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亞馬遜echo中國使用_如何在Amazon Echo上收聽有聲讀物




If you enjoy reading, you likely also enjoy audiobooks, since they allow you to “read” a book while you do other things. Here’s how to listen to audiobooks on the Amazon Echo using just your voice.

如果您喜歡閱讀,那麼您也可能會喜歡有聲讀物,因為它們可以讓您在做其他事情的同時“讀”書。 這是僅使用聲音在Amazon Echo上收聽有聲讀物的方法。

Using an audiobook service called

Audible, you can play your audiobooks through your Amazon Echo and control them using your voice. You can alsolisten to your Kindle books through the Echo, if thatparticular Kindle book supports it–though it’ll be read in Alexa’s slightly more robotic voice than the real person you get on Audible.


Audible的有聲讀物服務,您可以通過Amazon Echo播放有聲讀物,並使用聲音控制它們。 您也可以通過Echo收聽Kindle圖書,如果該書支援Kindle的話,儘管Alexa的機器人聲音比您在Audible上聽到的真實人物的聲音略微強一些。

In any case, it’s really easy to set up your Audible account and use your Echo to read your audiobooks aloud. In fact, as long as you’re logged into your Amazon account on your Echo device, Audible is already ready to go (since Amazon owns Audible and the two are tightly integrated). As long as you have an Audible subscription, you can go ahead and get started listening.

無論如何,設定您的Audible帳戶並使用Echo來朗讀有聲讀物真的很容易。 實際上,只要您在Echo裝置上登入了Amazon帳戶,Audible就已經準備就緒(因為Amazon擁有Audible,並且兩者緊密整合)。 只要您有音訊訂閱,就可以繼續收聽。

註冊有聲帳戶 (Sign Up for an Audible Account)

If you don’t already have an Audible account, you can easily create one. Since Amazon owns Audible, it’s really quick and easy to sign up for the audiobook service. Start bygoing to Audible’s website and click on “Sign In” in the upper-right corner of the screen.

如果您還沒有Audible帳戶,則可以輕鬆建立一個帳戶。 由於亞馬遜擁有Audible,因此註冊有聲讀物服務確實非常快捷。 首先訪問Audible的網站,然後單擊螢幕右上角的“登入”。


Enter in your Amazon email address and password on the login screen. Click “Continue” to create or sign into your account.

在登入螢幕上輸入您的Amazon電子郵件地址和密碼。 點選“繼續”以建立或登入您的帳戶。

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If you’ve never used Audible before, you’ll get a free 30-day trial, which will get you one free audiobook.


After you sign up for Audible, your account will automatically be linked to your Amazon Echo as long as your Amazon account is linked to the device. From there, you can buy audiobooks and listen to them on the Echo.

註冊Audible之後,只要您的Amazon帳戶已連結到裝置,您的帳戶就會自動連結到您的Amazon Echo。 在這裡,您可以購買有聲讀物,並在Echo上收聽。

如何用聲音控制有聲有聲讀物 (How to ControlAudible Audiobookswith Your Voice)

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There are a handful of voice commands that you can give Alexa when it comes to listening to your audiobooks from Audible. Here are some variations you can use to begin listening to your audiobooks. Keep in mind that you will need to own or be renting the audiobook on Audible in order to listen to it.

在聽來自Audible的有聲讀物時,可以向Alexa提供一些語音命令。 您可以使用以下變體開始收聽有聲讀物。 請記住,您需要擁有或租借Audible上的有聲讀物才能收聽。

“Alexa, play the book [title].”

“ Alexa,彈[書名]。”

“Alexa, play the Audiobook [title].”

“ Alexa,播放有聲讀物[title]。”

“Alexa, play [title] from Audible.”

“ Alexa,播放Audible的[title]。”

You can also control your audiobook using your voice by pausing, rewinding, etc.


“Alexa, pause.”

“ Alexa,暫停。”

“Alexa, resume.”

“ Alexa,簡歷。”

“Alexa, go back.”(This will rewind the audiobook by one paragraph.)

“ Alexa,回去。” (這將使有聲讀物後退一段。)

“Alexa, go forward.”(This will fast forward the audiobook by one paragraph.)

“ Alexa,前進。” (這將使有聲讀物快進一段。)

Alexa even recognizes individual chapters in audiobooks, so you can tell Alexa to go to a different chapter or fast forward to the next chapter.


“Alexa, next chapter.”

“ Alexa,下一章。”

“Alexa, previous chapter.”

“ Alexa,上一章。”

“Alexa, go to chapter number (#).”

“ Alexa,轉到章號(#)。”

“Alexa, go to last chapter.”

“ Alexa,轉到最後一章。”

如何通過手機在回聲上播放有聲讀物 (How to PlayAudiobooks on the Echo from Your Phone )

If you don’t want to use your voice to tell Alexa to play an audiobook, you can use the Alexa app to find the audiobook and begin playing it through the Amazon Echo. After it begins playing, you can use the above voice commands for controlling it if you want.

如果您不想使用聲音告訴Alexa播放有聲讀物,則可以使用Alexa應用程式找到有聲讀物,然後開始通過Amazon Echo播放它。 開始播放後,可以根據需要使用上述語音命令進行控制。

To play audiobooks from your phone, begin by opening up the Alexa app and tapping on the sidebar menu button in the top-left corner.



Tap on “Music & Books”.



Scroll down and tap on “Audible”.



A list of your audiobooks that you own or rent will appear in a list.



Simply tapping on one will begin playing it. If you’re in the middle of an audiobook, it will begin playing it from where you last left off.

只需輕按一個即可開始播放。 如果您在有聲讀物的中間,它將從您上次中斷的地方開始播放。


After you’re done listening to it for now, you can go into the Audible app and finish where you left off from when you listened to it on the Echo. You’ll get a popup confirming the location you’re at in the audiobook.

暫時完成聽完之後,您可以進入Audible應用程式並完成從在Echo上聆聽它後離開的地方。 您將彈出一個彈出視窗,確認您在有聲書中的位置。


There may not be a lot of times when you’ll want to listen to an audiobook at home (I find them best for listening to in the car), but if you’re doing chores, cooking dinner, or just relaxing, listening to audiobooks through the Amazon Echo can be a great way to finally finish that book you’ve been meaning to read…err…listen to.

您可能沒有很多次想要在家聽有聲讀物(我發現它們最適合在車內聽),但是如果您正在做家務,做飯或只是放鬆身心,則可以聽通過Amazon Echo進行的有聲讀物可能是最終完成您一直想讀的書的好方法……錯誤……聽。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/253209/how-to-listen-to-audiobooks-on-the-amazon-echo/
