you’ll need to plug the inverter cables back in. The good news is that these inverter cables are interchangeable, so it doesn’t matter which of the two you plug into the connectors on both the top and bottom.



After you plug back in the inverter cables, you can mount the display unit back on the iMac and screw it all in. If it doesn’t sit flush, it’s likely the inverter cables getting in the way, so check to make sure they’re tucked in and out of the way.



Next, Plug the display cable back in and screw in the two T6 Torx screws.

接下來,將顯示電纜重新插入並擰緊兩個T6 Torx螺釘。


Don’t forget about the LCD temperature sensor cable as well.



Place the bezel back on and remember to reconnect the microphone cable.



When placing the bezel back on, remember that the four screws along the bottom are longer than the rest.



Now it’s time to place the front glass panel back on, but before you do this, make sure there aren’t any fingerprints or dust on the display unit oron eithersideof the glass. It’s not a huge issue if you forget to do this, since you just need to get the suction cups back out, but it’s better to do it now while it’s still torn apart.

現在該重新裝上前玻璃面板了,但是在執行此操作之前,請確保人機介面上或玻璃的兩邊沒有任何指紋或灰塵。 如果您忘記這樣做,這並不是一個大問題,因為您只需要取回吸盤,但是最好在它仍然被撕裂時立即進行操作。

With the suction cups still on the glass panel, slowly place it on the screen until the magnets take over and lock it into place.



Remove the suction cups and you’re good to go! Place the iMac back on your desk, reconnect any cables and power it up. You’ll obviously need to format and install OS X, or restore from a cloned backup. We have a thorough guide that takes you through that process, but in quick terms, you’ll make a USB boot drive of OS X using DiskMaker X and then boot up your Mac while holding down the Alt key to bring up the installer. After you install OS X, be sure to enable TRIMfor better performance.

卸下吸盤,您就可以開始了! 將iMac放回您的桌上,重新連線所有電纜並開啟電源。 顯然,您需要格式化和安裝OS X,或從克隆的備份中還原。 我們有一份詳盡的指南,可指導您完成該過程,但快速而言,您將使用DiskMaker X製作OS X的USB引導驅動器,然後在按住Alt鍵啟動安裝程式的同時引導Mac。 安裝OS X之後,請確保啟用TRIM,以獲得更好的效能。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/261016/how-to-install-an-ssd-in-an-older-2007-2009-imac/

imac 升級 ssd