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mfc 選單 office_如何帶回Office 2007中的舊選單

mfc 選單 office

mfc 選單 office

Using the new Ribbon feature in Office 2007 takes time to learn…time you don’t have because projects are stacking up. Today we will look at UBitMenu, a utility that puts the familiar Office 2003 menu into the 2007 ribbon.

使用Office 2007中的新功能區功能需要花費很多時間來學習,而您卻沒有時間,因為專案不斷堆積。 今天,我們將介紹UBitMenu,該實用程式將熟悉的Office 2003選單放入2007功能區。

When I first tried Office 2007 it took a lot of frustrating time figuring out where all of the features were located. It is laid out much differently than previous versions of office. When the “pointy-haired bosses” require deadlines to be met you don’t have time to learn where everything is. This is where UBitMenu comes in, it places the classic 2003 menu in as a new ribbon.

當我第一次嘗試Office 2007時,花了很多令人沮喪的時間來弄清所有功能的位置。 它的佈局與以前版本的Office有很大不同。 當“尖刻的老闆”要求按時完成任務時,您沒有時間瞭解一切。 這是UBitMenu出現的地方,它將經典的2003選單作為新功能區放入。


It will add the Classic Menu to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007. Not only will it allow you to easily navigate through documents, it also adds elements of 2007’s extra functionality. For example in this Excel shot you can see there is the new 2007 means to save the document.

它將在Word,Excel和PowerPoint 2007中新增“經典選單”。它不僅使您可以輕鬆瀏覽文件,還添加了2007年其他功能的元素。 例如,在此Excel快照中,您可以看到存在用於儲存文件的新的2007年方式。


The Ribbon in PowerPoint is full of new features so if you prepare a lot of presentations you should fine UBitMenu extremely beneficial.



While in the UBitMenu you can still access the Mini Formatting Toolbar which is a new feature in Office 2007. If you are annoyed by this feature check out The Geek’s article on how to disable it.

在UBitMenu中,您仍然可以訪問Mini Formatting Toolbar,這是Office 2007中的一項新功能。如果對此功能感到不滿意,請檢視Geek關於如何禁用它的文章

mini format

This tiny app is based on standard Microsoft Office add-in technology and integrates seamlessly with Office 2007 with no impact on performance. It is a free program for personal use protected by the Creative Commons License. It is a 356KB download that can be installed in just a few seconds. It is currently available in German, English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. With UBitMenu you will be able to easily complete your TPS Reports by the deadline all while getting to know Office 2007 better.

這個微型應用程式基於標準的Microsoft Office載入項技術,可與Office 2007無縫整合,而不會影響效能。 這是一個受知識共享許可保護的個人免費程式。 這是一個356KB的下載檔案,僅需幾秒鐘即可安裝。 當前提供德語,英語,西班牙語,法語和葡萄牙語。 使用UBitMenu,您將能夠在截止日期前輕鬆完成TPS報告,同時更好地瞭解Office 2007。

Download UBitMenu


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80100/how-to-bring-back-the-old-menus-in-office-2007-2/

mfc 選單 office